Chapter 12

2621 Words
“Hey!”a cheerful Larse said before tapping Crystal shoulders. The man was already standing in front of her and had that warm sunny look on his face as he greeted her, showing that undeniable good looks and charming smile of his. Caught by surprise as if struck by some unforeseen blast, she was only able to nod at him. Slightly stopping from packing her things. It took Crystal a while for her to compose herself as she reminded herself that the said man was quite notorious for that approach. And any girl who was unlucky enough to get trapped by those charms were bound for a heartbreak. “Shouldn’t you be at practice by now?” she was finally able to say as she was already finishing tidying up her things. She wasn’t expecting to see the man there as she was busy finishing some of her projects for the semester. She was currently within the schools garden since the place was quiet and was near the faculty so no one usually goes there. “I still have a few minutes at least,” Larse chuckled. “Oh, that’s nice.” Crystal just avoided his gaze and continued stuffing her things inside her bag. The way the young man was looking at him was making her feel giddy and a bit nervous, she thought that it was probably because of her uncontrolled teenage hormones due to having a young body back. “Hey, you want to grab a quick bite at the cafeteria? My treat,” The man said as he pointed at the building just around the corned. “Oh, no thanks. I have somewhere to be,” she says. Reminding herself that she should really avoid this man, since she the said person, though was really nice and attentive towards her was a total danger to her future plans. “Oh, okay.” Larse smile almost ended up in a frown cause of being turned down, yet he still kept his composure and cheerful attitude towards her. Crystal could not help but feel guilty, because though she knew what the man was going to become, she wasn’t really that sure that this person was actually out to get him. As she remembers in her old timeline, that the young man usually targeted the most hottest and popular girls in school. Not someone like her who was plain, simple and focused on her studies. “Maybe next time,” she just says. Thinking that maybe she could influence him a bit, to avoid that future lifestyle that the man was going to be pursuing in the near future. That returned that authentic sweet smile back on Larse face. “I’ll look forward to it then.” he says. “Great, see you tomorrow then.” Crystal just gives the young man a quick tap on the back before slinging her bag to her shoulder. “Yeah, see you tomorrow,” Larse chuckled as he waved good bye to her. She was quick on his feet as she remembered she needed to buy some things that at the nearby mall sale that day. Crystal just turns back at him when she remembered something a while ago, seeing that the man was still standing there looking straight at her. “Oh, by the way. Congratulations on getting into the first five,” she shouts as she waves back. That made Larse smile even wider. “Thanks, maybe you could come to one of our practice some time,” he says with that glitter in his eyes. She was quite amused so she nods at him. “Sure, why not.” she just says. “Oh, why don’t you look were you’re going!” a voice cried out. She wasn’t really able to see the person that was in front of her as she had just returned her sight. Already bumping the girl who actually was just standing there in the middle of the way. “Oh, I’m sorry,” she just says politely as she tries to walk away. But before she could even pass, the girl had already blocked her path. Making her frown as she raised her head to see who it was. To her surprise Dana Johnson also known to her as the b***h ex to be s***h current girl for now of her the cheating Clyde. The young woman was standing right in front of her, arms crossed, looking all smug with her red lipstick and curled over the shoulder hair. She could see why Clyde was so head over heels with this girl, she had feisty looking eyes that could seduce almost any man, partnered with very nice cheekbones. Her lips were full and heart shaped and her nose was quite noticeably pointy like those of french models. The young woman even though at their age already had a nice and well shaped bosom and the curves on her body was shown quite well with her well sewn uniform. She could see no difference at all from her old self that she saw before. The young woman was together with two other girls she did not recall or know, but what made her wonder was the reason they were there. “Just because some good looking guy got his eyes on you, doesn’t mean you could act all giddy around people,” Dana hissed as she looked at her from head to toe. “Excuse me?” She frowned even more sensing the hostility in the woman’s voice. Though she was already being able to get over her old self as she was given a second chance, plus the fact that she has been able to avoid the two as she promised herself not to get involved with them. She could still not remove her burning fury for the woman and the current situation right now, just made it even more hard to quench that anger of hers towards the young woman. “Oh please, your head is still probably in the clouds right now,” the girl scoffs looking back at the two girls who just giggled at the comment. “Wow, I didn’t expect this,” she could not help but raise an eyebrow. She really didn’t know the girl that much during her first lifetime and during their encounter the woman barely stood her ground against her best friend Brittany. So Crystal was quite bemused seeing the tough composure and firm tongue of the woman. “Expect what,” Dana forehead wrinkled as she looked at her. The young woman was probably confused at the sudden comment from her, plus the part that she was unfazed from the sudden encounter. “Nothing,” she just says smiling. Though her blood was already boiling inside, she was careful not to cause any problems with her current situation, specially since she was aiming for a scholarship to help out in the near future as she was planning several years ahead of time. “Aren’t you going to apologize,” Dana hisses not getting anymore than silence and a quirky look from Crystal. “I already did, or are you just half-deaf?” she says back. Though she was holding her temper, there was no way she was letting herself be bullied nor was was she going to let this woman have her way with her. “Well, that’s not the kind of apology I wanted,” she spats, raising a hand in front of her in a gesture. Crystal just crossed her arms as she stood her ground, giving the girl a poker face as she knew that the woman was was just trying to intimidate her, with rants and a loud voice. “Why would you need a proper one? It was obvious that you saw me approaching or maybe you were the one whose head was in the clouds that’s why you didn’t even see me, though your attention was basically at me, as you were able to know who I was looking at.” She said non stop, as she wasn’t really trying to hold back, wanting to give this woman, though she was the younger version a piece of her mind. Dana gaped, eyes wide in surprise, she tried composing herself as the two other girls that were with her began giggling at the remark. “You’re quite full of yourself aren’t you,” she says giving Crystal the cold eye. “At least I’m not as full as you,” she blurts back, giving her a haughty grin. She was very sure she was getting on the girls nerves as she could see the color of her face already changing into beat red. She was also already hearing the heavy breathing that was coming out of her nose as she was puffing air from it. Her high and well set demeanor was only broken when she notices the man that was already walking beside Dana, coming to her rescue. “Is everything okay here?” Clyde asks looking at both of them. The girls face quickly changed, eyes puffy and pouting lips as if she was the one being aggravated. It was then that her blood boiled even more, seeing the kind of two face she was using. It was the same act the woman used during their confrontation in her previous life. So, she had come to realize that the woman was basically two faced to start with. “Baby,” Dana says giving Clyde a puppy dog eyed look as she grabbed unto the boys arms. “What’s going on,” she says in a straight and loud tone as if trying to scare her. But Crystal just ended up smirking as she was already familiar with the kind of person Clyde was. “I think you should have your girlfriends eyes checked, since she seems to be going blind,” she says as she tilts her head before giving her a mocking smile. That basically left the two love birds gaping at the shock from what she did, probably not expecting an immediate answer from her. “She bump into me!” Dana burst out, seeing the look on Crystal’s face. “While I had my eyes on my friend. While she, on the other hand, had her eyes either on me or my handsome classmate over there. So, who has a problem here,” she taunts as she remember how the woman was mocking her a while ago. “I wasn’t looking at any of you!” Dana screamed. Crystal’s grin grew even wider as she saw the look of dismay and confusion on Clyde’s face along with hitting a nerve on the girlfriends temper. “Then how did you know I wan’t looking at you?” she says back at her. If that was true she wouldn’t have made those comments about her a while ago, one thing that she was quite sure of that time. “Okay miss, that’s enough,” Clyde comes between them as it was obvious who was winning between them. Again it was obvious that the man was trying to intimidate her with her physique and of course being a guy there. Crystal could not help but heave a deep breath, trying to hold on to her temper as she was now getting really hard to control, just seeing the man in front of her. “Everything all right here?” Larse asked. The young man was already beside her and giving Clyde a challenging look. That actually made Clyde back out a bit as he was now face to face with someone bigger than him. Crystal was really thankful for the rescue, but she didn’t really want to end up that fight like a damsel that’s been rescued. She quickly turns to his friend with a smile. “Yes, I was just about to tell this person that maybe next time her girlfriend would have the decency and ability to learn how to dodge, rather than standing like some dolt in the way. That isn’t really a very good instinct you know,” she says as she turns to the two. “What!” Dana shouts glaring at her. “Babe, that’s enough,” Clyde holds her as the young woman tried to walk towards Crystal. “Are you just going to let her talk to me like that!” Dana whines as the boy obviously did not want any more trouble. “What do you want me to do?” Clyde says in a whisper as he looked at Crystal and Larse. Crystal just rolled her eyes, the man really didn’t change all through those years. He was still scared of direct confrontations and would very much avoid it. She decides to just walk away, flipping her hair at the obvious victory that she got. Though it did not feel that satisfying as she wasn’t really able to do it before. During her previous life, but she was also thankful that she managed to stand against the two. Larse obviously quite worried proceeded to follow her. When they were finally far away Cystal then turns to his new friend. “Thanks, and sorry for that,” she says in a low voice, quite ashamed at the ordeal he put the man through. “Not a problem, she was definitely in the wrong since I saw that she was looking at you the whole time. I’m just sorry I didn’t barge in earlier, though I think it didn’t really mattered, since you handled yourself quite well back there,” Larse just laughed. “I think she just has an eye problem,” she just states, not really wanting to cause any more issues. “Maybe. You were quite brave standing against them,” Larse pointed out. In a normal set up she would have been startled, but as her mind wasn’t like that before, she didn’t see them as eye to eye. “I’m usually not like that, but she just really got on my nerve,” she just says, as it was really something that she felt during those time. She thought that Clyde might have been the one at fault for their previous break-up, but seeing how Dana acted a while ago, she was starting to see something else. “Yeah, I noticed,” Larse just said, scratching his head. “Any way, you better get to practice, you don’t want your coach looking for you,” she reminded him. As the man was already walking her to the school gates, she was pretty sure it would take at least a few more minutes to get to the gym from there. Larse eyes grew wide at the thought. “Oh s**t! Yeah, I forgot about that,” he was on his feet running back to where they came from. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he waves back at her all smile and jumping. She just let out a sigh. “See you tomorrow,” she just says. She was now starting to see a whole different light towards the young man as she was getting quite amused with him.
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