
2015 Words
Deacon's POV I have kept my parents and my brother's ashes in special urns for years. I have hidden it in a place of safety. I have a strong witch watching over them as I do not know if they can come back to life and make my life hell again. The place of safety is close to my old castle. I have not told anybody about my sister, as I am not strong enough to take her on. Bianca is a child born from my father's foul deed, which brought the curse over us. Bianca was left at our front door one night. She was still a baby. I remember my mother being upset as she knew who and what the baby was. Bianca has the blood of the Sun God in her veins, and to protect her, her mother left her with my father. She was dying as she was mortally wounded by her father when he found out she was pregnant with my father's baby. Parthenos died on earth and was honored by the other gods and immortalized in the sky as the constellation of Virgo.  My mother and father were never kind to Bianca. I was the only one who protected her and tried to help her when everyone was picking on her. But, unfortunately, my parents and, later, Ivan used her as a slave, and she did not have a good childhood. No one knew how strong she was until she lost her temper and killed every vampire in the castle one day. My father took her and locked her up in the dungeon. I always sneaked down to the dungeon and gave her blood as she also felt under our curse. One night when the gypsy gave me my tattoo to walk in the sun, she asked me about Bianca. As a vampire with god blood inside her, she was of interest to the gypsy. So I took the gypsy with me to the dungeon when my parents were busy with one of their orgy parties. "Bianca, my poor godchild, I have to get you out of here," The gypsy said. I did not know she was the Moon Goddess back then. I was woken up the next morning with my mother and father shouting at the guards and everyone in the castle. I got up and could not remember what happened. All I remembered was meeting the gypsy that gave me a tattoo of the sun. I walked out of my room, and my parents were freaking out. "What happened?" I ask. "Bianca broke out of the dungeon last night, and now she is gone," My father said, and he looked worried. "Bianca is gone?" I asked, and I ran down to the dungeon to see for myself. The door was broken open, and someone or something had broken the chains that were keeping her secure. I knew what happened but pretended I did not know. I was afraid for Bianca as I could not think of a fifteen-year-old vampire being alone in this world all by herself. I looked everywhere. I looked around the castle and in the tunnels underneath the castle, but I could not find her anywhere. Bianca was gone. I felt sad and worried about her, but somehow I knew my sister was with the gypsy and she would be okay. Over the years, I have been looking for her. But, unfortunately, I could never find her. So I still wonder about my sister. Has she become evil, or is she more like me? I wonder if she is still alive and on this earth or if the gods have taken her in as one of them? Unfortunately, I do not know the answer to any of my questions, and somehow I don't think the Moon Goddess will tell me. I am lying in bed next to Daniela. She is beautiful, and I feel happy. I know my sister will do us no harm unless she has become like my father, mother, and brother. Everywhere I have traveled all these years I am on earth, I have always asked if someone has seen a vampire called Bianca, and always I got the same answer. NO. Either the Moon Goddess took her to the god's realm, or she hid her so far away no one could find her. My heart always hurts when I think of Bianca. Bianca, the little sister I always tried to protect against the evil of my parents and my brother. I am still worried that she might have been using her powers for evil. I sigh and hold Daniela closer to me. I have to try and ask the Moon Goddess one day what has become of her. Third Person's POV *Flashback* "Keep quiet and come with me," The gypsy lady says as she frees Bianca from the chains and the door of the dungeon is open. "We can not leave my brother here. My parents will kill him as they will think he helped me and saved me," Bianca says as she runs over to her brother, that is lying knocked out on the floor. "Fine, but we have to be fast," The gypsy says. She speaks a few words, and Deacon disappears. "What did you do with him?" Bianca asks the gypsy. "He is in his bed, fast asleep," The gypsy answers. Bianca uses her speed to make sure he is okay. She turns to the gypsy that followed her and nods. She is ready to leave this castle she hates so much. The only one she cares about is Deacon. He is her big brother and always acted like it. He always tried to protect her. "Where are we going?" She asks the gypsy. "I am taking you to a place you will be safe from these creatures and the Sun God that wants you dead. Deacon was the only one that kept you alive all these years as he is a good creature," The gypsy says. She speaks a few words again, and a picture of the sun is burned into Bianca's skin. She takes Bianca's hand and runs with her to a village far away. They run for days and only stop to feed or to rest a bit. Bianca has to feed on blood, and the gypsy teaches her to feed off the blood of the animals in the field. She teaches her not to kill the animal, and her bloodlust gets better every day. They got on a boat as a new world had just been discovered. As they get off the ship, they travel again. At last, they reach the village. The village is in the desert, and a bunch of gypsies lives there. They have made friends with the indigenous people of the area, the gypsies and the natives live in peace next to each other. "You are home, child. They will teach you the right ways and how to use the magic inside you. Your mother was a goddess, and you will have some of her powers. I will come and visit you often, and we will train and talk about your powers. You can never let the evil that will always try to invade you take over," The gypsy says.  "What is your name?" Bianca asks the gypsy before she can leave. "You can call me Selene as I am your godmother. Your mother asked me to watch over you, and I could not come sooner as I had no way to protect you against the Sun God and his warriors, but you have the power to do that all by yourself now and does not need the help of Deacon anymore," Selene says. "Deacon will worry about me," Bianca says. She is close to tears as she misses her big brother already. "I will look after Deacon and give him someone to love someday. I will do the same with you as long as you stay who you are and do not go to the dark side," Selene says. "I will stay who I am, I promise you, and I will do it for my brother. He has always had high hopes for me, and he promised to always look after me, but how will he find me?"  Bianca asks. "One day, I will bring you together when the world needs you. You will see your brother again, little one," Selene says before she runs away and disappears into thin air. Bianca is uncertain of how the gypsies will treat her, but they make her feel at home and treats her like a goddess. Over the years, the gypsies grow old and die, and a new generation takes their place. Wars come and go, and some of the native tribes disappear. Bianca lives among them, and as the years turn into decades, the village turns into a town at first, and now it is a city.  *End of flashback* Bianca looks over the city in the desert. But, unfortunately, the city has become the city of sin, as some call it. Bianca is beautiful, but she never had a mate or someone special in her life as she could never marry a mere human. Las Vegas. She has stayed in this area all her life. Selene comes to visit her as often as she can, and Bianca will ask her the same question every time. "When can I see my brother?" Every time she will get the same answer. "Soon, little one, the time is still not right," Selene would say. Today the answer is different. "Your time has come, and it is time to reunite with your brother, but he is not a vampire anymore, and he is the King of Lycans," Selene says. "Have he changed?" Bianca asks. "No, he is still the same Deacon you know and loves so much," Selene says. "Where does he live?" Bianca asks. "In the werewolf kingdom, and I will take you there, but first you must know he has a mate and her name is Daniela. She is a beautiful lycan made for him, and you can not be jealous of their love as your love is waiting for you there. He is strong and handsome, but like you, he is an outcast one of a kind creature. He is a hybrid. You will meet him soon. He is rude and a ruthless leader of his people, but you will teach him to become like you," Selene says with a smile. "I am not going to be the mate of a ruthless creature, and if he wants me, he will have to change by himself," Bianca says. "Well, that is the attitude I was looking for. Your brother will need your help with the hybrid and his wolves that will move into their territory soon. I can not wait to see the little mini-wars between you two, as both of you are hard-headed and difficult to please," Selene says with a smile on her face. "Well, I am glad you will find it amusing as I will not. I hate chauvinists," Bianca says, and she already has her mindset on not accepting him as her mate. Raiden has no idea what he is getting himself into when he finds his mate at last. Selene smiles as Raiden is a hardcore hybrid who thinks he can never lose his heart as he is a hybrid and can choose their mates as lycans can. Unless, of course, the Moon Goddess steps in and proves him wrong. He has disobeyed Selene long enough, and although he looks and acts like a total asshole, he still has a good heart somewhere deep inside him. "Well, we better be off as I want to get you to your brother as fast and as soon as possible," Selene says. She knows Raiden and his pack of misfits are on the way to the old castle near the Deacon and Daniela's kingdom. She will have one hell of a surprise waiting for Raiden when he arrives.
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