Season 2: No time to joke

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AQUARIUM UNDERGROUND BASE A Portal Appeared revealing Felix, Jones, Jack and Sam who emerged from it, Felix Face was filled with fear as he ignored all the greetings of His Agents and the Memories came running into his head as he Saw himself ripping out the p***s of the first thug and also slitting his throat. " Gosh! Damn! This Can't be Me... I don't know what is happening to me, What the Hell is Happening to me, Tell me " Felix Screamed out immediately he entered the resistricted Hall and the door was shut while his friends Stood still. " We all Noticed that you were already changing, We knew that something bad will Happen and We trend with caution, You provoked something in you and We need Breca to come and Explain what is going on around here " Sam said and he was sitted. " Who ever did this to me will surely pay " Felix roared and he broke Four Chairs with a strong force in him and his eyes took the shade of green which emitted green flames and Huge wings threatening to rip their way out of His back causing him to scream out. " You are the cause of your Problem Felix " An Unknown voice was heard and A Green Portal Appeared revealing Breca who emerged from it with his bike and they all Beamed at his with smiles and Breca giggled. " Felix you were Warned back then that you should not use the powers of the demons orb, you didn't listen and you used it to fight Gaap and it is affecting you....It is will darken your heart and you will surely be a pure evil being " Breca said and Felix gasped. " Though it is wise of you to have demon powers, Once you learn how to control that dark side, Then you shall be free to use both light and darkness in you, You are powerful but you don't just know it " Breca said and Felix became calm. " How Will I control this dark side? " Felix asked. " Each passing day, Your Heart darkens and You become evil, You kill everyone that opposes you and you don't care about it.. Both public and private, You will be a murderous one because Both ancient demons and deities powers are in you " Breca said and Felix sighed. " I fvcking need to control it, This powers makes me Invulnerable to dark magics and attacks and I am much more powerful with it but I need to have full control over myself, Do you have any spell to help me? " Felix asked. " Nope! I am sorry Felix but I don't have and I think the spell I used on you has calm it down for twenty four hours and I need to explain to you all what is really going on " Breca said and he gestured them into the surveillance Hall which was Filled with Monitors and he connected his phone with the Monitors. " What I am about to show you all will blow your mind but you need to understand something and that is The Main Villain who is controlling those things is Very much powerful I have one is mind but he is still my suspect " Breca said and he displayed the pictures of the dead two large horned monster with An axe and they all gasped in shock. " What the Hell is that? " Jack asked. " This monster is called the Tridome, The Very Essential Monsters with the use of The souls of Magic users, Their Lord takes souls to form them and they are Monsters made of magics and Magic is useless on them but mine walked and I am confused " Breca explained. " Breca, You said that you are suspecting someone in your mind, Why don't you share it with us so as to tackle and Trace that fool and Bastard " Jones spoke out and Breca stood with folded arms and he smiled. " There is only one Being that I am suspecting and that is Ryjack.. The Anti Being whose powers are unknown to all including the Angels except for the Creator, Ryjack was once Trapped by His Servants the sorcerers and he is said to have been freed and he is the only one that is so powerful to create those monsters " Breca told them and they were all confused. " Kindly Explain things to us Breca, We don't understand what you are saying " Felix said while sitted and the rest nodded, Breca heaved and He Tugged his hands into his pocket. " Well Ryjack is The Creator Of Magics, He brought magic into this world and he shared it to mortals and they served him but his greed led him astray and he was planning on creating a being of Magnificent and Unstoppable powers... The Anti god... He was on the project of the Anti life equation, The Instrument in controlling all life and Powers in the multiverse, He want all his Sorcerers and their magics back especially their souls " Breca explained and they were all shocked. " So you mean that This Ryjack of a guy is powerful? " Jack asked and Breca faced him. " Ryjack is more than Powerful, the Anti being who gods feared but he wasn't considered as a god because he doesn't have that godly body but he has defeated Hundreds of gods in the battle field and he stood victorious... His powers are enormous and he will be looking for them now " Breca said and Jack was confused. " What do you mean by looking for his powers? " Jack asked. " You ask too many Questions Jackson, There are things that isn't meant to be said but by time, You all shall understand what I am saying because if my assumptions are true and that means There is an Destructive on the way because he will never rest until all supernaturals are erased from existence " Breca said and he walked out of the hall. BRANDON'S MANSION Mr Clark could be seen sitting down on his Sofa while watching TV and a magazine was in his hands throughout, Derek Curry aka Mamba Walked in without fear because he knew that Mr Clark sons were not around. " You know that it will be so unwise to visit me in my own House Mamba " Mr Clark spoke out and Derek Curry aka Mamba heaved as there was nothing to hide again, His master has known that he is present. " Well Master I came to inform you that I killed a vampire in Sunvale high and different supernaturals auras I felt while staying in that school and a vampire can track another vampire so I had to kill the boy when he notice me " Mamba said and Mr Clark nodded. " I saw it on the news so it is not new, What made me to spare you is that you have your killing method which is decapitating the head and not a bullet to the skull, You have done a good job and Please keep close eyes on my sons... You can leave now " Mr Clark ordered and Derek Curry left the Mansion and he drove off in his BMW. " Seems like I will have to pay much attention to my sons school after all, Those supernaturals must die and I will be the one to eliminate them but who is this Silas Harrison that wants to buy my School.. Have heard about his wondrous riches and I must see him myself " Mr Clark said and he continued reading his magazine. THE WOODS Sky could be seen running deep into the woods as g*n shots was heard, Different cars drove into the woods with Armed men both with machine guns and Reloaded Rifles and They seems to be Gunning down all the friends of Sky and Hannabel but where the hell is Hannabel. Hannabel Appeared in front of the Cars and All the Armed Terrorists Rained bullets on her but the bullets all stopped midway and She burnt up the bullets, Hannabel clenched her fist together and three Cars broke them killing terrorists inside and they all came down from their vehicles. " You want the Light Staff, Well come get it " Hannabel said and she whooshed off, The Armed men followed from behind And before they all know it, They were totally surrounded with Supernaturals and Members of the Silver clan with their weapons. " Your end is now Bandits, We got to deal with the Phantom lord so you folks needs to die " A voice rang out and A young white haired man With white legaila Came out of the dark and they all gasped in shock. " The Father of Light! How are you alive? " One of the Armed men asked. " There are things that Mortals like you all don't understand, I was never in the battle ground against the Phantom lord one month ago, I was neither in this world and if you all think that you can trick your way out.. Then sorry is your name, Kill them " The White haired man ordered and when they were ready to strike.. Sky cut's in. " Great Master, Why don't we control them and use them for our benefits, Remember that we have the Phantom lord to deal with and we will also need Armed men, Allow Hannabel to do the job " Sky pleaded and the white haired man nodded, Sky gestured Hannabel to Charm and Spell them to do her biddings forever until death. " Rebinding velore Jusnal " Hannabel chanted and The Armed men eyes glowed reddish and they all bowed before her as robots and Hannabel Grinned in victory, She now has an Army and Her Mutation Powers seems great day by day. " What are we going to do next Sky? " Hannabel asked. " We trace The Phantom Lord sons and we kill them together, We send their heads and We bring the phantom lord out for war, We set a trap for him that he will never escape and we will finally kill him without stress " Sky said and They all scoffed. " Leave those innocent Boys alone, They don't know about their father's brutality and We are not to shed the blood of the innocent, Though I may know who the Phantom lord is but I will not mention it because there are things that Beings of Low standard will hear and there are things they don't hear.. I will say it and that's final " The White haired man said and he Varnished immediately. " All What we need now is adequate training and strategy, We will all need to outsmart the.. " Sky couldn't complete his words when a strong force blasted him away, Bugs Filled the woods as the Advanced towards the direction of Sky. " Hello Host of the spirit, It's nice meeting you and now it's time for business " A woman voice was heard, Lightning strucked the ground and a beautiful damsel Appeared with shinning attire but she was ready for war. " Hannabel the daughter of the Morning, Do not interfere or else I will be forced to eliminate you as well as he is going to die " The Woman said pointing to Sky who slowly stood up and Hannabel redrawed back and it was now The woman against sky. " Bring it on jerk! " Sky veered as the woman approached him. " With pleasure " The woman uttered and she charged against Sky who stood akimbo but what he didn't know is that she was coming with all her bugs and Sky crashed heavily as the heavy punch of the woman Landed on his chin and he spat out blood. " Host my foot! You are not even strong enough to take me down " The Woman said and she found herself choking, Sky Stood up and he blasted her away, His eyes emitted blue lightning and he blasted the woman once again. " Alot of People looked down on me and that's the reason of their deaths, If you Underestimate me... Then sorry is your name " Sky said and He Appeared behind The woman and he thrust his hand into her back and he brought out her heart and she fell down " Such a big time fool and She dared me " Sky said and he dropped the heart.
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