Chapter 7: Bobby POV

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Chapter 7: Bobby POV I don't like this. I don't like this one bit. I'm scared shitless for Clara. I like Damon and the pack. I think I even love the guy like a brother. But my cousin? She has already been through so much and now she has an Alpha hanging around trying to demand her attention. Any other guy who did that would already have a black eye. Especially after everything with Brent. I have to protect her. My thoughts got away from me when I heard a howl from within the house. I was unloading pieces of the bed off the moving truck when I ran inside. I found myself frozen. Clara was on the floor resting her head on top of Damon's wolf. Her eyes were closed and she was petting him like a cat. When I approached Damon lifted his head and growled at me. I put my hands up in surrender and said, "Damon, it's me. I just want to make sure everything is okay." Clara lifted her head from his belly and said, "Everything is fine. He is my mate. I can trust him. That's what the voice in my head is saying." She looked sleepy and laid her head down again on his fur. She looked like she was in a trance. "You have a voice in your head? What the hell? You sound crazy!" Damon growled again, this time more threatening. "Take a few steps back, Human. You're too close to my mate." The voice boomed in my head. What the hell was that?! "I am Damon's wolf. You will not disrespect my Luna." I instinctively took two steps back and said, "I get this is all wolf stuff and I'm obviously not as educated as I thought. May I please speak to human Damon?" The wolf rolled his eyes. "Fine, but I'm watching you. No one touches my mate, got it?" I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah." As if I'd hurt Clara. Suddenly my cousin lifted her head and nuzzled her face to the wolf's fur. "Do I have to?" She asked in a childish voice. I couldn't hear a response but I could tell she did. She sighed and stood up. "Promise me you'll come back?" She asked out loud. The wolf nodded and then his eyes changed from black to green. He shifted back into a naked Damon. I handed him the moving tarp that was in my hand so he wouldn't make Clara uncomfortable. "What was all that?" I asked, annoyed. He grinned, "What was what?" I glared. He was my friend but he was really getting on my nerves. "Why were you in wolf form? Why is she in a trance talking to your wolf? Why did he growl at me? Not cool!" Damon's grin fell and he pulled Clara into a hug. She did not fight him as I expected. "She didn't believe I was a wolf so I showed her. My wolf took over and they bonded. Our mate bond is finally developing which made it worse when you got close. He is not as kind as I am but he is possessive as hell." I felt my hand make a fist out of anger. "If he is so unkind how could you let him out around Clara?" Damon stared at me causally, not a single emotion. "We are mates. He won't hurt her. For her he will be a sweetheart. To you, not so much. Now that we have our mate things will change some. Sorry buddy." I felt my muscles tighten. I was getting angry. Clara was just standing there with a dumb grin on her face. I waved my hand in front of her eyes but she didn't change expression. She didn't even acknowledge me. "What is wrong with her?" I asked, agitated. "She is kind of on a contact high at the moment." I felt my eyes bulge. "Excuse me?" He laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. "When my wolf met Clara he got excited and released his scent. It can be intoxicating to human mates. It's nothing bad. She will be back to normal in a few minutes." I shouldn't have done it but I let my fist connect with his jaw. "You bastard!" Damon hit the wall. Clara stared dumbfounded. "Bobby! What did you do that for?" She asked as she scrambled to Damon's side. He didn't look hurt so much as disappointed. "Bro, you said you were going to support me no matter what. You said you wanted to be like one of the pack. Where is that loyalty now?!" I shook my head, "My loyalty is to my family first. Clara first. She may not feel the same when she gets off this ridiculous wolf high." Before anything else could be said I noticed the glazed over look in Clara's eyes was disappearing. She was coming off her high. She looked from Damon to me. "What is happening? Where is the wolf? Why are you naked?" She stood up and stepped back from Damon. "Little mate, I'm the same wolf. He and I are one in the same." She stared, confused. "I-I..." "Stop it, Damon, you're confusing her." I waved Clara over and told her to go lay down on the couch. She walked away looking confused. "What game are you playing Damon?" I asked, frustrated. He glared. "No games. She is my mate, my love. It is harder with a human mate but I will work my hardest for her affections and I will have her as my mate for the rest of my life. That is how it works. You can either accept it and we can be bros or you can fight Fate and lose both of us." I felt conflicted with myself. I knew deep down there was no fighting this. I wouldn't win. If Clara was truly destined to be mated with Damon she would one day choose him over all of us. I didn't want to lose her. She was the closest thing I had to a sister and I wasn't about to lose her like we lost my aunt and uncle. "Fine but one wrong move, Damon, one act of violence towards her and you're a dead man," I threatened. He c****d his eyebrow, lifted his arm out to me, and said, "I wouldn't expect anything less of Big Brother Bobby." I shook my head at the nickname as I pulled him to his feet. Suddenly he was very very naked. "Cover up before you scare the neighbors." He laughed and said, "Thank you. Seriously. know this is hard for you but this is Fate. We both want the same thing for Clara to be happy." I nodded. That was in fact what I wanted. I wanted my dear cousin to be happy.
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