Chapter 32-2

1124 Words

“Says the man who pretty much sleeps on my lumpy sofa and never leaves my side.” If she were being honest, she was grateful for his constant company. He was quiet, rarely bothered her and didn’t push her to do things she didn’t want to. For one of her husband’s thugs, he was turning out to be decent. “The sofa is a treat compared to some places I’ve slept,” he gave a half-smile. “Talking about your past lovers again?” Savannah tossed as she stepped out of the bathroom wearing her scrubs. “You look like hell,” Nuncio commented to her and if Mackenna was to guess, he sounded damn happy at her friend’s appearance. “Rough night?” Savannah grinned widely, “no, had a great night. Drank so much I puked in the cab on the way home. Didn’t pay for a drink either.” The inuendo wasn’t lost on him

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