Chapter 38

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“Crystal, you have another mail,” her mom was all smile while fanning several of the envelopes that she had in her hand. Crystal wasn’t even finished browsing the first ones that she had been reading when her mom placed them on the table in front of her. “Where’s it from this time,” she smiled seeing how happy her mom was as she too looked at the newly arrived letters. “It looks like from that really famous company, and here’s another one, you haven’t even graduated yet, but you seem to be getting a lot of job offers, isn’t this great,” her moms’ was all over the offers aligning them for her to see. “Yes, mom.” Seeing the number of offers she had right now, she could not believe it. The time and hard work that she had given to change herself these past few years have finally bared fruit, she was so happy that all her labors and sacrifices these past few years of changes didn’t go to waste, “I think you should choose these, I heard my friends' daughter works there and they provide a nice salary and have great benefits.” Her mom points to a letter with a logo of a very known business. “I will check on it mom,” Crystal chuckles as her mother seems to be really excited for her. Her mother then sees a very familiar envelope that was being covered by the new ones. “Or how about this one, it’s one of the most famous companies in the country, I bet their offer is not that far off,” she pulls it out finally remembering the logo. “Sure mom, I’ll check that one too,” She picks that out seeing as her mother seems to really like it. Though she did receive job offers in her previous timeline, what she was getting now was five times more, plus there was the fact that this time, her mother was genuinely happy for her. Seeing as several nice companies were sending her letters. “Oh my, I bet your father would be so happy when he sees this.” Crystal’s mom was dancing for joy because of this. “Mrs. Aimely, I think you have a visitor.” Nena one of their helpers peeks through the entry to the kitchen where they were. Her mother frowns at the sudden intrusion. “Now who might that be?” she states walking out of there with one hand on her hip. Crystal decided to tidy things up as it seems her mother was having visitors. She separated all the ones that she and her mom thought were good options. “Crystal, it’s for you,” her mom called as she was just about done with her cleaning. Not wanting to make her mom wait, she quickly walks out of the kitchen. “Me? Who would be visiting…” she did not need even need to finish her words when he saw the man sitting at one of their tables, cheerfully talking with her mother. “Hey Larse, what brings you here?” she greets. The young man quickly turns to her, the smile becoming even wider. “Hey! I was in the neighborhood and decided to drop by.” It was only when Larse stood up that she noticed the large bouquet of red roses in his lap. “Here, I got this for you,” he says as he gives her the flowers. These ones had a darker shade of red and had much larger buds of roses than the first one she had, it even had a much nicer and intricate wrapper of brown, silk, and gold. “Oh, thank you, they're beautiful.” Crystal was in awe seeing as this one was a much more expensive variety of flowers. “Will leave you two alone while we prepare something for you,” her mother excused themselves as she proceeded to go back to the kitchen to leave the two of them there. “Thank you Mrs. Aimely,” Larse says as he waved at her mother. She waited until her mother was no longer in sight before turning her attention to the young man. “This is the second time that you gave me flowers, what’s the occasion this time?” she couldn't help but tease as it hasn’t even been days since the pageant. “I just thought of you when I passed by a flower shop while on my way here, I remembered you liked those red roses that I got you,” Larse chuckled, blushing as he scratched the back of his head. Crystal smiled remembering the first bouquet she received from the man. “They’re still in my room,” she informs him. She had managed to put them in a nice vase when she got home, preserving the flowers for a few days. “Oh really, that’s amazing.” Larse wasn’t able to hide his relief and happiness upon hearing that. “Hey, hey!” Mrs. Aimely suddenly burst in, together with Nena, the two were carrying small plates with some snacks and drinks. “Here, why don’t you try some of our famous banana fritters, their freshly cooked,” she places them in front of them together with a pitcher of their ice-cold juice blend. “Thank you, mam,” Larse nodded immediately taking a bite at the food. Crystal held her laugh seeing as how the man almost burned himself, trying not to spit out the hot piece of fried banana. “And this Lemonade blend is actually Crystal's very own recipe, it’s currently our best-seller,” Mrs. Aimely poured him a nice glass of the said drink. “Thanks, mom,” that was all she could say feeling a bit embarrassed, seeing as how cheerful her mother was with their visitor. “You kids behave now,” Mrs. Aimely raised her finger, giving them a mischievous look before going back to the kitchen. Crystal ended up almost palming her face because of her mothers' childish action. “Sorry about that.” Lowering her head to Larse as she felt a bit embarrassed. “Your mom’s really nice.” The young man chuckled, eyes almost squinting from it. “Yeah, she’s usually not like that, unless she feels very comfortable with someone,” she says realizing that her mom must really like Larse. It was a thing that she knew quite well, cause she wasn’t really like that on her previous timeline when she introduced Clyde. “Oh, I just remembered something,” Larse quickly got his backpack and started rummaging. “My sister asked me to give you this.” He slides a nice-looking pink envelop to her. Crystal a bit surprised upon hearing about Lorraine quickly picked it up to see what it was, the whole thing was laced with gold linings and red ribbon. “Oh, her eighteenth birthday’s coming up, I didn’t think she’d remember me,” she says in awe upon reading what the card inside was. “Well, my sister has very few acquaintances and she tends to remember the people who were really nice to her. So, don’t let her get too attached to you if you don’t want to get annoyed,” Larse laughs out loud, but Crystal can sense the awkwardness in the man’s tone. “What, no, she isn’t like that, I remembered we actually have the same interest, though of course, I think she’s much skilled in the kitchen than I am,” she says, remembering how well verse the girl was when they were talking about cooking during their first meeting. Larse ended up frowning, yet his smile was still there. “For real? I didn’t think she’d be good at anything,” the young man commented as he thought of her sister. “She did tell me that she bakes, so that’s already something,” she proudly states, as she knew the girl was quite good at it, even by just hearing it from her stories. Larse ended up nodding. “Well, she does stay in the kitchen a lot, plus she has quite the sweet tooth,” he just says, now somewhat a bit serious. “Yeah, I remembered she also told me that she’d usually just be there rather than going out,” she giggles at the memory of their conversation last time. “Oh, by the way, you can actually bring your friends, since you know, she doesn’t know many people within our age, and my parents decided to invite as many people as possible to her birthday since they wanted her to at least get acquainted with as many people as possible since she’s quite timid,” Larse winced as he said those words. Crystal suddenly felt bad for the girl as she seemed really nice when she met her, she was shy, but she was really nice and friendly. So, she was quite confused as to why her family seemed so bent on changing her. “You sure about that, cause I have several friends that would love to go,” she says as her mind was already in the process of taking her whole gang with her. “Definitely! Invite as many as you want, the more the better,” Larse chuckled as he gave her an affirmed and serious nod. “Wow, thanks, then I’ll take Brit and the others then,” She decides that it would be best if she would tell him about them as she didn’t really want to be a party crasher. That made Larse smile. “That would be really great,” he seemed pleased with that, seeing the light in his eyes upon hearing it. Before Crystal could say another word the young man’s phone suddenly rings. Signaling an excuse to her Larse quickly turns around to answer it. She could hear the man’s frantic explaining on the other line like he was being scolded, which lasted for a few moments before he faced her again. “Uhm, I need to go, my dad wants me back at that meeting of his, I actually just gave him the slip since I was close by,” Larse lets out a remorseful laugh. She could not help but frown at the man. “Larse, you shouldn’t have done that,” she pouts, now feeling bad for him. “It’s just one of those boring get together so I really didn’t feel like staying, besides I had to give you that,” He waves it off and points at the invite. “Thank you for taking the time, it means a lot,” she gives him her sweetest smile as she suddenly felt butterflies inside her chest. “So, I’ll...I mean, will be expecting you on Lorrys’ birthday,” Larse bowed his head, suddenly blushing again after that. “You can count on it,” She gives him a wink of assurance. They both stood up at the same time as she decided to walk him out. Her mom suddenly burst out from the kitchen. Spatula on one hand. “You’re leaving already!” Mrs. Aimely blurted out, eyes wide seeing as the man was getting ready to go. “I’m so sorry Mrs. Aimely, I think my dad needs me for something,” Larse apologizes as he gave her mother a bow, eyes a bit ashamed for the immediate departure. Mrs. Aimely let out a deep sigh. “Oh is that so, and we were making special beef stew for dinner,” she ended up snapping her fingers. “There’s still a next time mom,” Crystal reminds her mother as she could feel that it wasn’t the last that they’d see the man there. “Yes, I’d love to have some when I visit next time,” Larse quickly added letting out his boy next door smile. “Oh, do tell me in advance so we can prepare okay.” That quickly returned the color and cheer on Mrs. Aimely’s face. “Sure Mrs. Aimely, It was nice seeing you again, Crys,” Larse turned to both of them as he bid his goodbyes. “You be careful now,” Mrs. Aimely waves at the man. “Drive safely,” she adds seeing as how frantic Larse was as he again received another call. “That boy really has a nice upbringing, do you see how he greets and talks, if you’re going to get a man I suggest you find someone like him.” Mrs. Aimely give bumps her hip as she turns to go back to the kitchen. Crystal felt her blood suddenly rush to her face at the comment. “Mom!” she whines chasing her mother to the kitchen.
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