Chapter 3: Pure Black Wolf

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I yawn as I put away my phone and decide that it's probably time for me to go to sleep. I glance at the time real quick. 11:52 pm. It's not too late being that tomorrow is Saturday so I can sleep in. As long as I'm up before Clarise, I can do whatever I want. I wouldn't say that Clarise is a bad foster mom. Hell. She's the best one I've had in my life. But she expects a lot of me since I'm 17 and almost ready to be kicked out to live on my own. Her rule is that as long as I'm under 18 and she still gets a check from the state, I can live there if I do chores and help out around the house. Those chores of course include looking after her two biological children if she ever wants to do something. But I don't mind. It's better than the first 13 foster homes I grew up in. I barely closed my eyes before I drifted off to sleep. I'm standing on a beach that I quickly recognize. It's Carolina Beach, the beach that Aubrey's family visits every summer and always welcomes me to come along to. Some of my favorite memories are on this beach. Either swimming in the ocean or laying on the sand trying to get tan while my best friend and I talk about all the boys in our class. Only today, something is different. I look around and see that there isn't any one else on the beach except for me. Normally the beach is crawling with people and it's hard to find a place to sit. 'Something's not right.' I think as I continue to look around. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye, I see movement. I whip my head around to see who else is on the beach. Standing not 10 feet from me is a black wolf. The wolf's fur isn't just black. It's pure black. It's so black I feel like I could fall through it if I were to touch it. As soon as I thought about touching his fur, the wolf was in front of me like he was waiting for me to do so. With him now being so close, I got a better look at him. He was taller than my height with his back coming to my chest. His fur wasn't completely black like I thought it was. Right where his neck met his back, there was a small swirl of silver. Impossible to see unless if you were right up close and personal with him. I hesitantly started to put my hands forward to feel the warmth of his body against my skin. Somehow I knew he wouldn't hurt me. I was drawn to him in a way that I had never felt before. He had a sort of power emulating from him that made me wanna bow my head. I almost didn't feel worthy to be standing in his presence. I took a deep breath and continued to try to reach for him. Right before my hands could touch him though, he let out this low warning growl. I jerked my hands back as I stumbled backwards a few steps, suddenly afraid. All of my courage left me in the second he turned and looked at me with anger in his eyes. No. He wasn't looking at me. He was looking behind me. His growling became louder and more threatening. I was about to turn around and see what was behind me when I felt something grab my shoulders. I screamed and jerked back and forth but there was no release from what was holding on to me. I looked towards the wolf for help and he was lunging like he was about to pounce. Suddenly, he did pounce. Right at me. "Clara! Stop!" I was still screaming and trying to be released from what held me. I opened my eyes as I realized that I recognized the voice that was talking to me. It was Clarise. I blinked hard and looked around. I was in my room, not on a beach. Clarise let go of me as she realized I was awake and not thrashing around anymore. "Jesus, Clara. I thought I told you not to wake me up anymore with your screaming. You told me you had this under control." Clarise stood and crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm sorry. I thought I had." I kept my head down, ashamed. "Go back to bed. I'll get up with Jen and Madi." "You bet your ass you will. I have plenty of things to do today and I need my sleep. Figure out how to stop your nightmares or I'm done." Clarise walked out of my room and left the door wide open. 'It wasn't a nightmare though...' I think back to the dream. It was one of the best ones I had in a while. I felt safe. At home. Loved. It only turned to complete s**t when Clarise entered into it. Welcome to my life. I quietly got up and shut my door most of the way. I hate it when adults leave my door wide open. Have they never heard of privacy? I lay back down into my bed and stare at my ceiling. I couldn't stop thinking about my dream. I've never seen that wolf before and yet somehow I felt like I've known him my whole life. Like I could trust him with anything and he would always be there for me. I rub my hands across my face. 'What the hell is going on?'
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