Chapter 1

2388 Words
"Riley Willow Maverick!" I heard my mother scream from the house as I ran through the woods. I smiled to myself as I reached my hidden fort and slid inside. I heard rustling outside along with a low growl and I knew my mom had found me. Her large black wolf head peered into my shelter and she growled at me angrily.  "She started it!" I yelled.  "Riley out here now." I heard my dad say from behind my mom's wolf body. I listened and climbed out of my shelter to find my dad looking down at me with his arms crossed and an angry expression on his face. My dad didn't get angry often, so when he did I knew how badly I messed up. "I am so disappointed in you Riley." His tone wasn't angry, but defeated, I wanted to cry. I shook my head and folded my arms over my chest. "Go home, and go to your room."  I huffed at them and did as I was told, I ran up to my room and slammed the door without speaking to any of my siblings, it's not like they wanted me around anyway. I locked the door and began tearing apart my room in a fit of rage. Everything was always my fault, no one ever asked what provoked me to knock my sisters teeth out. I had enough, once the sun went down and there was no sound in the house I jumped out my window and headed into the woods. I walked to the small pond that was near the western border of the pack, a good 7 miles from home, and I sat at the edge throwing small pebbles into the depths of the inky black water.  The moon quivered on the surface of the pond as the wind pushed the water into small waves. I gave up on the rocks and sat on the ground, I pulled my knees to my chest and looked up at the sky. I was looking for an answer, hoping to find the reason to why my parents didn't understand me, why they always chose my other siblings, why they took their sides. A small hiccup escaped me and tears began running down my cheeks.  I heard rustling behind me, but I didn't care to turn around to see they angry faces of my parents, or the disappointed looks of any other pack member who had been called out to look for me again. This happened all the time, one of my siblings would say or do something to provoke me and I would respond violently. I would be scolded by my parents and take off in the middle of the night looking for some peace. That day it was my oldest sister Esarie, she was going on and on about meeting her wolf for the first time and how she was full lycan. I asked her to stop seeing as it was all she was doing for the past few years and she told me I was just jealous because my wolf wouldn't want to be stuck with a temperamental brat like me. For that I punched her in the mouth knocking five teeth out of their places. The worst part was that my older brother Blake agreed with her, and so did Paxton, Indigo, Hadley and Talia. I was one born of five, making me a quintuplet. I was the oldest followed by Paxton, then Indigo, Hadley and Talia.  I felt a presence behind me, but I didn't care to look up at who it was. A sigh slid from their mouth as the figure approached and sat down beside me. "Riley." I sniffed and wiped my nose, pretending my uncle Raider wasn't there. He was my parents Beta and one of their closest friends, I was expecting another lecture on running away, but he just sat beside me silently. I finally looked away from the sky and back to the pond, I rested my chin on my knees and watched the moon sway.  More rustling came from behind us, but I didn't care enough to turn and see who decided to join my pity party. Footsteps sounded from behind me as the next person came up to my other side and sat down. I could tell by the smell that it was my dad. I huffed and wiped away more tears that had fallen before standing up and trying to walk away.  "Riley." His stern voice said from behind me. This time I turned to look at him, his brown eyes were narrowed slightly in annoyance.  "I want to be alone." I huffed before turning and running as fast as I could into the bushes. I knew both my dad and uncle would follow me, so I tried to be un predictable weaving and sprinting through the dense trees. I was so focused on trying to out run two full grown male werewolves, I forgot about the barbed wire fence that Mister Louis had for his cows. I tried to stop but ended up catching the left side of my face on a barb. I cried out as I held my bleeding face. I took a few steps back and began crying, the cut stung really bad as bacteria from my hand filled the would. I heard my dad and uncle behind me as they finally caught up.  "Riley!" I looked at my dad while I sobbed, blood ran into my mouth and I threw up from the taste. I was lifted off the ground and carried away. I kept my hands over the wound until we got to the pack doctor's house. She sat me down and pried my hand away and cleaned up the cut. I hissed as she put some cleaning stuff in it to get rid of all the bad germs. I heard my dad take in a sharp breath as he saw the wound. His hand found my hair and he began brushing his fingers through it calming himself and me down. "How bad is it?" I heard my dad ask.  "Well I wouldn't be surprised if there is a scar, the wound is pretty deep." She smiled at me while she closed the wound with skin glue and covered it with gauze and tape. "Your eye looks fine and unharmed though so no vision issues." I let out a breath of relief and looked down at my blood soaked hands. The doctor left the room to grab some papers, my dad wrapped me up in a hug that was really comforting. After I realized I was done panicking I remembered I was still mad and pulled myself away. "Riley." He complained.  I began crying again and he sighed, crying was something I rarely did. He tried hugging me again and I pushed him away..again. "Go away." I pouted.  "Talk to me." He said lightly, I looked at him and shook my head.  "I don't want to talk to you." I hiccuped and his face filled with confusion. "I want to go live with Pappa Flint."  "Ri.." He sighed. "He listens to me, you and mom never do." His face fell and he ran a hand over it.  "What about your siblings? How would they feel if you left?" He asked sadly, I chuckled darkly and he tilted his head.  "I'm sure they would be happy to be rid of the "temperamental" sibling." I sniffed, forcing my boogers back up into my nose. Before my dad could say anything the doctor came in along with my mom who looked crazed. Her hair was all out of place and her eyes were wide in search of something. She let out a tense breath and began walking over to me, stopping when I backed away. She looked over at my dad who sighed and mind-linked her.  "Well you guys are free to leave, that wound should be healed in a couple of days." The doc said. I brushed past my mother and walked out to the waiting room where all my siblings were standing. I looked away from all of them and stormed out the door, it slammed behind me, not that I cared, making a loud bang just as a roll of thunder boomed in the sky. A flash of lightning struck the ground a few miles away creating a buzz sound in the air. Another crack of thunder boomed as the door to the doctors house opened again. Out of nowhere the sky opened up and rain began pouring down on our small town in buckets. I sighed and climbed into the passenger seat of one of our families cars, my mom slid into the drivers seat and my brother Blake slid into the back along with my sister Talia. My mom turned to me and I looked out the window, I heard her sigh as she started the engine.  "How does your eye feel Riley?" Talia asked, I huffed in response and kept staring out the window at the dark woods, rain poured down the window making it look like it was crying. Once we got to the house I slipped out of the car and went to my bedroom closing the door and locking it behind me, once again. I pulled off my wet clothes and put on my pajamas. I cleaned my mess from earlier and went to bed without talking to anyone in the house, I ignored the rumbling of my empty stomach and I cried myself to sleep.  ......Blake POV..... I knw it was wrong, but I laughed, just like the rest of our siblings. Riley had a knack for being aggressive, she had hit me more times than I could count. Most of the time, she left red marks or small bruises, she never left one of us bleeding though. Out of all seven of us, she and Esarie were the ones who went head to head the most. All of us are Alpha born, so we all but heads, but Riley and Esarie are the most stubborn and Alpha-like.  I think we could all say Esarie was getting on our nerves with the talk of her wolf. I mean I had shifted into my wolf after she did and I didn't brag nearly half as much. However all of us knew how well Esarie took to complaints, she often would say something rude or tell a fib to our parents to get us into trouble, but she had never gone as far as she did that day. When Riley asked her to stop bragging about her shift I could feel the tension in the room rise steadily as my older sister glared at my younger one.  Seeing as she was the first born Esarie really like being boss, growing up I always listened to her, so did the quints, until Papa Flint told Riley stories about Alpha's and how they took care of their packs. Riley, being the first born of the quints was also born a natural leader and began challenging Esarie too often for her liking.  "You're just jealous because your wolf wont want to be stuck with a temperamental brat like you." Esarie had said. The rest of us laughed, I could only see her back, but the way she had tensed was funny. Until her fist flew right into Esarie's mouth. I gasped when I saw blood begin to pour from her mouth. Riley looked back at all of us with pain and rage, then she took off running as Esarie screamed bloody murder. Our mom came down and looked at Esarie before growling out Riley's full name. She took off after my sister and I looked at the rest of the quints who had gone pale.  (She went too far.) My wolf Cairo said with a growl.  'I know' I whimpered back. I heard it when Riley came back and slammed her bedroom door, our parents walked into the house and checked on Esarie who was still crying. We were sitting down at the dinner table when my dad sighed and stood up.  "Raider said he found Riley out by the pond." He sighed before heading out the door. I looked at the four quints who were just pushing their food around. None of us were all that hungry knowing how pissed off we made our sister. Our mom looked at all of our still full plates and sighed.  "She'll be fine guys, Riley didn't do too much damage." She said completely misunderstanding. We all just nodded and pushed our food around some more. After a few more minutes I got up and left the table, cleaning my plate into the garbage. I went into the living room and sat on the couch silently, Paxton joined me soon after, he looked so ashamed of himself.  "I don't even know why I laughed, I knew Esarie went too far." He said sadly as he wrapped his arms around himself.  "Neither do I." I said lightly.  After an hour my mom came flying down the stairs calling us all to the car saying that Riley had gotten herself hurt. We all ran to the SUV and climbed in, Esarie was in the front seat scowling while the rest of us sat in the back clinging to one another. Walking into the doctor's house was odd seeing as it was dark and around 7:30 at night. A few minutes later Riley walked past us with white gauze on the left side of her face, her left eye was covered but I could see all the hurt in just her right eye. She walked past us without a word and the door slammed behind her. I got in the smaller car with Riley, Talia and Mom, the ride was tense as Riley ignored all of us and stared out the window.  The car barely stopped before she got out and went into the house without a word to anyone. Usually she would have made some sort of remark. Our dad told us all to go to the living room, which we did, once we were all sitting down he ran his hand through his blonde hair and sighed.  "What the hell happened?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest. 
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