Chapter One

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Cemil's POV (CJ)   I woke up to someone shaking me and I opened my eyes to find my mother looking down at me. He motioned for me to get up signaling I do that in silence so that I would not wake up my little brother Roman. I walked silently in the bathroom to relieve myself and brushed my teeth too. When I was done, my mother and I went downstairs towards the dining room.   "Why did you wake me up this early, ma?" I asked him and when we entered the dining room, I saw my older brother, DJ, and my sister, Amber was already here.   "It's a family meeting son." He answered and then went to sit beside my father, his husband. I find a sit and sat myself down.   "Okay children! Let's get this meeting rolling."   I rolled my eyes at the cheerful announcement. He was always dramatic unless if he was in serious alpha mode. My dad was an alpha and his mate was a human and together they had a total of four children. The fourth is Charles but he was currently not home; he was running a family business in the human world.   "By any chance, this is not Roman's birthday planning meeting, right?" DJ asked and Ma shot him a look that had him shutting up and swallowing any oncoming questions.   "Well, yes; this meeting is about Roman." Ma said.   Roman was the son of Alpha King Elijah and his mate Kacper. He had an older brother, EJ, but not from the same mother; they were half-brothers. Roman was born a premature baby due to an incident that his mother faced. There were a lot of things that disturbed his normal growth and that made his growing up a little difficult. He was turning 17 years old but he was just like a 13 year old child.   "His mate came to see me yesterday and proposed that I let him take Roman." Father explained and I frowned.   Roman was one of the lucky omegas that were paired with Alphas. An alpha found his mate at the age of ten and so Roman had been mated for almost 7 years now. Due to his growth problems, his parents feared that their son wouldn’t be able to handle the mate bond since his alpha mate lived far from their pack. That’s when it was arranged that Roman should live with us since our pack was close to his mate’s pack. His mate was supposed to come for him when he turned 18 not 17.   "Why does he want to take him this early?" Amber spoke up.   "He's not even 18 years old yet!" DJ added.   "Yes I do know that he's not 18 but there is a valid reason why he wants to take him." Father paused and I knew he loved to hold off information just to have us on edge. Ma elbowed him and he cleared his throat as we waited for him to continue. "There has been killings and kidnappings of omegas in the packs around. He-"   "What? Killing omegas?" DJ cut off our father, standing up and Ma gave him the look again and he slowly sat down.   "Yes, killing and it's not just any omegas though, it's about omegas that have the gift of healing." Father explained more.   "Roman is a healer." I murmured, understanding the reason and the whole room got silent for some minutes. The news was sinking in our heads just of how in danger Roman, our little brother, was in.   "So his mate wants to take him away from us? Dad, we can protect Roman just fine, right?" Amber said in a shaky voice and I held her hand in mine since I was sitting next to her. I gave her hand a gentle squeeze and she squeezed back.   "I know we can protect him but his mate is worried. I too think it's best for Kenneth to take Roman with him. No one can keep him safe more than him." Ma said.   "But ma, I'm worried." I voiced out my thoughts. "You know how immature Roman is and we were aiming for 18 because we hoped that he might have to shift in his wolf form by then. They said there is a possibility that he will be normal after his first shift."   "What are you insinuating son?"   "Dad, what if Kenneth fails to take care of Roman’s current situation? The kid needs constant caring and Kenneth is an alpha; an Alpha King. Will he find time to look after his mate with all the responsibilities?" I asked.   "Yes I will." A voice that was familiar answered.   I looked at the door where the voice came from and Kenneth made his way into the room. He was with another man that I've never seen before since when he came here to see Roman, which was on his birthdays like today, he came alone with his guards and this one seemed to be no guard.   My father and mother greeted him and welcomed him to join us. My siblings and I said our greetings and after all that was done, he introduced the strange man as his soon to be beta, Dean.   "So you're saying you will manage to look after Roman?" I asked Kenneth, ignoring my mother's words as he linked me not to be rude. I wasn't being rude; I was looking out for my best friend and brother.   "Yes, I will manage to make time for my mate."   "If you wanted to make time, what were you doing all these years that has passed? You only came to see him once a year, just on his birthday!" I asked angrily and my parents gave me a warning look.   I was being disrespectful right now since Kenneth is an alpha king but I really didn't care. So what if he was a king? That doesn't mean I shouldn't look out for my friend and brother. Roman came first before my respect to Kenneth.   "I know that I only came on his birthdays but that doesn't mean that I will not look after him. He's my mate and I'm sure we will work out our own way." Kenneth said with way too much confidence and smirked at me. I heard the elevator moving which meant Roman was up and coming down here.   "Is it just me or does Kenneth sound like he has no idea today is Roman's birthday?" Amber linked me and DJ.   "Now that you've mentioned it, I think so too." DJ agreed with Amber and I thought the same too.   I smirked and dad raised a brow at me in question. He knew me too well to know I was planning something and I was definitely planning something. Roman was the sweetest person I’ve ever met and I knew the kid always stopped and eavesdrop before entering a room. I looked at my siblings and Amber squeezed my hand while DJ winked at us. We were all on the same page and we waited for Roman to be in a hearing space and began our plan.   "You came early today, Kenneth." DJ started; we wanted to be sure if Kenneth had really forgotten about the birthday and we both waited for his reply.   "Yeah, I just came to take him home with me, like I explained, it’s urgent." I internally cheered when I heard the mate slip up and he fell in our trap.   "You came here just to take him with you?" I asked, feigning ignorance.   "Yes just that. Is there supposed to be something else?" Kenneth frowned and my parents sighed finally catching on to our plan.   The door opened and Roman shyly walked in. I felt bad that his mate forgot his birthday because Roman had planned a lot of things to do with his mate. He greeted us all and we did the same to him. He shyly looked at Kenneth and whispered a hello.   "Hey, Roman," Kenneth replied to his mate with a smile. I knew that Roman was expecting something more than that lame greeting his mate gave him and when Kenneth said nothing more, Roman's face fell in disappointment.   "He really forgot my baby's birthday." Ma linked us and we three chorused a 'yeah'.   "Damn!" Father said then cleared his throat awkwardly. "Um, baby, Kenneth came to take you to his home. There is some issues going on-"   "I start pack things." Roman said cutting off father's explanation. He ran out of the dining room and back to the elevator to take him up to our bedroom. Roman was forbidden to take the stairs because he can be reckless sometimes and father feared he might injure himself. I also bath him most times or sometimes mother do it. He either has soap enter his eyes or slips in the bathroom so we help him bath to avoid those incidents.   "I didn't expect him to understand that fast. He's even gone to start packing." Kenneth chuckled and we both sighed in pity. He looked questioningly at us and Amber glared at him.   "You have no idea, do you?" She asked and Kenneth shook his head.   "Have you been checking the calendar lately?" DJ asked and he again shook his head.   "Today is Roman's 17th birthday and he knows his mate comes on his birthday to celebrate with him but this time, said mate has no idea it's even his birthday." I explained to the ignorant mate and he slumped in his sit.   "Oh s**t, I really didn't know. It completely slipped my mind that-"   "Yeah right," I scoffed at his words. "Yet you say you will make time for him. You can't even remember his birthday and then will you remember to protect him?" I snapped and both father and Kenneth growled at me.   Father stood up in rage and growled at me; "In my office, now!"   I stood up, left the dining room and followed him to his office. He stood by the office door and motioned me to take a seat. I waited for him to sit too before working out an apology for my rudeness in the dining room.   "Your mother and I have decided that it's better if we send you to Charles."   "What? Why?" I asked.   "We’ve mentioned about the k********g to you and we don’t think the werewolf world is safe anymore. You are an omega and you are not mated yet so there isn’t a mate for extra protection. I will be busy making sure everyone in the pack is safe but your mother insisted we send you to your brother.”   I sighed. Today wasn’t a good day and even if I wanted to decline, I knew this was already planned. They were just telling me about it as if I had a choice when I had none. If Roman was leaving then why wouldn’t I? It would be boring without Roman since I wasn’t close with any omega in the pack. Omegas my age were already mated and yet there I was still living off my parents. Perhaps this temporally stay with my brother would do me good.   "Since you already decided, I will go to big brother." I replied.   "Actually, you will live with Liam and his husband Alex. Charles's will currently be looking for a bigger apartment than what he is living in." Dad said and I nodded.   Liam was my mother's best friend when he was living in the human world. They remained good friends even when Ma moved to mate with dad.   "You will leave tomorrow morning." Dad said and I nodded again. Dad looked at me and sighed. "What's wrong, son?"   "Nothing,"   "Okay, look at it this way. You don’t know what the goddess planned for you and you might be surprised of what comes your way. Look at me for example, I didn’t know a human would be my mate but things turned out that way. Don’t lose hope my dear, there’s still time." He said shrugging.   "Who said anything about losing hope?" I asked.   "Just saying, anyway enjoy this day with Roman and please be nice to Kenneth. You should not worry about packing; your mother will pack both of your things."   "Thanks dad." I said and walked out of the office. I found Kenneth pacing in the living room looking mad and his beta Dean was just watching him with an amused smile. I watched him pace and when I got tired of it, I approached him.   "What's wrong, Kenneth?" I asked the dumbest question I’ve ever asked because I knew this had to do with Roman. Kenneth just looked at me briefly but didn't answer my question.   "Um, his mate is with an alpha." Dean replied and both Kenneth and I growled. I knew who he was with when he said alpha and I didn't like it at all.   "Do you know him?" Kenneth asked.   "Yes I do. Roman says he is his friend and if you try to separate them he gets mad. Countless times I've told him to not talk to the guy but he doesn't listen to me."   "Aargh! I don't know what to do. He shouted at me to leave and the fucker smiled at me. I was so close to smashing his smug face with my fist." Kenneth groaned and sat down on the couch.   "And Roman will be mad at you, trust me, you don't want that." I told him matter of fact and he scoffed. "I know of a way to help you get rid of him. I might be mad at you for forgetting my brother's birthday but I hate Alpha Troy more, so I will help." I suggested and he looked at me like I had just promised to give him the last piece of pizza which is something I’d never do. The last piece is the most delicious.   I went upstairs and got my camera while I planned to punish the forgetful alpha and get rid of Roman's friend, alpha Troy. I’d kill two birds with one stone. I explained the solution to Kenneth’s problem and he was immediately against it. I acted nonchalant, like it wasn’t my business whether Troy stayed or not. It didn’t take long as Kenneth got determined to do whatever it took for Roman to look at him again.   I smirked as I knew my day was about to get better. It might have started on a sore note but I was positive it was going to get better. I had Kenneth to entertain me as I knew Roman would make him pay greatly for forgetting his birthday. All he had to do was play with our dear Roman.         ---------------------------------------- A/N:             “This is for conversation made in mind link”
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