Chapter 13-2

1219 Words

“No, Doctor Kirkland has a rabid beast she rescued from the streets and it’s evil and mean and demented so keep your eyes on him if he comes into the room. He scratched me once and I had to have three shots in the posterior just to deal with the infection.” The beast had the nerve to sit and lick his paw as if he were proud of his actions. “Romeo, you’re lucky I love your mother, or you’d be a rug.” She moved into the kitchen and knew the cat was following her for its dinner. She opened the refrigerator and tossed a can on the counter. Grabbing a spoon, she scooped out a glob of the meat-like substance from the tin can and dumped it in the dish. She smiled wickedly at Alessandro. “My only consolation is he truly hates this food but he’s on a special diet and it gives me pleasure to feed h

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