Chapter 8: Clara POV

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Chapter 8: Clara I found out Damon is actually in fact a wolf. Today he is taking me to his house. I was scared to go. It's one thing that I'm comfortable with his wolf and getting comfortable with him as a person. But a house full of wolves? My heart was racing the whole car ride. "Baby, try to relax. I just want you to meet my pack and get to know the people you'll be going to school with. The high school is 80 percent werewolves." That made me even more anxious. He grabbed my hand and held it over the center console. The tingles surged through me. "Baby, it's going to be okay. I promise no one will harm you." I shivered, thinking about Brent. Daddy used to tell me no one would harm me and then Brent did anyway. "How can you be so sure?" I asked, my voice strained by anxiety. He squeezed my hand and said, "Because I'm an Alpha. I'm the scariest one second to my father. No one would dare put their paws on my mate." I tried my best to believe him but I was still hesitant. I was very much attracted to Damon but a part of me was still struggling to figure out if it was real or not. A few days ago I was horrified by his words and behavior. Suddenly everything about him was attractive, intoxicating even. He talked about the mate bond as Fate. Was it really Fate or was he playing some trick on me? Did I really have no say in who I spent my life with? Did I really have no bodily autonomy? Was I just meant to accept this and not consider other options and alternatives? "We're here, Mate." I looked up from my thoughts and saw that we were pulling into the driveway of a mansion. There were several cars outside and even more people congregating by the front door. Why so many people?! I felt myself begin to hyperventilate. Why did this keep happening? Why wasn't I strong enough? Damon put the car in park and cut off the engine. He rubbed circles on my back as he said, "Babe, it's going to be okay. They are all really excited to meet you." I began to full on cry. "No." It was a mumble at first. Damon wrenched his neck so he could get close to my face. "Come on, Clara. It will be fine." I looked up, my face hot with anger. "I said no. No means no, Damon. Now take me home!" He just stared at me like human emotions were so foreign to him. He didn't respond. When he removed the keys from the ignition I slapped his face and got out of the car. The wolves at the front door started growling defensively. "Stop!" Damon yelled with his hand up at his pack members. Then he chased after me. I was halfway down the long driveway. "Clara, Mate, where are you going? Please stop!" He chased me and grabbed my arm. I felt so violated by his refusal to respect my wishes. I was certain now I was being tricked by his Moon Goddess. Why would she bring this on me? What did I ever do to deserve this much mistreatment? "Enough, Damon! I can't do this! I can't keep letting you and Brent control me!" He stared with a look of shock and then it turned to sadness. "You think I'm like Brent? I've never hurt you, not once." I felt my whole body ache with physical pain. It was like my body was taking on his emotional pain as well as my own. "I just want one person to respect my boundaries, Damon. No one seems to care what I want, what I need. This has always been about you. You drag me around, you demand I love you back because of some bond I'm not sure is real. You refuse to accept when I say no. How do I know a punch to the face is not next? How do I not know you won't force your selfishness on me the moment you get me alone?! I do not feel safe!" His eyes bulged. He looked as if he had been punched in the gut. I immediately felt guilty the moment the words left my mouth but it was too late. 
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