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Layla stayed in bed for the first two days of school, she couldn’t face going in after what he had done to her screw the tutoring, screw him. He’d text her to tell her she’d forgotten the project so he’d hand it in seeing as she was avoiding him and school. He didn’t even apologise what a f*****g asshole prick jerk. She should've expected any less from him. She returned on the third day her mom had made her go back and she had chosen to ignore him until they were in the Head’s office together who had his assignments and her previous ones accusing him of cheating he’d told him that she was merely helping him and she had lied to the head and told him that it was his work and not hers. He wanted to expel them both, but he didn’t he’d called them into his office on Friday saying that he was not going to expel them but to give them a warning. “So what’s wrong with Layla she seems a little off.’” “Nothing.” “What happened Aub? She’s been avoiding you like the plague.” “Nothing. I just gave her something to get her to ease up a little.” “Are you sure that’s all it is she’s pissed and not a good pissed?” “She’ll get over it.” “Are you sure?” “I am.” “Are you still going to the party?” “Nah, I have a lot of work to catch up on now I have no tutor to help me.” “f**k school work Aub, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, there’ll be chicks there so you can forget about the school’s shy girl.” “Fine, I’m in.” “Sweet, we’ll meet you at nine have a few beers and go to the party.” “Are you still up for the party tomorrow Lay?” “No. I think I’ll give it a miss.” “Oh no, you f*****g don’t. Whatever happened between you and that asshole stays between you. f**k him Lay you have a life. You can’t let him run it for you and you can’t let him ruin it for you either.” “What if he’s there?” “f**k him, you have us.” “You know what you’re right. f**k him I need to enjoy my life for once.” They all smiled, ~ Layla and her friends changed for the party and were on their way. Aubrey and his friends had a few drinks before heading to the party. They were drunk by the time they entered the house the music pumping through the house and shaking the walls. They were all talking as Layla and her friends entered laughing and joking he looked at them. Oh s**t. “Come on Aub let’s get a drink.” They pulled him away. What the f**k was she doing here? “I can't do this I’m going home.” “Ignore him Lay, let’s just enjoy the party.” “Okay.” She sighed. They walked through their friends hugging them, passing the drinks around. They were all talking and laughing as Layla excused herself. She pushed herself through the crowded room And up the stairs to the bathroom. She walked out after refreshing a hand grabbed her pulling her into one of the rooms. Her back hit the door his dark eyes were cold in hers. “What are you doing here Torino?” “I’m not following you if that’s what you think. My friends invited me.” “Why didn’t you answer my text or calls.” “I think you already know the answer to that Aubrey.” “Why are you avoiding me?” “I think you know why.” He got closer. “I’m sorry Torino.” “It takes you a whole week to apologise? you are something else you know that.” “I like you.” “And you have a funny way of showing it.” “Please give me a chance to put this right Torino.” “How?” “Go out with me and I’ll prove it.” “I..” He got closer. “Please.” “Okay.” She sighed. “You won’t regret this.” She already was He pressed his lips to hers kissing her passionately. He moved away. ‘Come the guys will be wondering where I snuck in too.‘ She nodded. He opened the door and they stepped out of the room. He took her hand and led her done the stairs. “There you are Lay come on.‘ Her friends said taking her hand and dragging her away from Aubrey. He looked at his friends and nodded. They all followed him to where they were all dancing. ‘I hope none of you lovely ladies minds us cutting in.” They shook say no so they shook their heads. They joined Layla and her friends dancing, Aubrey held her close dancing sexually with her and kissing her.
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