Chapter 41

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“You’re still looking at him,” Brittany swirled the straw on her cup as she gave her a condescending look. Crystal felt her blood suddenly escape from her entire body as it seems her best friend noticed her. “No, no I’m not,” she waves her off avoiding her gaze. Brittany sighed deeply. “You know, if you keep on doing this, there’s a big chance you might end up the same as before you know.” She reminds her. All crystal could do was lower her head, feeling so ashamed of herself. She really didn’t want to feel that way, but no matter what she did or how much she avoided it, she could not remove the thought of Clyde right now being different from her Clyde. There was still a part in her mind that kept shouting that she can do something to change him and change how their whole future ahead. “You know, this ain’t going to end well for you,” Brittany continued after the long silence. It just so happens that she and her best friend was the only people left at the table, letting their friends mingle with Lorraine and the other guest. Not wanting to feel any lower Crystal decides to finally stand, wanting to have a moment of silence to think and contemplate for herself. “I need to go to the ladies' room, can you keep an eye on them,” she excuses so that she could be left alone for a while. Brittany let out another sigh. “All right,” she gives her a half-smile before turning the other way. She didn’t want to disappoint her best friend any longer so she decided to walk away. Heading to the nearest restroom. Quickly turning the faucet on the nearest sink when she got there, she welcomes the cold splash of tap water on her face. Trying to wake her senses and logic once more. She knew that Brittany was right, she always was, yet she just can’t keep that in her mind. There was also the part that she still kept feeling that void inside of her like something was missing in her life. Which always seem to disappear whenever she would be close to Clyde. Wiping her face clean as she looked at the mirror, she quickly fixes herself not wanting to look too saddened or depressed. After all, she didn’t want to get another lecture from Brittany. It took her a few minutes before she finally got bored hiding there. Crystal decides to slowly walk within the corridors after she got out of the lavatory, she thought that a few more minutes of reflecting should clear her mind. She wandered into what looks like an observatory, with lush and beautiful plants all over the place. The place was not far off from the hall but was quiet and peaceful after she closed the door. It looked like an indoor park because of the pathway and victorian style lamp posts that were lined up along the pathway. Intrigue by the scenery she decides to have a look around the place since it seemed like it was part of the hotels' attraction for guests. Her peace and quiet were only disturbed by sounds of murmuring from afar, she couldn’t help but get closer upon hearing a familiar voice. Even though she knew it wasn’t right, she hides behind several large leaves to listen in on the conversation that was happening. “But sir, I...I’m very serious about my feeling for your daughter, and I can assure you that I do love her,” Clyde pleaded at the two elder people in front of him. Crystal could see that the young man’s face, full of resolve and determination as he faced the couple. Taking a close look, she ended up biting her lower lip and frowning as she recognizes the older man and woman whom Clyde was talking to. She was pretty sure that they were Dana’s parents as Brittany had pointed out a while ago. “Will your love bring food to the table, will you be able to give her a good life? Boy, though I admire your bravery, I really don’t want my daughter to end up dirt poor,” the old man said cackling sarcastically as he tried to hold his laughter. Yet it did not impede Clyde’s begging. “But sir, I can assure you, after I graduate I’ll be able to get a good job to provide for us,” he says proudly and with full of assurance. That hit a mark on Crystal’s chest as she didn’t remember that man making a promise like that to her parents. Though the man did say almost the same line, there was something in Clyde’s current tone that set it apart during his confession with her parents. The woman quickly intervened as the man was unable to answer back because he was starting to snicker. “Then you should come back when that finally happens, for now, I suggest you try to focus on graduating first,” the lady stated giving a bitter smile. That made Clyde’s eyes grow darker and more remorseful. “Then can you please give me some time, please don’t go through with this, I’m begging you,” he tries to reason out, hands folded together in front as if praying to the two. That didn’t seem to go well for the elderly couple as their faces suddenly became a bit contorted as if they suddenly lost their patience. “We will think about it, but I suggest you don’t cause a scene here, else we will be forced to take measures. We can’t have you ruining our daughter's future, are we clear on that,” The old man said firmly, his mouth twitch and the line almost turned menacing as he still tried to smile. The said reaction finally made Clyde back down, seeing that he wasn’t getting through with his pleading. Lowering his head in defeat he gives the couple a nod. “Ye...yes sir,” he answers afterward. “Good,” the woman gave the young man a pat on the shoulder before grabbing onto her husbands' arms and tugging the man along to leave. Crystal quickly moved to another side to avoid being seen after hearing all of those things. Though she was hidden within the large leaves, she could not help but overhears the couple's whisper-like conversation. “The nerve of that boy, can you believe it,” the woman scoffs, placing her hand on her mouth to lower the sound of her disgust. The man quickly taps his wife’s arms to calm her. “You don’t have to worry about anything, I already talked with Mr. August and he seems delighted with the arrangement, though their son seems to have a problem with it, so you better talk to Dana about this!” he says to the woman. “I will, don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll find a way,” the lady nods giggling. “Whatever happened to them, I thought she and the August boy were on good terms already?” the old man could not help but wine. “I don’t know, but I’ll make sure that they get along again,” the woman quickly says. Crystal wasn’t able to hear the remaining part of the conversation as they were already too far off from where she was. Taking a quick look back at the young man, she could not help her heart from melting, seeing the devastated boy. Clyde had his face buried in his arms as he tried to keep himself from sobbing, yet tears were already streaming down his face and a few sobs were already escaping him. Crystal was unable to help herself, her legs felt like they had a life of their own as they started moving towards the man. There was this unexplainable weight inside her chest seeing the young man like that. There was that part of her again that needed, wanted to comfort him once more. “Clyde, are you all right?” she says as she wanted to get his attention. The young man quivered upon hearing her voice, he quickly wiped his face with the back of his arms. But because he was already covered in tears he wasn’t able to face her. “Ye...yes, I-I’m fine,” his voice cracked as he tried to speak. Not wanting to leave the man and having the need to console, Crystal was unable to stop herself, slowly putting her hands on Clyde’s shoulder she gives it a tight yet gentle hold. “If you want to talk I’m willing to listen,” she says in a warm voice. Clyde ended up lowering his head even more. “Thanks,” he says letting out a suppressed laugh. “Why don’t we sit over there for a while, until you calm down,” Crystal saw a wooden bench just nearby so she gestures him over there. The man didn’t seem to mind as he allowed himself to be walked towards the long chair. They quietly sit there for a few moments, as Clyde was still trying to get over his woe. “Here,” she gives him her clean white handkerchief to wipe his soggy face. Clyde let out a smile. “Why are you so nice to me?” he couldn't help but ask. That strike another blow on her chest as she suddenly realized the whole ordeal was familiar. The way she consoles him, the way the man talked. Though there was the part about the old couple being there, all of it was almost the same when Dana and Clyde broke up, on her old timeline. The way she was comforting him now was definitely identical to what she did before. “I...I…” she gaped for a few moments, not being able to answer because of the sudden shock. It all suddenly dawned on her what Brittany had been telling her these past few months. About how she was repeating it all over again, it may look different but everything that was happening was exactly the same scenario. “Are you all right Crys? You look funny,” Clyde chuckled seeing her wide eyes and suddenly being dumbfounded. “Ye...yes, I just...I…” Crystal couldn't help her panic as she seemed unable to keep her heart and mind together. There was the part in her mind that kept reminding her about Brittany’s warning, but the part in her heart seemed to overpower it making her feel that this was their second chance, this was the opportunity for her to make it all right. “If only I met and fell in love with you first, maybe all of this wouldn't be happening to me,” Clyde said cackling as tears began to stream down his face again “Clyde,” Crystal ended up biting her lower lip as her chest ached with those words. “You must’ve heard it right? Dana’s parents never really like me. They had someone else in mind, though I tried so hard, it seems it wasn’t enough to compete with that guy Larse. The worst part was she couldn’t even defend me, since she didn’t want to disappoint her parents,” Clyde blurted out. She could feel the pain and sadness in his voice when the man said those words. Though she never knew about it before it suddenly felt a bit clear to her what had happened. “I’m sorry about that,” That was all she could say, trying to hold on to her feelings at the moment. She knew it would not be good if she lets her emotions get the best of her, but everything that was happening right now seemed so in place, it was as if fate was playing a part in all of this. “Maybe we weren’t really meant for each other,” Clyde’s said letting out a twisted smile as he tried to look cheerful after saying that. Crystal ended up giving him a pat on the back since she knew how painful that feeling was. “Maybe,” was all she could say at the moment, not knowing how to actually make the man feel better. She gasped when all of a sudden Clyde hugged her tight, she wasn’t really able to move as her whole body seemed to suddenly became numb. “Why does this have to hurt so much,” the young man sobbed as he buried his face on her shoulders. Feeling the depths of his sadness she ended up giving him a warm embrace. “I...I don’t know,” she just says as she was starting to feel so helpless right now. Her emotions and feelings were starting to overpower her, that she could not think clearly anymore. She knew she had to stop but there was just a part of her that needed this, wanted to feel this once more. She held her breath when they finally separated, their eyes were both teary as they looked into one another. The young man’s look seemed so needy, pleading for something as they gazed at one another. There was this sudden pull between them that she wasn’t able to explain until their lips just suddenly touched without a word nor a warning. Crystal felt her tears trickle down her eyes as she remembered that warm, sensual kiss that they shared. It still tasted so sweet and heartfelt. She suddenly felt so lightheaded when it deepened, suddenly being oblivious to the surroundings. She was only jolted to her senses when all of sudden, everything seemed to warp when she opened her eyes once again. Clyde's figure seems to blur and her senses suddenly became fuzzy and numb. Her breathing suddenly became fast and uncontrolled as fear struck her. “Clyde!” it was all she could say as everything suddenly went dark and there was now only still silence around her.
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