Chapter 37

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“I can’t stop shaking.” Crystal was panting, perspiring and most of all she could not help her heart from beating like a drum. When she saw the number of people that were going to watch the pageant, she couldn’t believe the sudden rush of panic that she felt. Especially since Dana was also joining, there was a part of her that didn’t want to make any mistake and there was also the fear of doing something stupid. Brittany was still applying lipstick on her lips at that moment since she wasn’t able to do it herself from her nonstop shaking. “Okay, okay, you don’t have to worry about anything, just be yourself and make sure you have fun.” her best friend reminds her as she gave her a good pat of powder on the cheeks. Pressing the palm of her hand, she tries to calm herself once more. “I never thought this could be so nerve-racking.” She breathes in heavily. “I know right. Yet, you can’t say that it isn’t exciting.” Brittany puts a hand on her hips to pose then winks at her with that hundred-dollar smile of hers. She wasn’t able to see or feel even an ounce of fear from her friend. She stood there like a goddess, not being deterred by all the ruckus and non-stop rushing of other contestants. “How are you able to remain so calm,” she tries to laugh it all out. Brittany flips her hair to her side. “Girl, my mom has been making me do this since I was in grade school. I may not look like it but I’m as nervous as you are, it just doesn’t show,” she whispers the last part making them both giggle. Still feeling the tension from all the expectations and overthinking Crystal wasn’t able to calm down. “God! I wish I could be as confident as you,” she jumps while fanning her hands to her face. She didn’t really care if she was in heels or was wearing a really long gown, all she needed was to at least make the thumping inside her chest slow down. “Crys, look at me!” Brittany grabs both her shoulder so that they were seeing eye to eye. It didn’t really help her mind that the woman looks so amazing with her blond hair curled. “Close your eyes, then breath in and breath out, you’re going to do fine, trust me.” The woman ordered her. Doing as her best friend said, she tried picturing herself walking down that catwalk with the gown her mother had made for her. That somehow gave her confidence and strength after a few minutes of long and deep breathing. “Okay, okay, we can do this!” she nods. At that moment they heard the screams and cheers from outside, along with the loud inaudible noise of the mic being fixed. “All right, are you ready to see our beautiful contestants!” the emcee shouted, making the crowd roar. Holding each other's hand she and Brittany nodded at each other ready to take on this once-in-a-lifetime challenge for her. Dressed in a long-fitted red gown she began walking out into the stage following Brittany. She made sure that every step that she made would make her dress’s frill shake and her whole body sashay in unison. She could not remove her smile as she saw the lights and cheering of the people around them. The whole experience was so intoxicating that it felt like she was walking in clouds at that moment. She was so entranced by all of it that she did not notice the stunned and amazed looks of the people surrounding them. “Dude isn’t that Crys,” Eric said. The basketball team accidentally passed by the auditorium where the pageant was being held making them all stop. Larse halted with a crease on his face as he tried to look closer at the walking Crystal. She was wearing a red dress that showed all her curves, from her breast to the hips. It seemed as the clothing was shaped entirely for her body, the tight fir ended on her thighs as it had a nice slit on the side showing the girl's beautiful, white long legs. The ends of her gowned seemed like they danced with every step that she took, mesmerizing the young man. Even Clyde who didn’t want to pay attention to it ended up looking as one by one the young men joined the crowd of onlookers and audience. “It is, isn’t it,” Larse said in awe, he couldn't help his astonishment seeing at how different Crystal looked with make-up and being well dressed. “Go Crys! Go Brit!” Several girls screamed as the two walked to the front. “That is her,” Larse couldn’t believe what he was seeing when Crystal had managed to go to the ends of the catwalk, showing her entirety. “Damn, I didn’t think she’d be hot!” One of Larse teammates said. Yet the young man’s eyes were already glued to Crystal who was now walking backstage, as they were now finishing parading their clothing. “Did everyone like that!” the emcee shouted from outside. Crystal and Brittany were already running to their table where Kathy and Elena were waiting for them, guarding their things. “Oh my god guys, you were so amazing,” Elena could not help but scream. “Thanks,” Brittany chuckled at the girl. “What’s next Brit?” Crystal could not help but ask as she felt like her mind went blank just by walking there. “None other than our most favorite part!” Brittany smiled at her as she began taking out the next clothing that they were going to use. “Cosplay!” Crystal could not help but clap her hands in anticipation. She had always wanted to try it, but never really had the chance since she didn’t have the time nor the resources for it. “Sheesh, what a bunch of weirdo’s” Dana smirks as she looked at them. Crystal and Brittany just rolled their eyes as they began assisting each other get dressed, together with the help of their friends. “Okay ready,” Brittany gave her a good pat on the back when they were finally done. “Definitely,” Crystal nods. This time she and Brittany were wearing a matching costume, from the same anime that they so loved. Brittany wore the more provocative Eclair from kiddy grade, while Crystal chose her partner Lumiere from the same animation. Thinking that it was just for the costume's sake, Dana wore a bunny outfit competing with the both of them. That part of the program definitely garnered more attention from everyone, as more people started gathering to watch the pageant. “Beautiful, beautiful, and now for everyone’s favorite part, the swimsuit round!” The emcee announced after a few more moments. For this set of clothing Dana being the daring girl, chose to wear a two-piece swimsuit, with a T-back. Brittany not wanting to be left behind had a black two-piece swimsuit, with strings on the side, and Crystal not wanting to reveal too much, yet also wanted to make sure that she does not get outshined decided on a one-piece swimsuit with a revealing line on the middle emphasizing her breast. “Wow, aren’t we all lucky to have such beautiful contestants this year,” the emcee chuckled after the outstanding ovation from the audience. The whole ordeal went on for quite some time, but Crystal felt like it went so fast as they were already on the finals. Up until that moment, she wasn’t able to believe that she was able to get that far. “And now, without further ado, we will choose our top five contenders!” The emcee finally stated. It was the last part of the contest so everyone was really anxious, even Brittany was feeling it, while Dana was beginning to throw a tantrum on the back of the stage, seeing as the two of them got that far. But when they were all called out, it seemed like nothing happened and everyone was all smiles and postures. For this final round, they were prompted to sit on chairs and put on some ear muffs with music so that they would not be able to hear the questions given. After the two other contestants, it was only the three of them remained for the same question to answer. Dana was the first to be called out, making several of the crowd cheer as she walks to the front. The audience only went silent when she was finally beside the emcee. “Miss Dana Jhonson, If you were given a chance to choose, would you be more beautiful but not less intelligent or vise versa, and why?” That was the question the man had asked. “Beautiful of course!” Dana did not even blink nor think when she answered in an instant, even giggling as she said those words. “Why?” The emcee stated. “Well, beauty gives us a lot of perks and If I wasn’t beautiful I wouldn't be here right now, joining this pageant,” she winks at the audience, receiving some cheers and claps. Next up was Brittany, Crystal couldn't help but give her friend a hug as she felt so nervous at the moment. “Miss Brittany Star, the question is if you were given a chance to choose, would you be more beautiful but not less intelligent or vise versa and why?” the man repeated for her. Brittany let out a sigh before smiling to look at the audience. “I’d rather choose to be smart and less beautiful because as time passes, beauty quickly fades away on the other hand our intelligence would remain far longer, and would sometimes even increase so long as we cherish it, hone it, and consider it’s value. Thank you.” She nods after that. That garnered a standing ovation, a ton of applause, and cheers. “Wow, that was very well said miss Star thank you for that.” The emcee even clapped as he too was impressed by the manner and delivery of Brittany. “And our final contender, miss Crystal Aimely!” The man finally called out. Crystal was a bit giddy and shaking as she was the last one, but still managed to gain strength seeing her friend give her an okay sign. “Miss Crystal Aimely, here is the question. If you were given a chance to choose, would you be more beautiful but not less intelligent or vise versa and why?” the man asked. Holding the mic with both her hands, Crystal took a long deep breath as she tried to think about the question for a few moments. There were so many things happening in her mind right now, thankfully she remembered what Brittany thought her about it. Don’t think too much, make sure the answer is viable and acceptable to the audience, and don’t say anything negative. With had managed to think of her answer. “I think choosing between those two would be becoming hypocritical. So, if I would really be allowed to choose, I’d rather have the same amount of both. Because for me, each of the two has its advantage and disadvantages, having more of the other thing doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re better than the other. Rather, it just shows the greatness of being unique and different between one another, so I’d be glad to not be too beautiful nor too intelligent but something within the middle, that is all, thank you,” she smiles seeing as how quiet the people were all around. She could not help but swallow hard, seeing at the peoples' reaction, yet she remained steadfast and cheerful all throughout. “Wow, okay...That was quite very informative miss Aimely, can everyone give a round of applause.” The emcee finally broke the silence. With that, she got the same round of applause as Brittany, with cheers, and screaming from her classmates. At the end of it all, it was Brittany who won the crown in the said pageant, though she did not win, Crystal was still so happy that she got to participate and reach that far into the contest. “I knew you’d win, congratulations!” she hugged her friend as they were backstage. Everyone was already packing their things up as the whole program was finished. “Congratulations yourself! First place on your first try, now that is something!” Brittany gave her a pinch on the nose. “I couldn't have done it without you!” she gives her another hug, quite thankful for the awards that she got. “Oh please, the two of you just got lucky,” Dana suddenly butted in, smirking at the two. “Stop being such a sore loser,” Brittany scoffs and waves the woman away. Dana ended up gritting her teeth as she quickly walked out of there, face creased and stomping her foot from getting second place. “Crystal, Brittany, congratulations!” Elena, Kathy, and Denise were already waiting for them when they got out of the auditorium. Brittany was greeted by her classmates while Crystal was quickly surrounded by her close friends. “Hey Crystal!” a voice boomed as the man tried to get past the crowd that was surrounding her. “Hey, Larse.” Crystal greeted upon seeing the man. He was lost for breath, hair and clothes tousled probably from running all the way there. “Congratulations by the way. Here, this is for you.” Larse said as he gave her a bouquet of red roses. Crystal's eyes grew wide. “Oh, thank you,” she could not believe that she’d receive such a thing. “You were really great back there,” Larse chuckled, scratching the back of his head. “Crys, c’mon, we gotta take some pictures!” Brittany quickly grabbed onto her arm pulling her to the group of student photographers that were waiting for them. “Oh, I-I’m just going to go over there,” that was all she could say to Larse as she got pulled away. “It’s okay, go on ahead,” the man just waved at her smiling. “Thank you for these, they’re beautiful,” she says hugging the flowers to her chest as she waved back at him, before turning to face the group of photographers. “Hmmm, seems my theory is starting to become clearer by the day,” Brittany states as they posed for the cameras. “What?” Crystal’s head was still in the clouds from the gift, smiling that she didn’t really get it. “Oh nothing, c’mon, we have to make sure we get lots of pictures for this,” Brittany waves off as she begins posing.
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