Season 2 : What have I done

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SUNVALE HIGH LIBRARY Sky could be seen sitting down and Reading an unknown book while students roomed around the School auditorium and Some were in the football field and basketball pitch While some were in the Cafeteria eating whatever they want. Hannabel Brought her own book and she was sitted beside Sky who was now focusing on Hannabel instead of his book, Hannabel has been his childhood friend and his best friend And they can never be separated. " Hello Sky, How are you doing today? " Hannabel asked and Sky smiled. " Hannabel is there any news from the Silver Clan, I want to know if my sister and Friends are in safe hands because this People will not rest until I am dead and you know about that very well Hannabel, You ought to have stayed with them " Sky said and Hannabel Smirked. " You know that we have been friends from since our tender age, I won't Abandon you and we all will not abandon you, The Silver Clan has been scattered as their seems to be a supernatural hunter which is so deadly and he continues to kill them all, But our friends are safe but they are hiding for now " Hannabel said and Sky dropped his book. " What Supernatural Hunter? " Sky asked. " They Call the Phantom lord, He is the destroyer of Agency and The Hunter of Supernaturals, He hunts Hunters to kill us himself, Many are planning on revenging by killing his sons but we don't know them or their identity isn't revealed but it is rumored that he has two sons " Hannabel said and Sky Gnashed his teeths. " What about Princess and Darwin? " Sky asked in anger. " Well Princess is alive But Darwin is dead, A bullet to his skull by the Phantom lord himself, He died to protect Princess and She is in hidding and We all don't know her whereabouts for now because she doesn't want to die " Hannabel said and Sky broke the table into two and everyone faced him. " Sky! You need to control your anger, People are watching And Besides you are the True Werejaguar, A breed of Both Hybrid and Magic.. You are extremely powerful so that means you can stand toe to toe with the soul called Phantom Lord even though he is very powerful " Hannabel said. " Send a message across to the hidden Warriors from the Silver Clan, I think it's time to be ready because he is going to be planning something devious that will bring us together and then he will surely destroy us immediately " Sky said in anger and Hannabel nodded. CAFETERIA Felix could be seen feasting on the Pizza before him and Jones could be seen as he was into his phone and he is instagraming and tweeting just like he always do, Jack sat down with his bowl of Cereal and Sam entered with his Bowl of fishes. " Hello Felix, Just heard from Breca.. He is telling us to trace every magic user in this City because that Monster just Killed three Sorceress without mercy and Compassion " Sam said and Felix raised his head up. " It looks like we have a Watchman, Sam access the Satellites and Program it with the Spectrum Supernatural Software to Bring up all the Magic users, It's time to figure out who is responsible for the killing of the Magic users " Felix instructed and Sam nodded. " Get Everything Ready, We launch our attacks very soon and the enemies will not know what hit them, All we just need is the Identity of the Villian and his abilities so as to knock him out just like the way we did to Gaap " Felix said. " What about the Phantom lord? " Jones asked. " The Phantom lord Hunts Supernaturals and what we need are supernaturals to lure him out and then we destroy him once and for all, It's time to be brutal " Felix said and his eyes greenishly glowed. " What is wrong with you Felix? This is Not you.. You are not this kind of Guy, You are changing " Sam said and Felix smirked. " Changes are to be made, Get everything done and don't ask me further questions " Felix said and Sam walked away in anger and he Was murmuring silently. UNKNOWN REALM A Realm Filled with Lavas around and A realm Filled with demonic Creatures Roaming about, Several Two Horned Monsters with Axes Hovered around the Dark Palace and Inside the Dark Palace.. Sculpture Lik Pillars vividly glowed and Everywhere was filled with Lavas and different Kinds of monsters. A Four pair of Glowing red eyes could be seen Entering into the Big Hall and Monsters bowed before it, The Monster with four eyes was much more bigger and His weapon was mythical enough and he bowed before a great wall. " Ryjack the Great One.. Your servant Derak Stands before you and He brings you a great message that he has completed the conquest that you send him to do " The Monster said and the wall Glowed.. Ryjack emerged out of the Wall and he was on a battle armour with a glowing red stone glued to his Armor three more spaces could be seen waiting for more stones. " Oh Derak! It is a good thing that you are back, I have been sending Many of your essence to bring souls of Magic users to be transformed into monsters that shall bow before me and I believe that they had already figured it out as One of Your essence was killed Trying to take one of their souls when the rest has completed the task giving to them " Ryjack said and his auras suppressed the atmosphere. " It's a good thing that Gaap was so stupid enough to release me from my b*****e, Though I have Little of my main Powers and I need them a from the underworld which is a destructive mission to embark on, I have Attained the Reality Gem and Three more are needed.. Derak you are going to get them for me " Ryjack Said and his Voice shook the Palace. " What Gems do my Master seek? " Derak asked and Ryjack smirked. " The Time gem! Element gem and Power gem, The Three most Destructive Gems that are much more powerful and they are essential for me to become the Anti being that I am " Ryjack smirked. " But Master! What About the Anti Life Equation.. The Key to control all life and Powers in the multiverse, The Anti God which you will create will have all powers and control including you " Derak said and Ryjack smirked. " What a little being with little Understanding, I shall have Control Over it and I am Creating The Anti god whose powers will be that of a Nigh Omnipotent and Omniscient.. Imagine that I am controlling that being.. I was about Creating the Anti god before I was betrayed by my Creation " Ryjack Veered and he approached Derak. " No Time for questions Derak! Get me The Elements gem first and then bring the rest, I need to have all Elements bowing before me and I shall be the Ultimate one " Ryjack said with pride and Derak Grinned as he stood up and he looked into the eyes of Ryjack. " But Master, Have you forgotten about The Ultimate Destroyer, He is prophesied to be resurrected and do you know that he is much more powerful than you and even Apolcalyspe is stronger " Derak said and A strong force blasted him away and the Sam strong force began to choke him and he screamed out. " Why don't you keep shut Derak, The Destroyer will not even Harm me because I am something special to him, I am Not a deity because I don't have that Divine body but my power level is as that of Apolcalyspe himself and the Ancient one " Ryjack said. " Bring all the Gems for me, I am seriously in need of them and then I will surely Create the Being of both Life and Death, The Anti Life Equation.. The Anti God! " Ryjack said with venom and he entered into the Great Wall. " Elemental Gem.. Here I come " Derak said and he transformed into a bat which flee out of the Palace And he Magically entered into another realm filled with ancestral people and he transformed into his normal Form. ???Sunvale high ??? Derek Curry (mamba) entered into the Toilet and He was following and tracing the auras of a vampire, Derek Opened the door and he saw too many Boys chatting and gisting in the toilet and He Changed his eyes color. Derek scent the auras again and this time he whooshed off with great speed and he kicked the already escaped fresher, Derek grabbed the Fresher and he punched him across his face but the fresher kicked him down with great force as his eyes glowed reddish but Derek Stood up and he raced after the Fresher. The Fresher Entered a deep corner leading to the woods behind The School And He jumped the fence and Derek did also as he continued and he had made up his mind to kill that fresher or else He will tell his Coven who is of the Hunter. Derek swiftly climbed a tree and He started jumping from trees to trees with great force and he kicked down the Already Escaping Fresher.. Derek lifted the Fresher up and he slammed him down on the floor with great fury and he bit the fresher resulting him to lay weak on the floor. " You don't really know who you are up against Vampire, Trying to fight An Original is suicidal and stupidity because I can never die and I will surely impress my Master by Showing him your head " Derek said and he decapicated the Fresher and he was satisfied. " Fools! All Supernaturals that stands up against My Master shall surely Go down, The Phantom lord rules Sunnydale and not even the Ocean lord and his team will stand against him, A time is coming that they will all be extinct and I will gladly Watch their end " Derek said with pride and He Zoomed off into the School building leaving the dead body on the floor. Yeah! That's what Hunters do, They Kill and Dispose the body that both humans and Supernaturals will see the brutality and he had just decapicated the head of a normal fresher vampire, What a pity! Hunters ways are always brutal! . . . . Felix sat down on the stairs as he seems to be in deep thought when six thugs crossed him and He was still sitted, Felix Warned them to leave him alone but they didn't listen an he was already Boiling In anger, No Jones or Jack to calm his nerves. This is his perfect chance. Felix Stood up and he kicked a thug in his scrotums and he brought out his claws, Bent low and Felix ripped out the p***s of That Thug causing him to scream out and Felix slit the throat and Two thugs charged at him and they were ready to kill Felix. Felix Eyes glowed and he Jumped up doing a front flip, Felix Punched one of the thugs and he kicked the second, Felix Deep his claws into the chest and he brought out the heart resulting the thug into falling down lifeless and Felix Unleashed a power punch the ribs of the Second thug and the ribs broke inside the body and Felix flinged him away. " I feel Powerful! This Raw taste for blood and War is perfect " Felix said as green veins spread out vividly on his body and The Two Remaining Thugs tried to escape but Felix commanded them to return and he was amazed at himself. " The Raw Evil is Cool and you Kill yourself " Felix ordered with his hands pointing at the first thug and the thug Took a g*n from his trouser and he shut himself creating Venomous sounds all around. " And as for you, Burn yourself Up " Felix ordered and The last Thug Set himself ablaze and he was to ashes And Felix smirked.. Felix Groaned In anger and The auras died down and Felix was regaining consciousness. " What have I done " Felix asked himself as he recalled everything that happened some minutes ago.
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