Chapter 36

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Focus and forget, that was what Crystal kept whispering to herself as she enters the school ground once more. She had been repeating that mantra over and over again, since the time that Brittany slapped some sense into her that she was waning and losing her way because of Clyde again. She wasn’t able to deny the truth because though she was able to keep her grades and help out her parents, she wasn’t really able to do anything worthwhile after that, all because she was getting involved with the man again. So now, all she did was try to relinquish the thought of the man as she now went back to improving herself. Thankfully Brittany was there to assist her, giving her options of things that she could do and try. Somewhat her recent activities had managed to refresh her thoughts and provided a new vigor within her. Preparing her for the days that were to come. The morning sunshine felt better and refreshing as she stepped on the school grounds, making her thank the second chance that she had at renewing herself. Crystal was now back on track as she was ready once again to try to change her destiny and make her future much better. The cheerful greetings of her classmates when she entered their class just added to her energy, making her feel more revived. She was now more attentive, focused, and lively in class once more, trying to make up for lost times. “Crys, there’s a new cake shop that just opened on the other side of the school, you want to go try it out?” Elena was jumping and flailing like an excited little girl while telling about it. All she could do was suppress her laugh, feeling that same enthusiasm towards the trends of that time. “Sure, but I need to do something first, you go on ahead I’ll follow afterward.” She waves them off, remembering something that she had already planned that day. The girls looked at each other, faces suddenly etched with worry, since the issue last time was still unresolved, leaving Crystal as the primary suspect. “Oh, will just come along with you then.” Kathy Fanned her hand to her face as she giggled. “Yeah, I’d rather we go there altogether,” Elena added, forcing a laugh. “Okay,” Crystal could not help but smile, seeing as her friend was concerned for her well-being. She was really thankful that her school friends hadn’t changed from before, seeing as they were still looking out for her. All three of them walked side by side, Crystal being in the middle as they walked out of their classroom. It took them a while to get to where she was going as she wasn’t really familiar with the place that they were supposed to go, thankfully Elena had a bit of an idea of the place. “Girl, over here!” Brittany was frantically waving to get their attention the moment she saw her. There were barely any people there and the only thing that seemed to make the place stand out was one simple banner with the contest details, hanging near the door and a table with a student council waiting. “Brit!” She quickly runs to her friend. They immediately hugged one another when they got close to each other like they haven’t seen one another in ages. It seems her best friend is as excited as she is. “God, I was starting to worry you weren’t going to come,” Brittany could not help but pinch her for taking so long to get there. “Sorry, we got lost.” She let out a loud laugh feeling ticklish from it. Before Crystal could even say another word, Brittany was already giving her several pieces of paper. “Here, you better fill this out.” Shoving it to Crystal, she then gives her a pen and pulls her to the nearest table where she could write. “What's with the hurry.” Crystal could not help but laugh at her best friend's behavior. “Oh my god Crys, are you serious about this,” Elena squealed seeing what the form was about. The two were already beside her and looking at the pieces of paper that she was starting to fill up. “For real!” Kathy was also balling her eyes out upon seeing the form. Looking up at her two classmates, Crystal could not help but smile seeing the look on their faces. Elena's eyes were so wide and round as it seemed to twinkle at her, while Kathy had surprise and excitement written all over her face. “Why?” She giggles at them. “Nothing, we just thought...Well, never mind, you better hurry up and fill up that form.” Kathy was flapping her hands to make her start writing. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I can’t believe this, wait till Denise hears about this,” Elena shriek while clapping her hands and jumping around. “Speaking of Denise, where had she gone off to?” She could not help but worry as their friend ran off the moment the class finished. She wasn’t even able to talk nor say her farewell as their friend just dashed out of their room in a hurry. “I think she went to their club to check on something,” Kathy answered as she was the last person whom their friend talked to. “Oh.” Elena and Crystal’s mouth formed an ‘O’ in unison as they both were now serious. “Girl, hurry up with that application, they have a deadline for it,” Brittany was now more frantic looking back and forth at her watch and the student council's makeshift registration area. “Oh yes, yes, let me concentrate on this then.” Pushing aside a strand of hair that got into her face she puts her attention to the paper in front of her. Crystal carefully read each and every instruction on it, making sure that she had properly and correctly answered each part. The moment she finished Brittany was already holding on to the side of the paper, with one quick motion she had pulled it to check and read if everything was okay. Nodding when she had managed to be sure that everything was right. Her best friend then pulls her off her chair as they made their way to the student council’s registration area, only to be stopped by three girls who suddenly blocked the door. “Well, well, well, will you look at that, two snakes hand by hand.” Hands folder to her chest, tapping one finger on her arm, Dana looked at the two of them from head to toe. Grinning as she sees them holding application forms. Brittany was quick on her feet, shielding Crystal and facing the woman head to head. Hand on her hips as she gave her a sneer. “Oh hey, If it isn’t Dana and her thin ass lackeys, Simone and Lizbeth. Did you girls finish having a go at the basketball team's recruits? Hope you use protection,” she states her voice was loud enough to be heard by the few students that were walking past them, making some of them laugh. The woman’s face changed immediately from haughty to furious in a matter of seconds. Her eyes were fierce as she gave Brittany a death glare. Her friends on the other hand we're unable to comment. “Watch it b***h,” Dana hissed, pointing a finger as she took a step forward. Brittany did not back away instead she walks straight in front of the woman, giving a more malicious and challenging look. “You want to try me, girl!” She raised her chin as she glared back at the woman. Dana was the one who ended receding in the end as Brittany was obviously way more intimidating, with her looks and the way she moved and carried herself. “Brit, calm down now, we shouldn’t stoop that low,” Crystal finally decided to tap her friend's shoulder to calm her down. Seeing as things would end up ugly is she didn’t step in between the two. There was also the part that she did not want her friend to get disqualified just because of Dana’s meddling. “Oh don’t worry, I just want to remind them that if they try anything stupid and I’ll give them a smacking they’re sure to remember,” Brittany’s voice was firm and deep as she flipped her hair. Dana had somewhat managed to get her bearing. “I didn’t come here to for you,” she states, swallowing hard as she kept looking at her side. “I came to join too!” Crystal’s brows shot up.“Really now,” she could not help but grin seeing as how the woman’s lips twitch. “Well, this is going to be entertaining,” Brittany snorts. Her friend was not considering the woman to be a threat, especially with all the scandalous things that were surrounding the woman. “You better not back out now, else this isn’t going to be worth it at all,” Dana tries to say back, still trying to look tough. “You hearing this girl,” Brittany points at the woman as she looks at her. “We wouldn’t dream of it,” Crystal says back before grabbing hold of her best friend's arm. “C’mon Brit, we have a deadline to catch,” she says cheerfully pulling her friend. They passed by the woman with no issues as their eyes remained looking at each other. Dana didn’t have a choice but to quickly move and fill up her form, seeing as the time limit was nearing. Thankfully they had managed to secure their place at the said contest, while the other woman was rushing into the student council's registration room. They ended up laughing seeing the frantic look on her face as there wasn’t much time left. Though she was also quite surprised that Dana would actually join in, as the woman shunned the limelight before. “Sorry it took us so long,” Crystal greeted their two other companions who were patiently waiting for them outside. “Don’t worry, we're just glad we were here to see this,” Kathy giddily stated. “Well be rooting for you and your friend.” Elena even punched to the air for her cheer. “Thank you,” Brittany giggled as she nodded to them. “Oh, by the way, I haven’t introduced her yet. Guys, this is Brittany, my best friend,” Crystal states gesturing her hand beside her. “Hello girls,” Brittany gave a quick and playful wave at them. “Brit, these are my friends Kathy and Elena.” Crystal then gestures back at the two. “There’s suppose to be another one but we’re not sure where she went off to.” she could not help but chuckle remembering about Denise. “Oh, speak of the devil,” Kathy said as she caught sight of their said friend. Denise was running towards them waving frantically as she was coming closer. “Guys!” she said panting when she finally approached them. “Where have you been? I thought you said you wouldn't take long,” Kathy frowned seeing as it almost took an hour for the woman to get there. Denise just waves her off, even though lost for breath she tried to talk. “I just got back from the club and guess what...” the girl wasn’t able to continue since she was suddenly lost for air. “What?” they all stated in unison. Quite curious at what may have caused the woman to run from there to here. “They found out who's been spreading the rumors about Dana,” she blurts out after being able to catch her breath. They all ended up quiet as Crystal, Elena and Kathy looked at one another. “Who?” Brittany stepped wanting to get an answer. “Mary Summers,” Denise said finally able to stand straight again. “Eric’s ex-girlfriend?” Crystal could not help but frown at the news. “Yes, the one and the same!” Denise flailed her hands into the air. “That figures,” Brittany scoffs, making a face because of it. “What’s the school going to do about it?” She couldn't help but ask. Crystal could not help but feel remorse for the woman, because she had managed to meet her once and she knew she wasn’t that bad. “I heard she’s going to be suspended for a week because of it,” Denise informs them. “Poor girl, I mean, what’s so wrong with telling the truth,” Brittany shook her head in disbelief. “Brit!” She scolds her best friend, not wanting to cause any more unnecessary rumors. “I know, I know,” Brittany just smirks waving her off. Crystal looks back at the room where they came from, Dana now had this smug smile as their eyes met. She arches her brow as she raised her chin, showing the woman that she was not afraid of her. “That woman needs to go down,” she could not help but say as she gritted her teeth. That made Brittany smile. “You said it, girl,” tapping her shoulder they all look at the woman who was the reason for it all.
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