Chapter 9: Hunting a bloodsucker

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Lucan I felt the energy in the air shift and knew Esmeralda was feeding on the couple that had just left my office. Surely not in public? I stormed out there only to find her touching their arms lightly. I didn’t understand at first, and then I remembered they could feed on energy as well as blood, I had just never met a vampire that had chosen to bother. I thought about killing her right there and then but thought better of it, it was too public. I felt a lightness in the air when I looked at the couple and noticed that the heaviness from before was gone. I frowned in confusion and went to find Dana, as she was the one who had an obsession with researching every known fact she could on vampires. I found her looking through the cupboards for the chocolate biscuits. When she saw me, she beckoned me over. “Come get these for me, will you?” I rolled my eyes and walked over to the cupboard, I reached up to the top shelf and gave them to her. “You realise your new best buddy out there is a blood sucking monster, right?” Dana lost her friendliness and gave me a threatening look. “Don’t you touch her Lucan, I mean it. Don’t you dare.” “Why the f.uck do you care, since when do you like the monsters?” She gave me a sheepish look and shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t, but she’s not a monster, I don’t know what it is about her, but I only get good feelings, I don’t think she’s like the others.” I snorted and replied, “no s.hit, she just fed on that couple’s energy, I’ve never met a vampire that chose energy over blood.I don’t know what she did, but their energy felt lighter and the heaviness in the air around them was gone by the time they left.” “I do remember looking up about the benefits of a vampire feeding on energy over blood, it’s not good for the vampire. They don’t seem to gain any vampiric gifts or qualities like they do with blood, it makes them almost as weak as a human, which is most likely why you’ve never met one that would choose to feed only on energy. It makes the victim feel tired but otherwise fine, and I did read somewhere that feeding on their emotional energy takes that emotion away or at least some of it, so if she chooses to feed on grief like you stated she just did then she did that couple a favor, she took away their pain or at least some of it. She’s not bad, have you seen her? She looks really unwell for a vampire, I don’t think she’s feeding on anything except energy, I don’t think she’s touched blood, not for a very long time at least. Leave her alone.” It was very interesting information Dana had just given me, but I still didn’t trust this vampire, Dana had always been more trusting than me. Speaking of vampires, a week had passed since talking to Dana and I had one to stake tonight that I was looking forward to, if I couldn’t stake Esmeralda just yet, then this would sate my need for the time being. When we closed up Dana met with me after saying goodbye to her new bestie. We walked along the road until we got into town and turning right we headed into the bar where the vamp we had been asked to stake was said to be in tonight. A private detective was the one who gave us the bounties, he would find the vamps that had broken the law and gotten away with it and send them my way, I got some of the money, but he got most, I wasn’t really in it for the money though. Heading inside, I ordered me and Dana two cokes, we needed clear heads for this. I knew Dana would have her blades sheathed either side her legs and one down her back hidden underneath her leather jacket. She was a sight to behold with her long blonde hair and blue eyes with a killer body, and I knew with her beside me, I wasn’t going to be able to work properly. I Wasn’t the one who would be distracted, it would be the rest of the men in the bar, and i didn’t have time to deal with that c.rap. Don’t get me wrong, I was still male and noticed how beautiful Dana was, but it didn’t do anything to me unless we were f.ucking, occasionally if we both were feeling frustrated and couldn’t find a date, we would f.uck each other, but that hadn’t been for over a month now. I wasn’t in love with Dana and never would be, and she wasn’t in love with me either, I suppose you could say we were f.uck buddies every so often, but mostly we were just good friends. I took out the folded piece of paper in my jean pocket and looked at the picture. Scanning the crowd, I found who I was looking for. A female vampire, dark red hair done in tight curls and in a complicated sexy up do hairstyle, she was wearing an emerald coloured dress that clung tightly to her body showing every asset off, she was extremely beautiful, they always were. When she turned her head, I noticed she wore matching bloodred lipstick and wore what I guess Dana would call, smoky black eyeshadow, I didn’t know s.hit about makeup. She was flirting with the men at the bar, and they were lapping up the attention. Vampires were a big favourite of the human population, i.diots, they never learned. Vampires saw humans as nothing more than food, and these men were about to meet their death with this serial killer vamp that had a thing for the blood of young men. Vampires had all sorts of abilities, and one of them was making you do what they wanted if you made eye contact. Dana had learnt hard to both be able to look them in the face and also avoid making eye contact. Fortunately, for me, their power didn’t work on me. It worked on other necromancers, but to a lesser degree than humans, and they could somewhat fight the mind control, but me, it was no different from looking a human in the eye, no effect whatsoever. I walked over to the vampire and left Dana sitting there flirting with some guy. “Hey, beautiful, can I buy you a drink?” I winked at her. The vampire turned and looked at me. She looked me up and down hungrily, and I didn’t mean in the eat me kind of way, I meant in the ‘she wanted to f.uck me kind of way’. Another perk of my gift was vampires were drawn to me like all of the dead, the way they lured humans in with their unnatural beauty and seductive ways, I could also do with vampires, I looked unnaturally beautiful to vampires and the power of my necromancy only attracted them more, it made for easy hunting when I could seduce them to follow me somewhere more secluded. “I have a better idea, why don’t we go somewhere more private,” she purred at me. Perfect. She probably thought she could f.uck the human and eat him after, how wrong she was going to be. She took me by the hand and led me outside and down a dark alleyway. I didn’t fight her when she pushed me up against the wall and kissed me. While she trailed kisses down my neck, I felt the energy of another vampire nearby, focusing on that energy, it felt familiar, and I knew it was Esmeralda. What was she doing here? Was she planning to try an attack tonight? Was she working with this vampire? I didn’t let on I knew she was watching, I’d let her watch, so she could see what would happen to her next when I got the chance. The vampire didn’t like me looking distracted and grabbing me by the chin forced my gaze back to hers, she tried to mindf.uck me, and so I played along and pretended it was working. “Come on handsome, lose your mind and grab me, f.uck me hard.” I grabbed her and shoved her up against the wall and kissed her hungrily, I grabbed her big b.reasts and squeezed hard, making her moan and squirm against me. I stroked my way down her body and put my hand between her legs, raising her dress up for better access. I touched her and realised she wasn’t wearing any underwear. While she was distracted by me playing with her lady parts, I withdrew my stake from behind my waist and brought it down before she had time to scream. I drove It through her heart and blood spurted everywhere, including on me. Great. Her body turned grey and black veins appeared on it. Dana turned the corner and jogged over to help me lift the body and take it back to the car. “I saw you, p.ervert. You enjoyed that a little too much.” “I always enjoy killing blood suckers.” I grinned. Getting a better grip on the body, she heaved, “no, I mean before that, you were touching her t.its and her p.ussy when you could have easily killed her the moment she was distracted kissing your neck.” We threw the body into the boot of the car and I closed it after. Turning to face Dana, I shrugged, “well, she was sexy as hell and wanted me, forgive me for having a male moment to enjoy it.” “Hmm, what’s that saying you always tell vampires before you kill them? Oh yeah, don’t play with your food.” She answered sarcastically. “You’re right, I won’t play with my prey next time.” “And you’ve made yourself horny for nothing now,” she mock scolded me over the top of the car before we climbed in. “You want to f.uck me and help me out?” “Pfft.” She folded her arms and looked nonchalantly ahead. I knew she wanted me to make the first move. I leaned over and grabbing her chin forced her to face me and kissed her hard. Dana loved rough and hard s.ex and had taught me things I didn’t even know were even a thing. I pulled her jacket off, and she helped me by pulling off her top and unclipping her b*a. She climbed into the back seat, I wasn’t as small as her, so I had to get out and climb into the back seat through the door. I was barely even sitting down before she was on me, unbuttoning my jeans and pulling my hard e.rection out and sitting down on it. “Ah, f.uck Dana, I love it when you do that,” I moaned and held her hips while she started riding me hard and fast. She was so wet and warm, and it had been too long since I’d last had s.ex with anyone, I wasn’t going to last, and I don’t think she was either by the moans and cries she was making. “F.uck me,” she panted, her arms around my neck and still riding me hard. I picked her up and pinned her down to the seat and f.ucked her hard and fast, I pounded her hard enough that the car was shaking and by the way she was digging her nails into my I knew she wanted it even harder. I f.ucked her harder, and faster, and when I was about to come I pulled out and came all over her b.reasts. I usually could last a really long time, but It required regular s.ex for that. She was so close and frustrated that I didn’t give her time to complain, I knew what she wanted, so I went down and put my face between her legs and began to lick her. It was less than a minute before she was coming and squirting her juices on my tongue and in my mouth, and It was hot, it turned me on enough that I climbed back on top of her and f.ucked her again and then again. We f.ucked four times before we were fully satisfied and while she finished pulling her top back on in the front seat, I started the car up and pulled out of the parking lot. I drove to the cemetery, and we carried the body onto the holy ground until we were somewhere both private enough and far away enough from the other graves. As long as you cut the head off and buried it away from the body, and only on holy ground could you be a hundred percent certain that the vampire wouldn’t come back from the true death. My necromancy abilities meant I didn’t need to bother cutting the head off, as my power made sure they stayed dead one thousand percent. When the body was on the ground, I summoned that cold energy of power that was inside of me and focused it on the body. Holding out my hands over the body, I focused and said one word…mortis, which meant death or underworld, this was a spell that required very dark necromancy magic and I used it and watched as the body began to rot and decay, until it turned into flesh and meat and liquid, finally leaving nothing behind except bones. When there was only a Skeleton left, I crushed it with my boot, believe it or not, I had once come across a vampire who just wouldn’t stay dead even with only skeletal remains, so I made sure there was nothing left, and I called forth the life force of nature to swallow the last remaining pieces, the ground trembled and shook, and when there was nothing left the earth grew silent once more.
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