Prologue - Austin's POV

698 Words
The first time I laid eyes on her I was seven, she was five and the cutest little thing I had ever seen. She had big emerald green eyes that had a ring of sapphire blue around the outside, completely unique. She had had chocolate brown hair that was tied into two pigtails, and was wearing a pretty blue dress that brought out the blue in her eyes. I knew I was young, but I believed in love at first sight, being a werewolf we learned about mates at a young age and I was sure this girl was going to be mine. I wanted nothing more than to protect her. She was the daughter of my dad’s best friend, a fellow Alpha and pack ally. Her father had brought her along to one of the meetings and I wanted nothing more than to be her friend and my father asked me to take her outside to play with the other pups. She was quiet, and I was trying to impress her, we were playing on the playground I was doing my best to show off, doing the monkey bars, climbing up the slide the wrong way and jumping off the swings. She started smiling and laughing and coming out of her shell, and I was so happy, her giggle was like music to my ears. A few of the other pups wanted to play tag, at the time the game seemed innocent, until a couple of the other female pups decided to push her in the mud. Back then I thought it was an accident and I laughed along with them, until I saw her big eyes fill with tears, she got up and tried to clean her dress, but it was useless. Shortly after her father came out of the meeting and they left, I’ll never forget the look she gave me when I laughed. The next time I saw her I was fourteen and she was twelve, this time I was with my father visiting her pack, she was even more beautiful than I remembered. If my young seven-year-old brain thought she was cute back then, my teenage brain thought she was gorgeous. I had begged my father to take me along to his meeting, claiming I wanted to up my Alpha training, but in reality I was hoping to catch a glimpse of the girl who took my breath away all those years ago. I saw her briefly that day, she was laughing with some friends, one of them a boy, and I got jealous that it wasn’t me making her laugh. As she passed she gave me a shy smile, and instead of being thrilled I let my jealousy get the best of me and I glared at her, her eyes instantly filled with hurt and I regretted it immediately, it was the same look she had given me all those years ago on the playground. I was kicking myself as my dad ushered me into the Alpha’s office to start the meeting and I looked for her as we were leaving but she was no where to be seen. It was only a couple years later when I saw her next, I was sixteen and she was fourteen, I was at the mall with my future Beta and Gamma'a and some of our other friends. I first saw her at a distance, she was out shopping with her mom and she was stunning. The older she got the more beautiful she became, I was watching her pretty hard, my crush intensifying, one of the girls from the pack who was trying hard to get my attention, hoping to become a future Luna saw me staring. As my dream girl was walking closer to us, the girl from my pack jumped into my arms and kissed me, I pushed her off as quick as possible, but once again I caught that look on my angels face, the one that seemed to be reserved for me, hurt, but this time it was mixed with a little bit of disgust. From that day forward I vowed never to be the cause of that look again.
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