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I had been ignoring Aubrey for the last few months now and he was struggling he had a new tutor one he was not happy with she was a brain-dead blond barbie trying to get onto his c**k every chance she got. I was now tutoring his friends unfortunately for me. Alexander always brought Aubrey up in every conversation we had and I chose not to go into any detail with him, just that we clashed and had a big argument. I was in no mood to tell him the truth. He just smiled and said no more. Nothing dramatic happened. Dad wanted to meet Aubry seeing as I was allowed over to his house for a sleepover, but I told him we were no and we were no longer friends, he looked disappointed. Aubrey and I always dead-stared at each other and I didn’t care at this point. I had no idea what he was thinking. He was always two steps in front, after his warning I had to admit I was scared but so far nothing dramatic had happened I just hope it wouldn’t. We had a debate session in class which ended in me and Aubrey arguing it out with his friends watching as we both went hell for leather almost toe to toe with one another, our fists clenched his friends grabbing hold of us before the punches were about to fly. “Detention the both of you. You need to show respect in my classroom. And you need to show some respect to each other.” “Hugh, I have no respect for her.” “And I have none for you Tanner, you f*****g asshole. Who the f*****g hell do you think you are? You think you are something, don’t you? Well, you’re not. You’re just a pretty rich boy who thinks he can treat people as he wishes, well guess what you’re wrong.” He pounced forward his friends pulling him back. “That’s It I’ve had enough of you two in the principles office now!” My mouth dropped open. “Thanks for nothing Torino.” His friends hauled us out of the class walking us to the head’s office this was not going to be fun at all. They kept up apart until the head called us both into the office closing the door. His friends stood waiting through the shouting and the head telling us how he was ashamed of us and we needed to sort our s**t out or he would have no choice but to part us and change our lessons together, that suited me just fine. I wouldn’t have to see his smug handsome jerk face again. Once he dismissed us I walked away needing air. We’d got this week in detention and a week of suspension in hope that we would resolve our differences or we’d be separated. “Well I must say you impress me, Layla, I never thought you’d stand up to anyone especially Aubrey you impressed me.” I turned to look at the devil, well one of them anyway. “Go the f**k away, Alex.” “Wow, your words hurt me.” He said, holding his heart, laughing. “What the f**k do you want Alex? I’m not really in the mood for your bull s**t right now.” “So many curse words in one day. Tut Layla.” “f**k you!” “Any time babe.” “Go to hell Alex.” “Only if you’re there babe.” He said, winking. “Leave me alone Alex. If today isn’t bad enough, I have suffered you and your foul mouth.” “You love it.” She cut her eyes walking away. He grabbed her hand pulling her back. She almost hit his chest. “I’ll make it worth your while babe.” “Lose me!” He leaned down. “You're all hot and bothered princess.” “No no I’m not, lose me Alex or I’ll scream.” “Scream then like I care.” She opened her mouth to scream he pushed his lips on hers kissing her she struggled to push him away. He squeezed her sides, a gasp flew out of her mouth and he pushed his tongue in kissing her forcefully. “Alex hurry up man some of us want a fag.” He pulled away. He looked at her distressed face. “I want you to join us think about it.” He winked letting go of her and walking away. She didn’t want to think about it they were Aubrey’s friends and he definitely wouldn’t be happy if she joined them. Detention was long Aubrey’s eyes burned into hers making her feel uncomfortable and anxious. The hour was up and she couldn’t wait to get out of there. His hand grabbed her wrist. She looked fearfully at him. “What did Alex want?” “Nothing.” “Don’t lie to me Tornio I don’t like liars.” “Well, I guess you don’t like yourself either.” “Torino.’ He said harshly. ‘What did Alex want?” “He asked me to join all of you.” “And are you?” “No.” “Good.” “What do you want Aubrey?” “I want you to tutor me again.” “I don’t think so.” “Please Torino. You’re good at it, and I miss your company.” “I’m sorry, I can’t.” “I’ll be on my best behaviour. I promise.” “I’ll do it if.. you do your work and you help out if we have projects together. I’ll help you all I can, but I will not do your work, those your terms of you don’t agree then you’ll be stuck with your current tutor.” He. “Fine. I accept. I wouldn’t do this for anyone else Torino so think yourself lucky.” “What about your friends? I’m still tutoring them.” “We’ll work our way round it. Thanks, Tornio.” He said, kissing her cheek. “You can let go of me now.” He smiled losing her wrist. They walked out of the room heading out of school where Alexander stood. “Alex, what are you doing here?” “I came to pick up Layla we have a study date.” “I’ll give you both a lift.” “Are you sure Aub? only five hours ago you were about to punch each other’s lights out.” “We sorted it. Come on I’ll give you both a lift.” He shrugged. “Sure why not.” They all got into the car and Lucas drove away. “Nice ride Aub.” “Thanks, I guess.” “Is it your dad’s car?” “One of them yes.” “Sweet.” “Maybe one day you and the guys can come around and I’ll show you the rest of the cars, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.” “Sweet.” Layla swallowed sitting in silence. She’d been in his house and she was the only one that knew his secret that’s why he had kept her so close to him to keep her silent. They pulled up in front of the three-story house. “Would you like to come in Aub?” “Not today, you guys have fun.” “We’re doing school work.” “I know, have fun anyway. I’ll see you both tomorrow.” “Thanks for the lift, Aub.” “Yeah, thanks.” He smiled. They got out of the car and it pulled away. “It’s nice to see miss Layla again sir.” “It is.’ “So what did you do to change her mind?” “I apologised.” “Good. Your dad will be glad.” “I’m not doing this for him, Lucas. I’m failing and I can’t.” “I understand sir.” Alexander led Layla up to his room she wasn’t looking forward to this last time he tried to jump on her and tried to take her virginity. Now it was gone, but she couldn’t face the truth of how it had happened she just hoped Aubrey wouldn’t slip back into that dark place. He closed the door. “Make yourself at the home princess.” She cringed she wished he wouldn’t call her that. She sat on the bed he sat next to her. He looked at her. “So you guys are friends again?” “I guess.” “So, where does it leave the tutoring thing? we all know Aub, he likes to take all of your time up leaving none for the rest of us?” “I honestly don’t know. You’ll have to ask him.” He smiled. “Let’s begin.” She smiled and they got to work. They placed the books down. He looked at her. “So, have you thought any more about what I said to you earlier.’ “I’m sorry Alex. I can’t.” “It's Aub, isn’t it? I’ll have a word with him.” “No, it’s not him.” “So what is it, princess?” “Well, we’re you see.” He looked at her. “We’re two different people.” “From what I saw today we are no different. You stood up to Aub, no one has ever done that before especially a girl. I’ll talk to him okay.” “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.’ “It’ll be a fine princess.” He got closer. “Then maybe you and I could know?” He said, wriggling his eyebrows. “No, I don’t.” “You’re a funny princess. I’ll show you.” He pushed his lips onto hers kissing her he squeezed her side, she gasped he smiled pushing his tongue in and kissing her until he finally got a response. His hand slid under her blouse. She suddenly backed away. “What’s a wrong princess?” “I. I have to go.” “We still have half an hour princess, what’s the rush?” “I’m not interested in you or what you have to offer Alex.” “You will trust me.” “God your f*****g ego.” He pulled her closer. “You know you want me.” “No I do not, let me go Alex.” “Why? We’re all alone and you're so got damn hot when you're angry.” He pushed his lips back on hers kissiníg her roughly. He pulled himself on top of her, no way as she let it happen a third time. Her knee went up and he squirmed in pain almost falling off the bed, she jumped off grabbing her stuff and legging it out of the room. “Agh you b***h I’ll get you for this.” He cursed as she fled out of the house.
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