Chapter 40

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Giant pink crystal balls, an array of swirling ribbons on the ceiling greeted them all as they walked inside the hotel. The whole place was covered in pink things. Pillars, flowers, vases, even the carpet was colored pink. The whole decor look like something from ancient Greece, turned girly on the side because of the color theme. The ice sculpture that were displayed was even lighted by colored lights to make it look pink. “Crys, who exactly invited you to this party?” Brittany had a mix look of being confused and shocked, seeing how the place was designed. “Didn’t I tell you? Larse sent me an invite, though he said his sister actually gave it.” She tries to calm her friends down. All four girls were huddled together, not really feeling that comfortable because of all the people that were there. Though they were all dressed to kill that day, wearing their best cocktail dresses, it was obvious that the said event was quite something as the people around them had much more expensive and extravagant long gowns. Only she and Brittany were having their heads up high, leading the group towards where the said event was happening. “I new they were rich, but I never thought their family was this loaded,” Brittany wince, knowing full well how much the whole set-up might have caused. Just being able to host the party in that particular hotel was already quite something, as it was one of the most famous in their country. “Good afternoon, may we have your invites,” the receptionist greeted them when they finally reached the door going to the banquet hall. The woman seemed to be around her mid thirties but was quite polite with them, she had the same uniform as the other attendants that were there. Black vest, white undershirt, black pants and a black nice pink bow tie. “We only have one, but I was told I could bring my friends,” Crystal quickly rummage her small pouch for her invitation. The woman smiled sweetly. “May I see the invite please,” she reaches her hand for it. Crystal quickly gives the envelope, it didn’t take long for the woman to check it on her computer before giving it back to her with a warm smile. “Okay, thank you. May we know how many please?” the woman gave her a nod as there were several on the line behind them. “Here, there’s six of us all in all,” Crystal quickly points to her companions. “Thank you, Mina table for six,” The receptionist quickly turned to another person who was patiently waiting for them there. “Please follow me.” The other receptionist politely bowed and gestured to them to follow They couldn’t help but gape the moment they got in. The whole place almost looked like a replica of the roman coliseum. Complete with huge pillars and ice statues. The place was also surrounded by huge vases with beautifully placed mix of flowers. And the ceiling had what seemed to be stars hanging from them. “Wow, look at all those food,” Elena gasp seeing the selection that was on the buffet table that was prepared there. “Yeah, but are you sure this is a debut party? This looks more like a get together for really rich old people,” Brittany couldn't help but comment seeing as there wasn’t really much people of their age. It was only then that Crystal noticed that it did look like one of those seminars she use to got to. “I think so, I mean, look at the decorations,” she states waving her hand at all the things that were around them. Though the people didn’t seemed that young, the whole place did scream like a teenage girls dream party, with all the colors and design. “Look, isn’t that the basketball team!” Denise pointed to a group in one of the round tables just a few meters away from them. “Yeah, and there’s the cheerleading squad!” Kathy then followed seeing the other bunch just beside the other table. “This must be what Larse meant when he said he wanted more people within our age,” Crystal couldn't help but feel bad seeing as there wasn’t really much young people there. “He said that,” Brittany couldn't help but raise a brow. “Yeah, and now I understand why,” Crystal ended up in a deep sigh. If she only knew what Larse had meant last time, he wouldn't have had second thoughts inviting some of her club members that she knew Lorraine would get along with. “Mam this will be your table,” The woman gestured to an empty table. It was a bit far from their other schoolmates, but was quite near the stage, being close to what seemed to be important guest. “Thank you,” Brittany gave the woman a nod appreciating the assistance. They quickly made their way to the chairs available for each of them. As more people were starting to arrive at the venue. “Mary, are you okay?” Elena couldn't help but notice seeing as how the girl suddenly bowed her head. “What’s the problem?” Crystal could not help bu also asked, as she too noticed how their companion seemed shaking though her lips formed a straight line. “I think I see the problem,” Brittany snorts folding her hand to her chest as she leaned on her chair. Eyes sharp as she looked in front. They all looked that way and all of them quickly had their b***h face on seeing Dana’s group just two tables away from them. Grinning at them and looking all smug, wearing a glittering red high slit dress. “Don’t worry about them, if they try anything Kathy here has a belt in judo,” Elena quickly gives their friend a good old hand chop on the arm. “And my nails are quite sharp for a cat fight!” she adds, even making scratching motions. Kathy wanting to make their companion feel safe proudly raises one of her arms to show the bulkiness of it. “I can probably take down one of them, since I use to wrestle with my brothers,” Denise added raising both her fist in a boxing like manner. “I know jujutsu, taekwando and krav maga, so you don’t have to worry about me, I can probably take down several of her lackeys” Brittany proudly states looking as she also gave the other group a smug look. It wasn’t really a secret that half the cheerleading squad had Dana’s back because of her reputation. Yet Mary ended up looking worried at her, since she was the one that remained looking at the said woman as they were having this staring competition. It took her a few moments to return her attention to their group. “I know karate, so you probably know who I’m going to use it on.” Crystal gives her friends a mischievous grin, as she wanted to point it out. That made Mary smile a bit. “Thank you guys.” “Besides, I doubt they’re going to start anything here, specially since Dana’s parents are here,” Brittany snorts before smirking. “They are?” Crystal couldn't help but asked. “Yeah, that’s them,” Brittany pouts to point with her lips at the couple who were sitting at the same table with the woman. They seem to be having a conversation with other guest that were just on the opposite table to notice the tension between their groups. All of that quickly faded when they were greeted by a familiar face who came running towards their table. “Crys!” Larse was all smile as he stood beside her. “Hey Larse,” She could not help smiling back at the man. “I’m glad you and your friends could make it, Lorrys’ going to be so happy,” he says looking at their small group. “Thank you for inviting us,” her friends immediately said in unison. Before Larse was able to utter another word a woman that seemed to be her mother quickly called out. “I’ll be on that table if you need me, okay,” Larse pointed to the table at the very front of the stage. “Okay,” Crystal just nodded as sthe young man seemed to be in a hurry. “Crys, I never knew you and Larse were so close,” Mary commented as she noticed how very relaxed they were with each other. “Yeah, me too.” Brittany added, twinkling her eyes in a teasing manner. Crystal just pouted and then turned her attention to the stage when the light suddenly dimmed. “I think the party’s about to start,” she just shrugs them off. The celebration began with an amazing dance performance, then the introduction of the celebrant and so on, before the food was finally served to them. “I’m starting to doubt if this is really a birthday party,” Kathy could not help but noticed after she swallowed the piece of stake she was chewing. “Yeah, I mean, look at the debutant, she’s just sitting there surrounded by old people,” Brittany added pointing her fork to the stage where Lorraine sat on a make shift throne of flowers, having a forced smile while being greeted by several of the guest that were there. “Brit!” Crystal hiss, giving her friend a quick scolding slap, making the girl laugh out loud. “She seems to be looking at us,” Mary suddenly whispers. They all turn to look and like what their friend said, Lorraine was definitely looking at their table frowning and squinting her eyes to get a better look at them. Crystal quickly waves at her with a wide smile that made the girl’s face suddenly brighten up. Excusing herself from the other guest the girl quickly runs towards their table. “Crystal! Its you,” Lorraine could not help the high pitch of her voice because of her excitement. “Happy birthday Lorraine,” Crystal quickly stands up to give her a hug as the girl already had her arms up to her. “I’m so glad you could come,” Lorraine was teary as she kept jumping. “Thank you for inviting us. By the way, I think you met my best friend Brittany,” she moves aside to introduce her friends. “Happy birthday!” Brittany gives her a wave. “And these are also my friends, Kathy, Elena, Denise and Mary.” She points out to the other girls “Hi, happy birthday,” They greeted altogether. “Thank you for taking the time to come to my party,” Lorraine lips were shaking as she seem to be trying to hold her tears. “Oh not at all, its our pleasure,” Crystal gave the girl a comforting pat on the back to calm her. “Yeah, thanks for inviting us,” Brittany quickly stated giving her a smile. Lorraine quickly fixed herself up after that, as all of them surrounded the girl and gave her their warm greeting and thanks. “There’s plenty of food if you guys are still hungry,” she finally says cheerfully after calming down. “Oh, don’t worry about us, we ain’t shy to help ourselves to free food,” Brittany jokes as she gave her a quick wink. They all laugh at it for a few moment before Crystal remembered something. Quickly reaching under the table for the paper bag she then gives it to her, biting her lip as she wasn’t really sure if it was an okay gift for that kind of celebration. “By the way, we got you a little something.” she just says. Lorraine immediately took a look inside the bag and her eyes grew wide seeing its contents. “Oh thank you!” she gives Crystal a tight hug. She felt relieved seeing as Lorraine liked the baking utensils that they got. “I remembered you said you didn’t have one of these, so I thought since I was the one who kept telling you to continue baking might as well get you one.” Lorraine hug the bag like it was the most important thing she got. “I love it, thank you!” “I think they’re calling you,” Brittany cut them off seeing as some people were already trying to get the girls attention. Lorraine ended up sighing. “That’s my mom and dad, I’ll be back in a minute.” she excuses herself. “Okay, don’t worry about us,” Crystal assures her, waving quick goodbyes Lorraine quickly runs back to the stage. “She seems like a really nice girl,” Brittany states looking all happy all of a sudden seeing the girl much more cheerful than before. “Yes,” Crystal nods as they kept looking at her. “But why does she look so sad around those people,” Mary couldn't help but notice. “I think she just ain’t comfortable with them,” Brittany answered sensing as how the girl seemed a bit aloof around some of the guest. “Hey, isn’t that Clyde? Dana’s ex,” Kathy murmured. “Yeah, why’s he here?” Elena said as they were now close to each other. They couldn't help but turn their attention to the man who was quietly sitting in his chair, not talking, just looking at Dana’s table. “He is part of the basketball team you know,” Denise answered the two. “Why does he look so depressed.” Mary suddenly added noticing the sadness on the man’s eyes. “He does, doesn’t he,” Crystal could not help but suddenly feel down, as she once again feels that helplessness inside her.
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