11. Traitor

1696 Words
We have been taken away from our fairly new hideout like animals going to the butcher. All tied up and gagged in the back of a truck. With no possibility to talk to one another or to escape. Even if we had an opportunity to escape, humans from our group would never outrun even the slowest amongst wolves, and I couldn't leave them behind and so did my friends. I actually felt relieved for once that my Mom was not here. I can't imagine what Ink, Abi and Ruby would have to go through when that Young Lieutenant will start to torture their flesh and blood. It's absolutely terrifying. But not as much as a thought of what is this Man doing to Ruby. I can't believe he forced himself on her like this. Pops said that this kind of bite never heals and it allows any wolf who places it to easily find his bride. Lieutenant basically made sure that Ruby wouldn't escape. I can't shake the picture of her going limp in his arms. So fragile, so vulnerable. And as far as I know those monsters I know it's just a beginning for her. Maybe I will be able to bargain with them. They were after me, so if I give them something worth it they might actually let my family live. We were driving for hours non stop. My fear and worries grew every minute of this dragging journey. I tried unsuccessfully to contact the beast inside, but that damn collar didn't allow my wolf for so much as even bring my claws. The noose I had around my hand was also too complicated for me to break free. I had nothing I could use as a weapon, so I guess my first Moon will be the one who ends me. I started preparing myself mentally for the worst. There is no chance I could get away from all this mess unharmed. And to be honest that's quite alright, as long as my family stays safe. I always knew my job was a dangerous one. That it may end tragic. But never in my dreams did I suspect something like this would happen. The van suddenly stopped and a group of soldiers all dressed up in black started taking us all out, one by one leaving me for last. When it was my turn, I was escorted by a strong looking guy with light brown hair. He looked really strong, not Lieutenant strong but from my experience I knew he was one of those who received the bows more often than he did them himself. "Where are you taking me?! What have you done with Ruby?!" - I demanded answers from Mister Big Shot when he took my gag away. He looked at me confused, like he didn't expect me to say a word but to my surprise he answered. "Ruby? Is that the Luna's name?" - I didn't confirm his suspicions, but my silence must've been all that he needed - "Don't worry, she's resting in her suite." "And where are you taking me?" - I repeated my original question. "To the dungeons. You will wait there until the Lieutenant is ready to deal with you." "Why not kill me now? Why are you dragging this?" - I kept asking. "That's not my call, Moray. Or maybe you have some other name I should address you by?" I opened my mouth to say something else, but decided against it. He led me through the dark corridors when we finally reached the line of cells. He stopped in front of one and gestured with his thumb for me to enter. There was no point in fighting, with a silver collar around my neck I wouldn't be able to put up a decent fight anyway. He entered the cell after me and stood behind my back, sending an unpleasant feeling of being trapped to my very spine. But when he reached for my hands and untied me I was really surprised. I turned to face the man and rubbed my wrists. "Collar must stay on, but try not to move it too much. Food will be sent here in a while." - after saying that he closed my cell and left me alone and dumbfounded. I was not expecting to be treated this civil. What the hell is going on here? It's probably some kind of trap, I shouldn't put my guard down. God only knows what they are planning to do with me. The cell was small with just a cot, small sink and a mirror which didn't want to break no matter how hard I punched it. Tap provided me with fresh water that tasted better than any I've ever drank before and my cot. That was definitely softer than my own bed back in the bunker. How come conditions in my prison were better than in my home. That was so confusing. Just like that Mister Big Shot said I was given food, and even though I was slightly afraid they would poison me, I suspected that if and when they decide to end my life it will be much more painful than just a poison in my food. Besides, my stomach rumbled so loudly that I couldn't think about anything else than the smell of a stew spreading in my cell. I spent more than a day there. They brought me three more meals and I must say I wasn't that well fed in my life. Yup, they treat me like a pig waiting to be slaughtered. Making me calm and fat. After that time the man from before and two female warriors came for me and took me to the showers. I was sceptical at first, not willing to undress in front of all those strangers, but when the man left us alone I felt slightly less embarrassed. They helped me to set up the water, and it was refreshing. I never in my life had a warm shower. Our previous location didn't have efficient plumbing, so we mostly got cleaned outdoors. Lakes, rivers or in the best case scenario bucket with heated water. But this was a new experience. Hot, clean rain washing perfectly all of my body at once, and I didn't have to worry that I would run out of water or it would get cold. Even two women watching me didn't bother me that much. When I was done they handed me a clean set of clothes, black sweatpants and tank top. They even gave me underwear. What were they playing in? When we were out of the bathroom Mister Big Shot joined us once again and they led me through the much more illuminated corridors of something that looked like a big House, and when I say big I mean the one that could easily accommodate at least a few dozens. They brought me to the big room with only a table in the middle and chairs around it. Inside around the table were already seated Pops, Dennis, Abi and Ink. Each with the guard behind their backs and silver collars on their necks. I wanted to run to Ink and check for any injuries but I was stopped by the Guy who came with me. He forced me to sit in a chair opposite from Pops. My mentor looked thorn and devastated. He was doing his best to not meet my eyes, and I didn't know why. I need his guidance now more than ever, cause if I'm about to fight those damn wolves his knowledge would be something I could use now. I averted my eyes towards Ink and he was already smiling at me. "Ink, are you alright? Did they hurt you?" - I asked. "Just put me to sleep. I'm fine, Mo. But where's Rub…" "No talking." - interrupted him my personal guard. I looked at the rest of my family and Abi was obviously curious, I haven't noticed any traces of fear in her. But Dennis remained calm, with his face expressionless. After a few more minutes of sitting in complete silence doors to the room opened and in came Young Lieutenant leading Ruby by her hand. She hasn't looked like her usual self. Starting with her clothes, which I assumed were forced on her, cause I never saw her wearing a dress before. Her long red hair was shining and properly brushed. But the most out of character was her behavior. She kept looking down avoiding my gaze, like she was ashamed. But why? We all knew she was forced to be here the same as the rest of us. Lieutenant sat at the head of the table with Ruby on his lap. He put one hand on her back tracing circles with his fingers and the other on her knee. That Motherfucker! "What a lovely family reunion." - Young Lieutenant started with a warm smile, but I knew better than to fall for this soft demeanor. "What have you done with her?" - I asked, narrowing my eyes and pointing to Ruby, who for just a split second glanced at me. "Wow, questions already. I was hoping for a proper introduction first, but as you wish… I haven't done anything to my beautiful Gem, I could never. She's a Lady of my Home and Heart." - he said, rubbing her knee like she was some tamed kitten. "Bulshit! It's not her!" - I shouted. He didn't look in any way taken aback by my outburst, especially when he smirked in response. "I haven't done anything she didn't want me to." - he said looking me straight in the eyes. I couldn't take this, I jumped up from my seat, taking my guard by surprise, and lunged at him. If I'm going down, I'm taking my first Moon with me. I was just one step from him when Ruby got off his lap quickly and stood in front of that Man blocking my path. She looked at me with hatred, bared her canines and growled at me. I can't believe it! My Sister betrayed me.
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