Chapter 2 ~ 8 Years Later

909 Words
~Austin's POV~ I was in the gym, getting in a workout after a long day, despite the fact that we had done morning training we all liked to hit the gym at the end of the day for a little extra exercise. I was running on the treadmill with my four best friends, Damien who was going to be my future Beta and had been my best friend since I was a child, Brody and Carter, the twins who had joined our pack when they were 10 and had become fast friends with Damien and I and who were going to share the Gamma position, and Marcus who was going to be our head warrior. He was two years older than us, and had started off as a rogue but wanted to join our pack, he was fit, strong and loyal and worked hard and was perfect for the position. My father had told me that he was planning on handing over the Alpha position to me, despite my reluctance because I had yet to find my Luna. I knew that part of the reason our pack, the Blue Lagoon Pack was so strong was because my dad ruled along side my mom who was his true mate. My parents thought I could rule the pack without my mate and the pack would be fine until I met her. I already knew who my Luna was, I had know since I was a child but for some odd reason I hadn’t been able to see her since that day at the mall when I was sixteen and I was now almost twenty-five years old. Despite what most people think, you actually have to accept your mate before the bond is fully developed and while you can sense your mate, there is still the process of courtship and dating. The rumour was that the Moon Goddess was so tired of watching mates hurt each other, either through abuse or cheating, or only accepting a mate so you could have more power, that she made it so you had to actually work hard if you wanted your mate to accept you. I had heard from Alpha John, who was my future Luna’s father that she had gone to Europe to live with her Uncles pack in Ireland to train and finish school. She had loved it so much, she had yet to come home. The boys and I finished our work out and headed back to the pack house to shower and clean up, it was my younger sister Isabelle’s birthday tonight and we had promised we would go out with her. I adored my sister and would do anything to make her happy. I got ready and the met up with my guys for dinner, we quickly ate before heading out. Izzy had already left and we were meeting her there, I wasn’t a huge fan of bars, but I owed it to my sister to show up, even if we were a bit late. Damien and Marcus had already found their mates and they were friends with my sister so they were already at the bar, Carter and Brody being twins shared a mate, it was rare but not unheard of and he was also already at the bar. As soon as we arrived the guys took off to be with their mates, leaving me alone like usual. I was used to it though and I was happy for my friends, I wandered around until I found Isabelle who was standing by the bar, I walked up and wrapped her up in a big hug, she squealed but returned my affection. She was only a year younger than I was and next to Damien she was my best friend, she was extremely fierce and strong, being the daughter of an Alpha she was one of our strongest warriors, she had proven herself time over time not letting her status go to her head. I was extremely proud of her and she helped Marcus train the warriors, both men and women. “AUSTIN!” I heard a girl squeal and I internally groaned. Stacy one of the pack members who was always trying to hook up with me waltzed over. She was nothing but trouble, no matter how many times I told her I wasn’t interested she was always hanging around hoping that because I had yet to find my mate I’d take a chosen mate and it would be her. I couldn’t stand her, she wore way too much makeup and her voice sounded like nails on a chalk board. Isabelle rolled her eyes at me as she watched Stacy throw her arms around my neck in a hug. This is why I hated coming to the bar. I heard a small growl and grinned I knew exactly who it was, Samantha, my girlfriend came over and glared at Stacy. “Not sure why I have to keep reminding you to keep your hands off my man.” She said, glaring at Stacy. I pulled her into my arms, her back resting against my front like a shield from Stacy. I kissed her on the cheek and rested my head on top of hers. Just as I made this move I smelt the most intoxicating scent, my wolf perked up and my eyes widened and I looked to see the girl of my dreams glaring at me. Oh. Crap.
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