Chapter 6: Brent POV

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Chapter 6: Brent POV Another werewolf, an alpha, was trying to move in on my woman. She was mine, not his. No one else was allowed near my property. I'd never been good at sharing and I sure as hell was not about to let anyone take what was mine. I breathed heavily, ready to break something, when I saw the For Sale sign in Clara's yard. The b***h had really done it! She moved! I couldn't get in the front door so I shattered the back glass door with my fist. I ignored the blood dripping from my arms as I stalked through the plain suburban house. It stunk of humans and outside wolves. It made my nose burn. There was furniture left behind for showings. The family photos were gone. I went upstairs looking for clues as to her new location. I went straight to her bedroom and threw the purple door open. It bounced off the wall and then hit something lying on the floor. I looked down and, oh Goddess, was I lucky. I found her journal. September 2019 Brent hit me last night. I'm sick of it. Sick of his abuse. I wish he would just disappear. December 2019 I said no and he raped me. It hurt so much. I wish I could disappear from this world. I growled angrily at the several passages that slandered me. She was my property, my chosen mate. I did what I had to do to keep her in line. January 2020 My period is late. I'm afraid I'm pregnant. My cousins from Rupterville are here this weekend so I will buy a test after they leave. God, I hope I'm not pregnant. I don't want to be stuck with him forever.  The final entry caught my attention. My mate was pregnant? A loud growl ripped through my chest. Not only had she moved out of town she had stolen my pup from me! I ran out of the house, determined to find her. The journal said Rupterville, which was about an hour away. I would track her down and drag her back here. She will birth my pup in my house and be grateful I don't kill her for running away. I mind-linked my beta George and told him to get his ass to the driveway. "I'm picking you up and we are taking a trip." "Where?" He asked via mindlink. "To get my mate back." The smell of country air was somewhat pleasant but the moment we entered their territory I could smell the mutts. We called them mountain pups. Simpletons who lived in the middle of nowhere away from civilization. It was old-school to hide from the humans. Living in plain sight was the new thing, the way of the modern wolf. I lived among the silly humans as a sort of god. They adored me. My looks, my charisma, my perfect everything. I had even chosen a perfect looking mate.  Clara was everything to me from the first time I saw her. We were high school freshmen and my pack had just relocated. I walked into the high school and saw her standing there in the hallway. She was looking at the cheerleading tryouts roster. She jumped up and down as she cried happily to the girl next to her that she had made the squad. She had the most beautiful blonde hair and hazel eyes. Her figure was perfection. I knew I had to have her. Day one I knew she would be my forever mate. I didn't need anyone else.  I snaked my way into her life and made her my mate. Humans call them girlfriends or significant others. Human terms do not begin to explain what Clara was to me. The moment I kissed her when we were 15 I had claimed her as my own. The first time I mated her I was simply claiming what was mine. Her not understanding that she should be grateful for our bond was simple human incompetence. It wasn't my fault she didn't feel the pull, the bond. I was holding off on marking her simply for the fact that it was tradition to wait till you were both 18. I see now I may have been too lenient, too patient. I should have marked her the moment I sensed her feelings changing. She used to worship me like the other humans. Then one day it was like something broke inside her. It was like she saw me differently. My wolf tells me I may have been a little too harsh on her. "Mate should want to be with us. We should not have to force mate," he whined everytime I mated Clara. I admit I could have gone easier on her, treated her kinder, but that would not have changed what was meant to be. We were meant to be.  George found a likely location on the GPS. He said it was a private estate on the far end of town that had several homes but it was surrounded by a forest. It was definitely a pack house we had found at the address. Dozens of people, wolf pups, and cars. "Jackpot," I said as we surveyed the estate. I didn't sense my mate nearby so we began to drive into town and look for her. I will get her back. She is mine. I chose her, mated her. She is my mate. Mates are forever.   
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