Chapter 18 - Oops

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Chapter 18 Oops "What the hell is going on here?!" Someone yelled, and I immediately jumped away from Nick. It didn't work so well because of how he was holding me, so I ended up just falling on the ground while he toppled over on top of me. "Oh, hey, Hayden," I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion when my words slurred together. How drunk was I? Well, drunk enough not to care that Nick was still kissing my neck even after we had fallen. "Dude, get off of her!" Hayden roared, picking up his friend by the collar of his shirt and yanking him off up me. I didn't bother to get up. I just stared at the stars that were shining in the sky, laughing as they spun around. "How much did she drink?!" "I don't know," Nick said, surprising my when his words didn't slur. He had just as much to drink as I did. "Not many." "Then why is she slurring like she's been drinking all night?!" Hayden asked, just about ready to punch Nick in the face. I could tell by how red his face was getting. "I don't know this girl, Nick, I can't take her home completely smashed." "Dude, don't worry, she'll be fine!" "What's going on?!" I screeched, wincing when my voice cracked. My throat was suddenly very dry. I tried to get up from the ground, but everything spun. With a huff, I gave up and plopped back down to the freezing snow. "I've had it with you, Nick!" Hayden yelled, shoving his friend. Nick banged into the wooden fence that separated us from the horses, hissing in pain. "Come on, Bree." "Whoa," I gasped as Hayden yanked me to my feet. I almost toppled over but was able to regain my balance before I face planted on the ground. "Where are we going?!" All I wanted to do was lay back down on the snow, it was surprisingly comfortable. "We're taking you home," The guy dragging me insisted. We pushed our way past people in the yard, all of them still sipping drinks. That didn't help my thirst. Without thinking I grabbed the first glass I saw and drowned the whole thing in one gulp. It burned all the way down, making me shiver. "Thanks," I chirped, ignoring the shouts of protests. "Bree!" Hayden exclaimed, shooting me a disapproving look. "No more alcohol, I'm already taking you home wasted. What am I supposed to do when you pass out in my truck?" I clicked my tongue at him. Party pooper. Before I knew what was happening he shoved me in the passenger side of his black pick up truck and slammed the door in my face. I frowned and pulled my knees up to my chest. Hayden got in the driver's seat with a sigh, pressing his head to the steering wheel. I watched him closely, raising an eyebrow. "I shouldn't even be driving," He finally muttered. "I've had my fair share of drinks tonight." I laughed at his expression, scooting into the middle seat so that my leg was pressed against his. "We don't have to leave," I whispered seductively, wrapping my arms around his neck. Hayden's eyes widened as he gulped, making his Adam's apple bob up and down. "Bree...." I ignored his warning and gently pressed my lips to his jaw. Something inside of me was yelling to stop, but something else was yelling even louder to keep going. Slowly, I placed my hand on his chest and let it trail down to his crotch, sucking his earlobe into my mouth. Let this be a lesson to you. Don't drink, especially if there are people there that you don't know. Ladies, never accept a drink that isn't sealed. I was totally out of it and not thinking correctly. "Bree..." He said again as I pressed another gentle kiss on his neck. I smiled against his skin when his voice came out breathless and husky. The smirk on my face grew as I felt his pants expanding. "Hayden..." I whispered playfully, swinging a leg over his lap and moving my body so I straddled him. His eyes were shining as he stared at me, unmoving. I thrust my hips forward so that I ground up against him, making him close his eyes and lean his head back. He didn't stop me, either, when I slowly kissed his lips. What was I doing?! I had met this guy a few hours before! But I didn't stop. After a second, he kissed me back, wrapping his arms around my waist so he could pull me closer. Our kiss seemed to move in slow motion. I stuck my tongue in his mouth, and it seemed to turn on a switch. He squeezed my waist tighter, moving me to that I was laying down across the seats of his car with him on top of me. I smiled against his lips, wrapping my legs around his waist. Stop, My brain told me, but I told it to get a life. This was my decision, and I wasn't going to back down. In one swift motion, I pulled his shirt off of his head and immediately went for the hem of his jeans. Wordlessly he unzipped them, grabbing my shirt to pull it off. He kissed me again, biting at my lip so hard I tasted blood. I pushed on his shoulders, getting enough space between us to where I could slide off my pants. He sat up, and I took off my undergarments. He took me in, eyes darkening as he looked me up and down. The world spun in front of me and I had the urge to vomit, but I straddled him once again, letting him take over. I made a face at first because of the pain, but that quickly vanished when I relaxed and let go. I could feel myself bumping up and down and heard grunts coming from Hayden, but those things only came in-between moments of darkness. I gripped his hair, moaning as he sucked on my collar bone. A breathy, deep moan came from Hayden as I moved my hips with his. I threw my head back, digging my nails into his shoulders. And then without warning, he pulled away roughly. He shoved me so hard that I landed in the opposite seat, pulling my legs to my chest. I frowned as he looked down at me in horror. "I am so sorry," He said breathlessly, running a hand over his mouth. My heart almost stopped. Why was he apologizing? Was I not good? "I wasn't thinking. I don't even...Shit. I shouldn't have taken advantage of you like that." "I.." I didn't have anything to say. He thought he was taking advantage of me? "It's okay, I wanted to." Wordlessly he started pulling his pants back on. I scrambled to find my shirt, suddenly mortified. I was mentally yelling at myself. Why was I so stupid?! He didn't like it. My first time having s*x and I totally sucked at it. He hadn't even finished! "Where do you live?" Hayden asked, breaking the awkward silence that had fallen between us. I gave him my grandmothers address quietly, running a hand through my tangled hair. Honestly, I wasn't even worried about how much crap I would get when I got home. All I could think about was why I wasn't good enough for this guy. When we pulled up to my grandma's house, the only light that was on was in the living room. From the faint glow, I suspected it was a lamp. "Can you get up there by yourself?" Hayden asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded, opening the passenger door. "Hey," he stopped me, "I'm sorry again." Without a word I turned around, pushing myself out of the car and up the icy walkway. I didn't want him to see the tears in my eyes. I pushed the door open roughly, surprised to see Mackenzie sprawled out on the couch. She was sound asleep, hugging a pillow to her chest. "Hey, Kenz!" I said loudly, causing her to jump awake. For a second, her eyes landed on me without emotion, before they widened in shock. She jumped towards me, pressing a hand over my mouth. "Shhh," She hissed, closing the still open door behind me. "I told your parents you were hanging with Anthony." At the mention of his name my heart panged, but I just nodded. She started pushing me up the stairs, and somehow I managed to get up them. Every few steps my head would spin and I almost fell on the white carpet. "Are you drunk?!" She whispered, practically throwing me on the bed. I mumbled something incoherent, taking off my heavy jacket. I was suddenly getting really hot. "You are, aren't you?!" "And not a virgin anymore," I giggled, grabbing a hair tie from the side of the bed. With difficulty, I got my hair up while my friend gaped at me. "Close your mouth, you look like a dead fish." "You had s*x?!" She finally hissed at me, jumping on the bed. I started fanning myself, overcome with heat. Why was I getting so hot? "Not exactly," I whispered back, "I mean I did, but I apparently sucked at the guy stopped me before we could finish." "Wait," She insisted, her eyes becoming the size of tennis balls, "You had s*x with a guy you don't know?!" "So?" I giggled, "It hurt a little but then it just kind of felt...Good, I think." "Who even are you right now?!" Mackenzie breathed, "I just assumed that Anthony had come after all when you disappeared so you guys went to talk." I shook my head, frowning. "No, I met Hayden and he took me to a party." Suddenly, I didn't feel so good. My stomach clenched and churned. Oh great. I ran to the bathroom just in time to puke my guts out in the toilet. Mackenzie sighed as she held my hair back, rubbing my neck soothingly. "I sure am glad Christmas is almost over," She muttered. "Then we can go home and you can go back to normal."
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