Chapter 3: Clara POV

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Chapter 3: Clara I woke up to the sound of voices and a loud beeping that made my head hurt. "She's your mate? The tiny human? Really?" I looked up to see a red-haired boy talking to Damon and Bobby. He was gesturing in my direction as if in disbelief. I felt my heart race at the sight of Damon. The beeping quickened and that's when the boys turned to look at me. Billy appeared out of nowhere and pushed them out of the way to get to me. "Clara, I didn't tell. I promise!" I nodded, patting his hand, "I know, kid. His actions did all the talking for us." He still looked upset, ashamed. "I was supposed to protect you," he muttered through tears. I smiled. Before I could say anything Damon came up next to him, "No worries, Bill, protecting her is my job from now on. You can count on me." Billy looked at him with trust and awe, while I stared in fear. He was nuts! I didn't know him. Why did he want to protect me so badly? "Please leave," I said, glaring at Damon. He looked at me with shocked eyes as if my request was surprising or ridiculous. I didn't know him! Aside from being grateful that he had saved me I was freaked out by his outbursts and possessiveness.  He ignored my request and turned to the others. "I need to speak to her alone." The boys nodded as if this was all normal. Billy squeezed my hand and followed only after Bobby told him to exit with him. I couldn't believe it.  Traitors! Damon turned back to me once we were alone. "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to disrespect you but there are things you and I need to discuss in private. The sooner the better," he said. I sighed. I was feeling defeated again. Why did boys keep trying to control me? Did no one see me fit to live my life and control my own body and destiny? "We are soulmates," he said. I stared at him and chuckled. What good was a soulmate for a broken person like me? What did I have to offer a soulmate? He met my chuckle with an arrogant grin and said, "I will show you." I hadn't even spoken my thoughts aloud. "What the f**k? Are you nuts?" I asked, finally finding my voice again. He sat down and reached for my hand. He was lucky I was feeling so physically weak. I thought I would have pulled away but his touch sent tingles through my skin. It was such an odd yet comforting sensation. He began to draw circles on my palm. The longer he did it the better it felt, which confused me. "How are you doing that?" I asked. He looked at me with bright green eyes and said, "Where I come from this is what we call the mate pull. The more we touch and spend time in close proximity the more your soul will bond with mine." I felt my heart and breathing settle. It was like he had cast a spell on me, soothing my body with his magical tingles. "Are you magic or something?" I asked, less angry but still very confused. He shook his head and laughed, "I'm not magic, at least we don't consider ourselves magic. We just are what we are." I nodded at him as if I understood which I didn't. As if the question was normal I said aloud, "What are you then?" He looked at me very seriously and said, "I'm a werewolf and you are the soulmate chosen for me by the moon goddess."  I stared, flabbergasted. I had no words. He had just told me he was a werewolf and I was somehow his soulmate. He cleared his throat, pulling me from my thoughts. "I know this seems fast to you but I'm holding back honestly. For wolves we are immediately attached to our mate upon meeting them. We can find our mate at any age and latch on. It isn't always immediately s****l but I'm not gonna lie, I'm attracted to you and I intend on doing whatever it takes to make sure you're attracted to me too."  I suddenly felt it, the pull he was talking about. I felt myself becoming attracted to him. My heart was pulling towards him while my logical mind was telling me this was all insane. He wanted me as his soulmate and if it meant to him what it meant to me then he needed to realize how much baggage came with being with me. "I don't think you will want me once you get to know me," I said, serious. I couldn't imagine anyone would actually want me as broken as I was. He shook his head, "Not true. I mean, I was surprised when I realized you'd already been with the mongrel but I have to accept and forgive that you being a human means you live differently than I do. No worries, I will help you assimilate to my pack and our way of life. We don't have to mate immediately either, though I'd prefer it. I'll want to mark you right away though." He smiled, "I've waited a long time for you, mate." I felt as if the wind had been knocked out of me. He thought I was trying to talk to him about my s*x life as if it was all consensual and to top it off he thought he could forgive me for my alleged fornicating? Who the hell did he think he was?! Emotions such as anger and betrayal to this mate bond flowed through me. Then depression set in. This boy like so many others just didn't get it. I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I couldn't hold back anymore. I was ready to explode at someone and Damon had opened up that door. He was in my path of destruction.
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