Chapter 29

1887 Words
“Hey Crys, you going to the school’s after party later?” Elena one of her classmates asked as they were exiting the stadium. Students all around them were still cheering and shouting because of the victory. Their team had managed to win the basketball championship that day and everyone was so hyped up because of it. “No I can’t…” she tries to say but was cut off by Denise another classmate. “Oh come on, this is our last year together, can’t you at least have a bit of fun,” the woman pouts, making a sad face. “Yeah, you should loosen up a bit once in a while, it’s not good for your mental health always studying and stuff, sooner or later your going to drain yourself,” Kathy raised a finger at her as if giving her a lecture about it. “That’s so true,” Elena butted in at the conversation as she too wanted Crystal to come. She ended up laughing as some of her other classmates were now surrounding her, this was the same group of people that she had before in her old past, so she was already comfortable with them. “Besides, there’s bound to be a lot of people there, that includes the varsity teams!” A jumping Kathy squealed from excitement followed by the other two girls. “Yeah, I heard Larse and Clyde’s going to be there,” Elena then said, eyes glinting at the mention of the two young men. She ended up quiet at the mention of the two, specially Clyde. As expected Larse had already become the school’s heartthrob, though she was thankful that he didn’t turn out into the scandalous womanizer like last time. While she felt a bit worried about Clyde, though she was still feeling very disappointed with him after hearing his confession last time. “Aren’t you acquainted with them, maybe you can introduce us.” Kathy grabbed her arm tightly, biting her lower lip as she gave her a pleading look. “Yes Crys, please!” Elena joined in and cornered her. “I haven’t seen those two since they changed classes,” she tries to tell them off. It’s been months since she last had a chance to actually had a proper conversation with the two. And it’s also been that long since they had separated into different classes since the two had taken a different summer class than hers. “C’mon Crys, can’t you help some classmates out,” Denise had one of her hands on her waist as she kept fanning the other one. Letting out a sigh, she decides to just go along with them, seeing as there was really nothing bad with having a little fun and hanging around with her school friends. “I’ll have to get permission from my parents first,” she just says, wanting to make sure that her mom and dad wouldn’t worry if she comes homes late. The girls screamed for joy, not wasting another minute to pull her to the nearest phone booth to call. She just let herself get carried away, laughing all the while. The school ground was filled with music, lights and crowded with a lot of people. It was like one big party as there was a part were there was a disc jockey, playing loud dance music, while on another side there was a band serenading the masses of people. “Oh my gosh, can you believe this, the school managed to invite them!” Kathy screamed as they were barely hearing each other from all the noise around them. “C’mon Crys, let’s go up front, I want to get closer,” Elena tugged on her shirt, pointing at the band that was currently playing on stage. “”All right, just a minute,” she giggled, trying to make her friend slow down as there were a lot of people around them. “Watch it!” a woman shriek when they accidentally bump into another group. “Oh sorry,” Elena immediately lowered her head in apology since she was the one pulling everyone to hurry up. They were about to move when the said group suddenly decided to block their way. Crystal let out a deep breath seeing who it was that they had managed to get into trouble with. Smiling as she fiddled with her necklace, Dana looks at their group from head to toe. “Look who’s here, didn’t think you’d actually show up to a party and she brought the nerdy bunch,” she sneers turning to the other girls that was with her. “Crys, you know them?” Kathy whispers at her, glaring at the other group. “C’mon, let’s go to the front, I thought you wanted to see the band up close,” she disregard them and starts pushing her friend towards the stage. “Oh, okay,” Elena just nodded. Crystal was sure that it would spell trouble for them if she lets her friend’s stay here a bit longer. Seeing the hostility of the other group. “What, you too good to even talk to me now? After you managed to snag Larse!” Dana jeers, fist clench and staring at her with fire in her eyes. The woman seemed bent on causing trouble at that moment as once again she blocked their path. Crystal quickly moves upfront, carefully pushing her friend aside so that she could face Dana. Elena and Denise stayed behind her as they were getting intimidated, while Kathy on the other hand remained beside her, seemingly ready for a fight. “What are you talking about?” She crossed her arms raising her head as she stared straight into the woman’s eyes. “Oh please, you suddenly think you’re so much better than me, after you’ve manage to make him dump me!” Dana hisses. “And when did this happened exactly? Since I don’t remember you ever being single for quite sometime,” she smirks, knowing very well when it happened. “Don’t play smart with me, you know when!” she growls pointing a finger at her. They were already getting a lot of attention from other people around them as Dana’s voice was really loud and sounded really angry. She looks around grinning at the people who were starting to whisper and gossip with one another. “Then tell me, tell everyone here when did that happen, since everyone knows you we’re Clyde’s girlfriend for the past few years!” she sneered at her. That made the talks and murmurs even more around them, accompanied with some laughs while looking at Dana’s group. It’s no secret that the woman and Clyde had been together, as the young man was also quite popular in school for being such a great boyfriend, on the other hand though there’s only a certain few who knows of the woman’s true colors. That somehow left Dana’s mouth gaping suddenly lost for words upon seeing the attention they were getting, along with some looks of disgust and amusement. She took that as a sign of her victory as the woman was now shaking, fist clenched while glaring at her. “Let’s go,” she call to her friend, not waiting for a rebut from the other group. Having been holding back her anger these past few years she even intentionally bump into girl, before giving a mocking look from head to toe. “My god Crys, you were so cool!” Elena squealed in amazement as they had managed to walk out of there triumphant and unharmed. She just let out a deep breath, feeling that weight off her chest as she was actually fearing for the worst. Luckily as she remembered that the woman didn’t have the courage to actually fight head on. “Crys, you I never thought that you could be such a bad ass!” Denise added clapping her hands as she now walked beside her. “Well, those cheerleading bitches had it coming, did you see how they looked at us! It was like they were degrading us then and there!” Kathy hissed, hitting her fist in her palm in anger. “I’m sorry guys, I didn’t mean to cause trouble,” Elena bowed her head to them, sheepishly looking at Crystal in shame as it all started with her. Feeling bad for her classmate she waves her off. “Don’t worry about it, she was probably looking for it.” she assures her, smirking as she fully knew the reason for Dana’s sudden outburst. “Yeah! That’s probably true, seeing as how she talked and looked at you,” Kathy was still furious, clenching her fist in the air as if grabbing unto something. “Is it true what she said about Larse?” Denise asked, eyes round with curiosity. “That’s probably a lie! Right Crys,” Kathy turns to her, now a bit calmer because of the sudden thought. She could not help but let out a wide grin. “If you dig into it, you might find out that woman’s true nature,” she states. Though she knew it wasn’t right to gossip like that, saying the things that she knows and letting other people know what kind of woman Dana was, made her feel a bit better. “If you think about it, weren’t she and Clyde together from the very start?” Elena rubbed her chin as she started thinking about it. “Yeah, and I never heard that the two of them ever broke up,” Denise added. It was quite well known in their campus that the two were like a super couple, Clyde being the basketball team, while Dana was in the cheerleading squad. “Then when?” Kathy frowned quite puzzled with what they heard. “I only met Larse during our first year, remember. So you can figure it out,” she winks at them. That last piece of clue made the three girls gasp, eyes almost popping out as they each had this surprise look on their faces. “You mean,” Denise could not help but hold on to her mouth. “Oh my gosh!” Elena could not help but screech. “That two faced b***h, I knew she was hiding something behind that fake angelic face of hers,” Kathy gritted her teeth at the thought. Though she felt a little bad as this was going to effect Clyde’s reputation, she didn’t care that much now as she was still infuriated with the man’s clueless demeanor towards the woman.
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