Chapter 4

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Her eyes glued to the man who killed her brother in front of her eyes. Her breath hitched for a moment, while dreading it was her time to say goodbye to the world.  “Yeah, he was here for you, Aashi.” Her delicate mind informed her which he wasn't even imagining in his mind.  That day she screamed before everyone that he killed her brother. Actually she didn't even know where she got the courage, maybe she was not alone in that time or the pain of her brother's death made her do so, whatever she had done that time it was purely impulsive. But right now, the entire situation was different and the worst part, she was alone.  Adham began to get some type of interest in the amber eyes which he had seen before somewhere else. But he couldn't be sure whether it's the same person who erased his pain with her innocent smile.  His eyes examined her features closely and compared to the four years old girl who happened to be Ahmed's sister.  He stepped forward to touch her but it's suddenly stopped by the horns of other vehicles. He instantly came out of his trance. He looked around, they're standing in the middle of the road.  The annoying sounds of horns stopped when they realized the man was standing in the road. The other passengers frightfully sat on their own vehicles.  Ashrah noted how the atmosphere changed into a silence. She knew that standing here just like to see her death face to face. Therefore, she must run away from this devil.  Just as she was about to turn he asked,  “What is your name?” “Aah...?” He wanted to make sure this girl was the same girl from four years old. Even though he had seen her twice, he didn't get a chance to make it clear. In fact, he didn't even remember someone like her had been living there.  “Are you Ahmed's own sister?” He asked to confirm.  She didn't know why he did want to do an interview before going to kill her. “Does it matter now?” She couldn't help but think such stupid question herself.  She briefly nodded her head.  “Words.” He snapped.  “Yeah, I am his sister.” She said hastily. Why did everyone want to scare her?  His curiosity was killing him. She was Ahmed's sister. That meant she was the same girl.  “What is your name?” He stepped closer to her.  “I have to go.” She stumbled.  Meanwhile, Aezaj was watching them. He didn't know what got Adham to talk with her as if he had some interest in her. Ashrah seemed like she would cry anytime, if he continued to ask while Adham had a face of excitement like something he got.  “Look, bhai, what she is carrying with her. A condom.” Aezaj didn't know why he needed to tell him? But he felt it was the best way to stop their drama.  Adham's eyes shot down to the packet and widened with a tint of anger and disgust.  “Perhaps her father sent her away for anytime service.” Aezaj added.  “No, my father didn't send me anywhere. This is my brother's, I have stolen it to show my friend.” She said innocently without being aware of what she was even talking about. Illiterate and ignorance towards the world made her a dumb before them.  Adham's eyes stuck on her with a disgust. How could she come stoop so low like her family? No, she couldn't be like them, or she wasn't your Aashi. His mind reminded him.  “WHAT'S YOUR NAME?” He yelled as he lost his temper.  “A-Ashrah,” She said startlingly. “Ashrah...” He said her name in a low voice. His eyes twinkle under the sun when he got back his Aashi. For a moment, he had forgotten she was the sister of Ahmed, and he had also forgotten she belonged to the Shad family.  Both Ashrah and Aezaj stared at him confusedly. What happened to him? A few minutes ago he was angry but now he seemed happy. What did make him change with a name?  Ashrah wanted to run away from there, but she was too afraid to move from there. What if he shoots her when she tries to run? So she stayed there as numb. Adham's happiness immediately changed into a rage when the realization of her identity kicked his subconscious mind.  He grasped her by her arm and threw her aside. She fell onto the road with a scream. Her elbow hit on the hard concrete road. He didn't even care that she got hurt by him.  “Bhai, what are you-” Adham cut him off.  “Get inside.”  Adham got inside the car without even spare a glance at the girl who was crying in the road. On the other hand Aezaj was shocked. He had never seen Adham hurt a woman. That wasn't in his history. But here, without any provoke he harmed her.  “Aezaj.” Adham roared.  Aezaj threw the packet at her and got inside. As he had gotten inside, Adham drove away the car. A gasp escaped from her mouth as she stood up. She looked around, everyone had a weird look. She walked away without taking the packet as she decided to return to her home.  Aezaj could feel the heat of rage that was radiating off from Adham. He turned to the angry man, “Bhai, what was that? Why did you push her onto the road? What if something happened to her?” “I f*****g don't care if anything happened to her.” Adham seethed as his veins popped out of him.  “What happened to you? You were never harming a woman, but what changes now?” Aezaj wanted to know the exact reason behind his unexpected behavior. So he kept asked him, “If she gets hurt, I won't feel bad because she is not different either,” He noticed the changes in Adham's face while he was talking, “Her brother was a number one manwhore, and she holds the title of the prostitu--” Adham stopped the car with a jerk.  “Why did you stop here?” Aezaj asked.  “Get out.” Adham said calmly.  “What?” Adham slid out of the car and opened the other side of the door and pulled him outside.  “Bhai, what are you doing? Why are you throwing me out?” Aezaj yelled not getting the idea of what he had done wrong to be punished like this.  “Get home safe.” Adham patted his shoulder and got inside.  “Bhai...” Aezaj looked at the car as he sped away in the road.  He had been with him for twelve years. Never did anything like this happen. Why did he get angry about her matter? Did she make any mistakes? Maybe because she was the daughter of Amir Shad. He concluded but yet it's not convincing.  *** Adham directly drove to home. All he needed to be alone somewhere without any disturbance. But this time it was a wrong choice as his mother came to spoil his calmness. “Adham.” Zariyah sat beside him, “Why did you come alone? Where is he?” She inquired about Aezaj.  “Hasn't he come yet?” Adham asked.  “No, he hasn't come.” She looked at the sullen face of her son, “What happened? Did you guys have a fight?”  “Why are you always pissing me off? Do you have nothing to do here?” Adham sneered. He just wanted to sit alone but his mother was irritating him.  She always expected to hear such shouting from him. So it didn't matter now. She could read from his face that he was not well. “You are furious about something. Definitely it's nothing to do with Aezaj. Because you won't ever fight with him.” “Please leave me alone?” Adham implored. He didn't want to hurt her. But why couldn't she understand he needed some space alone to get over the shock?  Today he got his little Aashi back after a long fifteen years. But he couldn't be happy like he did because she was his enemy's daughter. He loathed her family. He could never forget what they had done to them. So she was also in that list. Zariyah concluded that there's something serious behind his broken mind. She touched his cheek, “What happened beta? I have seen you like this after a longtime. What's the matter?”  He looked at his mother. He could still see the terrible days of scars from her wrinkled face. She suffered a lot.  He turned his face and stared at the yellow colored flowers. Aashi liked yellow colored flowers. His old memories cooed at his ears. He closed his eyes; the young innocent yet beautiful face of Aashi flashed in his eyes.  “Fuck.” He cursed inwardly.  She took his hand in her, he didn't resist her. That's a surprise. She smiled, “Won't you tell me, what is bothering you?”  “I have nothing to say.” He simply denied.  She knew that this way wouldn't help either. So she wanted to make him feel better, “You know what, I am always saying thanks to Allah for giving you as my son.” He looked at her as she continued, “I don't know, will I be alive without you? No, I won't. Because you were the reason I am still living. Or I was dead by then.” “Why are you talking about it now?” He didn't want to remember those days.  “Because you have to realize how much your mother loves you. You are the only one I have, Adham. So obviously I have all rights to take care of my son.” He remained silent. He knew that she wasn't lying. She really cared about him as he did.  “I know something is really bothering you. What is that?” She asked.  “I saw her.” Finally, he said that.  She raised her eyebrow, “Who?” He kept silent again, thinking if he wanted to share it with her or not.  “Tell me, who did you see?”  “Aashi.” He whispered.  “Aashi? Who's she?” She asked not getting who he was mentioning.  “She is--” Just as he began to explain it, Aezaj came there.  “Here you are!”  “Aezaj, how did you come beta?” Zariyah stood up and walked over to him.  “At least you care about me unlike others.” He hugged her dearly while throwing a glance at Adham.  “We all care about you.” She smiled.  Aezaj looked down at his brother who hadn't been guilty for dumping him in the middle of the road.  “Khala jaan, did you ask your son for what reason he had thrown me out of the car?” He asked.  “We are talking about it.” She said.  “Oh! What did he say?” Aezaj asked.  Adham decided to go inside as he knew that he couldn't get any peace by sitting here anymore.  “Hey, where are you going?” Aezaj called out from behind. “Give me a good reason for why you threw me out?” Neither Adham stopped, nor he said anything as he continued to walk. “Have you seen any girl on the way?” Zariyah asked.  “Yeah, we have seen a girl.” Aezaj assured. “Actually she is not a girl, precisely she is a bitch.” Adham stopped right beside the door as he was about to get inside.  “Aezaj,” he called out. “Mind your language when you say anything about her.” It's a clear warning.  Both Aezaj and Zariyah stared at the retreating figure of Adham as he got inside. They were amused by his fair warning. Why did he want to warn Aezaj for somebody? That's really strange. But Zariyah could perceive one thing, her son had something for the girl whose name was Aashi. 
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