And that's how my life changed...

703 Words
Allie and Leigh both made it back to the house at the exact same time, looks like they both were doing the dishes tonight. Allie saw her dad wave them inside from the window. "Looks serious" Allie said to Leigh. "We are probable going to be on the road again, we didn't stay but a month this time." Leigh replied. Allie and Leigh both slowly headed up the stairs through the door that led into the living room. Her father Liam and mother Anna were both there sitting on the couch waiting for them. "Take a seat girls, we need to talk" Liam said. The girls both sat down and looked at each other warily. "What's going on Dad?" Allie asked. "The Hunters are here, they have been following us for some time. We need help. I've been in contact with the a security firm up in Alaska. You and Leigh need to head up there. You can't take a flight directly there, the Hunters will follow you. You girls know what you need to do. I have trained you just like I was trained by the Clan, you two can do this. Make sure to watch each others back and know that whatever happens your mother and I love you very much." Allie was speechless, they have never split up before. "Dad are you sure we should split up? We should go to Alaska together." Allie replied. Anna looked at her girls and said the one thing they didn't want to hear. " Girls, I know you are scared. You father is sick, he can't make the journey, not the way you will have to travel. We need you to be strong. Some of the members of the security team are heading down here to us, but you two need to be gone in case it's too late. With any luck once you are gone and out of their reach they will think we moved on and leave." Leigh sat there quietly, but Allie could feel the emotions swirling inside her. "When do we go, and who do we contact?" Allie said putting on the bravest face she could muster.  They spent the rest of the day hammering out the details of their trip and plans in case Allie and Leigh got separated.They memorized numbers to the burner phones and spent the evening saying their goodbyes. Before the sun peaked over the mountains the girls were off. They hiked for miles and when they felt it was safe enough to not leave a scent or a trail they shifted. The plan was after they crossed the Canadian border they would hitchhike as close as they could get to Alaska. It will take them at least a week got get to their destination. This first day of travel wasn't bad, the weather held out for them. Almost like mother nature knew where they were headed and did her best to help them on the way. They had enough food and supplies to last them for most of their journey. They were hoping once they got far enough away on foot they could enjoy a shower and a hot meal at a hotel. They made a promise to check in once a day with their parents but not anything more than that. Texts updating them that things were good with a text of a word that starts with an A on the first day and E on the second, I on the third, O on the forth and U on the fifth. If something went wrong they simply texted "Its snowing" and then the code for each day started over. Her parents replied the same only backwards. It might of been overkill on the paranoid but her father was thorough. They made it to their first camping site and set out the tent. They planned to sleep in wolf form to stay warm so there would be no need for a fire. Leigh texted her parents with the simple word of "apricot" and soon got a reply of "yo-yo" and deleted the the number. By the time night fell the girls were exhausted. They barely said two words to each other before they were fast asleep. 
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