Chapter Six: Scene of the crime

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I got up early and got dressed, once Stella woke up we started looking around his room for clues. “Stella there’s goo on this stuff.” Stella walked over to me where I was talking about this purple goo on his dresser trailing to the floor but easy to miss. “Sometimes magic takes a physical form, he really did put up a fight.” “But what if this isn't his magic what if it was the attackers?” I walked to his poisons station and grabbed a veil. “Let’s take some.” Stella raised an eyebrow. “Good thinking, no wonder you’re my mate.” I blushed and just started collecting the goo but then decided to say something. “You shouldn't say stuff like that.” She continued to look around not responding to what I said, I think she realized how it made me feel. Once all the gloo was in lie vial I put it in Stella’s bag. I noticed his phone on the stand. “Stella his phone, do you think there's anything useful on it?”  Stella crawled on the floor looking under his bed, when she heard me she got up. “Hm yah if we can get past the pass code into it.” She grabbed the phone from me and put it in her bag. When looked around more but there were no more clues. I took my phone out and turned it on, there were a lot of messages and missed calls from my parents. I ignored them and started taking pictures of the room so we can review it later. I walked out of his room, Stella’s scent was driving me crazy, it was hard to be around her. I was thinking about dropping all this, going back home forgetting any of this ever happened at all. All of this was insane. What am I doing still around her? Stella’s P.O.V Ugh she doesn’t want to be around me, of course she doesn’t, she has the right not too. I am the one forcing us to be unlinked, it’s just better for her this way. I’ve noticed the hurt in her eyes and it pains me, I mean I’m hurt too but I’ve been preparing for this s**t. She’s the one having it worse.  I walked out and to Astrid. “Come on, first well try to get his phone open, there's this girl is been sleeping with, she should know his password,” Astrid refused to look at me as usual which hurt but I shouldn’t focus on that right now. We have people to bring back. “Okay…” She said and her voice drove me nuts but I just shook it off. I started walking and she followed, we were walking on the sidewalk next to a brick road. Caleb just shouldn’t have gotten captured, he’s extraordinary, gifted, something just doesn’t seem right. I turned right and knocked on the door. An elf answered, she was around 17, short of course 4’9, probably over weight for her height maybe 130. She had long brown hair reaching to her ass and a night gown on. She was adorable and kinda sexy at the same time, Caleb always had good taste in women.  “Do I know you? Wait You’re that royal who hangs around Caleb huh?” She grabbed a cigarette out the box in her hand and started smoking .  “I am. Have you heard anything from him?” She shrugged. “Not since the last time we hooked up a few days ago, he was supposed to swing by last night.” I showed her his phone. “What’s his code?” She scoffed. “I’m not telling you.” “Ah it’ll be really awkward when Caleb is hauled away for f*****g a minor by the magic council, he could always plead you magically seduced him.” I smirked  She just laughed. “I like you.” She put out her cigarette “We only sleep together, were not exclusive unfortunately so I have no idea what it is sorry.” I put the phone away. “Thanks anyway.” She closed the door and I turned to Astrid who seemed shocked at my actions. I which I’m not surprised, I put on a big "act" for the press which isn’t uncommon. She looked away as soon as she could.  “Let’s go, one more stop.” I walked for ten minutes till I was at another house knocking on the door. Another elf answered, Caleb sure had a thing for elves. “You’re Caleb’s ex right?” This elf was 5’3” around 125 pounds with her green hair in a high bun. “Yep but who’s asking?” I got out his phone. “Stella, his best friend.” I showed his phone to her. “He’s missing, do you know his code?” “If he hasn’t changed it, we haven’t been together in a while so I can’t promise anything.” She grabbed his phone and put in the code. “I hope you don’t find the ass.” She handed me the phone and shut the door in my face. “Someone’s moody.”  “Did it work?” Astrid asked. I nodded to her question . And started looking through his phone, I saw the elf put the code in so I know what it is now. I went through recent messages. “This is interesting he got a message from someone but their number isn’t here, they were going back and forth. They threatened him or more like they were black mailing him.” Astrid looked over my shoulder and started reading the messages. “Can you do it or not?-Unknown”  “I don’t practice dark magic it’s forbidden.- Caleb”  “Since when did you care about the law? If I wanted I could get the entire magic counsel on your ass for several offenses Caleb let’s not play this game.- Unknown”  She looked at me. “There must have been earlier messages that were detailed. This is a lead isn’t it?” “Definitely. Come on.” I started walking down streets till we got back to downtown Spell. I walked straight into Roy’s shop. “Roy I have news.” Roy was napping behind the check out desk, he woke up startled from me barging in. “We don’t open for another two hours! How m- oh it’s just you Stella, and your friend back so soon?” “Yes it’s urgent.” I told him everything we knew and showed him the text messages. “Wow looks like Caleb got himself into something intense. He was a good mage too, a shame, I see all my employees like grandchildren.”  I raised an eyebrow. “So you don’t think this was from a client?” “Of course not, not a client thru my company, no one recently came in talking about hiring that includes dark magic.” He laid his head back on the desk. “I don’t think you should get wrapped up in that kind of thing, whoever took him could be dangerous or it could have just been the magic counsel.” It just didn't feel like it was an arrest, it had to be a k********g. “I’ll consider it.” I lied I wasn’t going to stop. “Thanks for your help, see you soon.” Roy lifted his head. “Wait, hey Stella’s mate-“ I froze and turned to him giving him the coldest look. “Don’t address her as that.” I just had a feelings someone was watching. “This stays between us, this can’t get out Roy I’m trusting you. Her name is Astrid.” “My apologies and you have my word, Astrid dear come here please.”  I watched carefully as Astrid walked to him. “Yes?”  “You come from a long line of royalty don’t you? Dragon royalty and elvish royalty?” Astrid smiled proudly. “I do, my grand father nine generations back was an elvish prince and dragon/elf hybrid and his wife  my grandmother nine generations back was also a dragon shifter/human.”  Roy nodded “which some people don’t consider a dragon shifter and human hybrid a hybrid since dragon shifters have a human form they’re still far from human. Two hybrids usually equals a prodigy, someone beyond powerful it’s rare and when it happens they don’t always obtain all the powers of the species they are but a rare few have.” Astrid nodded. “Their grandchild was one of the few, she was a mage/dragon/elf/human only one in existence. Everyone else down the line are dragon shifters so after eight generations I don’t consider myself anything but a dragon shifter I don’t have any qualities of anything else.” Roy chuckled. “That’s where your wrong.” He grabbed a potted pant and put it in front of her. “Put your hands in the soil.” Astrid did as he asked and he instructed her further, she felt the soil between her fingers, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then Roy said “Think flower.” And that’s what she did all of the sending flower started sprouting from the soil. Astrid opened her eyes and they flowed white. She squeezed them closed then opened the again and they were normal. “Oh my god no way.” Roy chuckled and took the plotted plant. “Usually you’re right someone eight generations of one species wouldn’t have much magical capability but you come from an extraordinary line of magic users.” He handed her his card. “If you want to learn, give me a call.” Astrid was glowing with excitement and it was the cutest thing ever. I was happy for her. “Come on let’s go. Thanks Roy.” I said with a wave. And we left.
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