Chapter 13

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What is it that separates a woman to a girl. As Crystal’s best friend would say, it was knowing your self, your worth and the confidence you have inside. It was the one thing that she was never really able to do and was still having a hard time fulfilling, even before. But now, it was the one thing that she was planning on properly addressing. And what better way to start than at her own home, as the saying goes to change one’s self, one must start from were you came from. Plus who would better to learn it from than her own mother. It was the one thing that a lot of people tend to forget and not do, one mistake she was not going to make once again. As of now her body was still not use to the work and early morning rush, but it was something that if you do not train your body to do, it will not get use to it. So though the weight of sleep was still pressing on her, she ushered her self to stand and move out of the bed. Giving time to catch her breath and her mind to focus, she begins preparing and fixing herself before running down the stairs. Her mother seemed to have also just woken up and was startled to see her awake and already moving about so early. The sun was still not up, so you can still feel the cold morning breeze of the morning air. “Why up so early?” she asks sipping her black coffee that she had just made. The semester had ended and everything seems to have work out fine. Her grades were good and she had managed to avoid the people she didn’t want in her life anymore. But seeing as there wasn’t really much changes in her home, she knew she needed to up a notch on what she needed to do. “I thought I’d go to the market with you today.” she just says with a smile as she takes a piece of pandesal and starts eating it. Her mother frowns. “Really?” she says surprised, yet smiling. It was obvious that again, she was erasing that old self of hers, before she would just slouched around all day, using her phone, chatting or just watching T.V. but not this time. She was bent on gaining as much as possible with the remaining time that she had. “Yeah, I was also thinking if I could help out with the cooking and other stuff that you needed,” she says, remembering that there was a need for a helper in their small little eatery. “Okay,” her mother just nods, a look of satisfaction written all over her face. One of the common mistake young people often do is disregard the valuable knowledge and skill set that you can easily get from from people closest to you. She, of course learned that the hard way. For example, going to the market. As oppose to before, she would think that the best and cheapest way to go buy stuff was via the grocery store, but that would not always be the case, as several produce can be bought via the market at a cheaper price. You just have to know your way around like her mom. “How much for a kilo?” her mother asked. They had just arrived stepped down from the tricycle but her mother was already stead fast in moving about into the place. People were already flocking the place at that time, like some mall sale was happening there. Something she never really experience even in her past. She watches her mother zoom from one store to the other, conversing, debating and haggling among stuff, to get a little extra or to be able to check if what they are buying is fresh. It was like a war zone where her mom was a general and soldier maneuvering their way into the crowd of buyers and all. “Mom, what are you doing to the fish?” she giggled. Her mother was touching, poking and inspecting certain parts of it, even though it had just been put there a while ago. “I need to check if it’s really fresh, see here, you have to look at it properly,” her mother points out at the eye and gills. They walk around a bit more around the market, her mom already knew were to go for something as she would always shop there for the stuff that was needed for their karinderya (It’s much like a restaurant sometimes often called an eatery but smaller and for the mass.) buying bulk of vegetables and other stuff. The sun was almost showing it’s vibrant shine when they got home, yet it was still a bit dark. But Crystal knew the day had just started for them. By the time they were in the kitchen her mother was already separating vegetables, meat, sea food and other ingredients. She tried to keep up, as much as possible. Though Crystal was already quite aware of how to do such things, she was really amazed at how fast her mother would move. It was like she was seeing a super woman in the flesh at her speed. “Crystal, you have to cut it lengthwise like this.” Her mother shows her how to chop the said vegetable with such accuracy that she was left in awe and nodding. “Okay mom,” she just says, trying to mimic the same method that had just been shown to her. But it was still not enough as she was struggling as she was not use to such a fast paced preparation. “Sorry mom,” she apologizes, seeing the big difference with their skills. She was only able to cut a few vegetables, meat and it even took her longer to clean the fish. “Don’t worry, you’ll get use to it if you keep helping out here,” her mother gives her a good pat on the head and a kiss on the cheek. “Okay mom,” she just says. She wasn’t really surrendering then and there as she knew how important it was to her future to learn those kind of things. “Okay, we better start cooking,” her mother states as she starts putting on her apron. Crystal proceeded to follow as she already had made her own apron for this day. “All right, I’ll just watch and help out on what you need,” she says. Her mother puts her hands on her waist upon hearing that. “No, you have to do it to learn it,” the woman says as she pulls her beside her. “Is it okay?” Crystal asks. Afraid that she might mess up cooking as she knew her level and skill were that of mediocre, unlike her mom who already knew the mixture and blend of the ingredients. “Of course, I’ll guide you through,” her mother says handing her the spatula. This was another thing Crystal thought that a lot of people should not take for granted, as a simple lesson on cooking comes a long way. Though Crystal knew she could learn proper procedures, measurements and ways of food preparation in a culinary school. There was a really a big difference when one is taught by your mother, plus the fact that her mom was well verse and experienced in the work around the kitchen. She followed as much as she can with ever little detail, advice and comment that her mother would tell her. From tasting the food, mixing it and even getting the right amount of salt, pepper etc. to put in a certain food. All the way into which will be put first and next into a certain dish. There was a sense of accomplishment in Crystal right now, something she never really felt that much as her mother nods in approval while taking a spoonful of the food she had made. “It seems you’re a natural at this, you really take up after me,” her mom says after tasting the food that she had cooked. Her mother was even pressing her lips together while letting out her tongue to her lips to properly savor the flavor of the dish. “Thanks mom,” Crystal hugs her. Happy that she had somewhat managed to get an approval on her first tries on the dishes. Though she had some experience cooking in her past life, she was never really able to try to make such complicated types of food as her mother had always done. So, she could say that it was also her first at that time. “Okay, we better set this up up front,” her mother states as she begins getting the stainless steel trays. “I’ll help out in taking orders,” she says with glee as she puts on a hair net. Her mother though still looking a bit baffled had a wide smile on her face. “Are you sure? It’s your semestral break after all, shouldn’t you be resting and relaxing,” she tells her. “No mom, I’m good,” she says showing the pen and paper already on the pocket of her apron. “All right, just call if you need help okay,” her mother says as Crystal was already going out of the kitchen. “Don’t worry about me mom,” she giggles as she runs outside. The adrenaline and rush of being of some help in some way to her mother, gave her an exhilaration that she never really experience before. It pump her up all through out the day as she kept taking orders, buzzing in request after request of food and cleaning up after tables when people were finish eating. Crystal’s enthusiasm on that day was so noticeable that her mom was moved in tears watching her work tirelessly. Smiling and greeting customers as they ordered or asked for something. The whole day was like an entirely new experience for her, as she had never moved that much all her two lives. It was like going on in the battlefield that she knew and was well prepared but was not really aware of the dangers of it. There were times that she would make mistakes in orders and would take a while cleaning up a table. But all of it was worth it as she knew she had gained a better insight and knowledge. Plus the fact that her mother was always there to assist and give her tips and advice on how to do things. Such as properly stacking up plates, segregating left overs and even the proper manner of wiping the table for efficiency and speed. Now all she had to do was keep that up and make sure to do better next time. She pretty sure that in time she would get the hang of it. It was already late at night when they had finally finished. Though her body ached and was heavy, she was very happy of the outcome of that day. She had managed to get so many insights and skills. Plus the most important part was she was able to bond with her mother. Something that she was really regretful about in her past life. Crystal could see how proud and happy her mother was as they sat around the table eating dinner. All through out the meal, she would hear comments, stories and praises about what happened that day. “You know pa, you should have tasted our little girls cooking. I just thought it to her once but she was able to follow and get the taste quickly,” her mother says as they were now having dessert. A look of amusement could be seen on her dad’s face. “Really, maybe you should cook for us next time then,” he chuckles. “Sure dad, once I become as good as mom I’ll cook for you,” Crystal just states giggling. “Oh, you’re already good as is,” her mother says giving her a pat. “Mom! I still need a lot of practice to be as good as you,” she smiles at her. Their whole chat continued as her mother kept telling her father that she was a great help around the eatery and that in time she might be the one to take over. Something that she wasn’t really able to do before as she chose a life with a selfless man. That feeling of happiness, she never really got it before. It felt like she was floating in the clouds as she never really experience that. Now she understood why having her parents approval and acceptance was so important in her life. As the feeling was incomparable to any kind of achievements she ever had.
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