Chapter Five: Caleb

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Stella stormed out the house, I didn’t think she could be so mad. “f**k!” She swore angrily. “Just like back at home!” She groaned in frustration. I run out after her, she really worried me. “Oh you mean the disappearances?” She nodded. “Kidnappings…” She corrected me, since this was happening in her kingdom a lot over the past few months it must really hit home. “This has to be connected, Caleb is a somewhat a hybrid like all the other victims, maybe one of the most powerful so... how? If they got to him there’s no telling what they’re capable of.” She walked back into the house. I walked in after her. “What are you doing?” I asked as my eyes followed her. She turned and looked at me. “Taking anything that can help me.” She answered simply. “Help you unlink us?” I scratched the top of my itchy head with my index finger. She shook her head. “That I can’t do, but I can get to the bottom of this.” She sighed. “I should just reject you now that we’re out of easy options, but that would weaken me. I need to be at full strength if I’m gonna solve this case and bring back Caleb, Rin and the rest of my subjects.” Rin? I wonder who that could be. “I’m in.”  Stella looked at me like I was kidding then turned back to what she was previously doing. “That’s cute.” I was taken back from what she said and my hands started slightly shaking from anxiety. “I’m serious.” I took a breath to calm my nerves. Stella kept taking stuff, her bag had a lot of magical items, bottomless space. “You’d slow me down.” She said in a low cold tone. It was like she was a completely different person then how everyone thought she was.  I got into a fighting stance getting ready to prove to here I could be of help. “try me.” I challenged. Stella smirked which was insanely attractive, she ran at me and I flipped her, throwing her against the wall. My eyes widened, I rushed to her and got down on a knee. “I’m so sorry I didn’t think-“ I was cut off by her tripping me, she got into a fighting stance and I got up. She threw a few punches and I kept blocking, I threw one leaving my face undefended and she blocked the punch instead punching me in the face and kicking me in the gut. I fell down and coughed. She tried to kick my face in but I grabbed her leg and flipped her on the side. She launched herself on me and I threw her off. She got up, grabbed a sword from a stand and threw one to me. We began sword fighting, soon she tripped me pointed her sword at me. I rolled over as she kept trying to stab me and I kept rolling. She got the sword stuck in the floorboard. I did a summer salt to the stand she got the sword from, I put the sword back and grabbed the bow and arrow. I got to the stairs for high ground and shot a arrow into her arm. “Aah!” She pulled out her sword and stopped the arrows with her sword, she ran to the stairs and jumped over them but fell on my butt. She jumped over and was on top of me with her sword to my throat.  We both started panting and then began laughing. “Fine you can help.” And for a moment we just smiled at each other, she just became so much more attractive to me. She got off me and put the sword away she took the arrow out of her arm. “aah!” She groaned. I wasn’t surprised I was able to keep up with her, royals are taught a lot of different forms of fighting from a young age. She was holding back though, she could have easily ended the fight. She wanted to see what I could do, I mean she's the most skilled non magical fighter among the royals. “ I got you.” I walked to a first aid kit. I sat her down and started to treat her wound.  “First skilled in hand to hand, then a decent sword fighter, great with a bow and arrow and now a medic too?” I smiled at her. “And here I assumed flirting was off limits.” I stared at her mouth not wanting anything more than to kiss her right then. She looked away slowly. “It is Astrid.” I finished applying bandages to the wound on her arm once the bleeding stopped. “My apologies… what’s the plan.?” I know I'm not supposed to but I felt myself growing close to her, I cared about her so much and don't want to have to lose her. She got up. “We need to look around here for clues then ask around the city about if they’ve seen anything suspicious. Hopefully we can grab a lead here I don’t want to have to go back home before getting us unlinked.”  I nodded. “I understand, hey it’s getting late, are we gonna get a hotel?” Stella shook her head. “I know Caleb well, we’ll stay over here and look for clues in the morning. I’ll sleep on the couch, you can sleep in his bed.” She grabbed my pajamas out her bag and handed them to me. “Okay…” I took my pajamas and walked into his room and closed the door. I looked around for awhile. He had so many different mystical artifacts and magical items. I took off my clothes and walked into his bathroom. I started to shower as I thought about everything that had recently happened. Why should my sexuality have to matter? Why can’t same s*x mates be accepted among royals? I got out the shower nearly tripping. I dried off quickly and got dressed. I brushed my teeth and left the bathroom. I walked to his bed slowly getting in, as I lied there as I quickly fell asleep. Maybe not being able to get Caleb to unlink us yet wasn’t going to be the worst thing ever.
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