The Lycan King and Queen

2068 Words
Daniela's POV I did not expect my parents to hand the throne over to Deacon and me so soon. I was expecting them to wait for at least a year or two, but I know they are doing it on the instruction of someone. Can it be the Moon Goddess? I do not know. I know Deacon feels responsible for the well-being of this Kingdom as the Moon Goddess gave him a task, and he will fulfill it no matter what. I was hoping we could spend a bit more time together before taking the kingdom's responsibility upon us. I love Deacon, and I can see him as the king of the kingdom. I have decided to take his surname, as my mother took my father's surname. It is not uncommon in the werewolf kingdoms that Royal's surnames change. As some Queens prefer not to keep the surname of their parents, and when they take the throne with their mates, they take their mate's surname. I know we are equal, and we rule together. I will have as much say in ruling this kingdom as Deacon. He may be King, but I am the heir to the throne. My mate will have the same power as I have, so it does not matter who inherits the throne. We are equal. My mother and my great-grandma are busy picking out a dress for me. I hate wearing dresses, but I guess I have no choice tonight. The dress they pick out for me is beautiful. It fits me perfectly and is purple are purple has become the color of our kingdom. My eye color had not changed when I became a Lycan and is still the same purple color as my mother's. I am glad as it is unique and bonds me with my mother. My brother's eyes had become golden when he got his wolf. I am so happy my brother and Moira are mates. I know Moira will take his surname when they become the King and Queen of King James' kingdom. Her brother will never become king as the werewolves of their kingdom do not trust him and see him as a weakling that could be influenced easily by a witch. As I am all dressed and ready for the ceremony, Damien comes walking in. I am surprised at how tall my brother is for his age. He hugs me. "Good luck for tonight, sis. I am so glad you did not die, and that Deacon saved you," He says. "Thank you, Damien. I am happy you and Moira ended up being mates. How is Richard doing?" I ask. "He is very remorseful and has apologized to everyone in the Kingdom, but they do not want him as king and sees him as weak and a potential threat to the kingdom. So Moira will inherit the throne, and I will be her King one day," Damien says with a smile. "Who thought that both of us would be a King and Queen one day. I am so glad we found our mates. You were luckier than me as you found yours at an early age, and you two can get to know each other long before you become king and queen," I say. "Yeah, I am lucky, but so are you. You get to live for eternity with Deacon," Damien says with a smile. "Well, I guess, but eternity sounds like a long time, and we never know what may happen," I say. "True, but still, you and Deacon deserve being happy. I am glad you two can be together at last," Damien says. My mother walks in and tells me it is almost time for the ceremony, and I get all nervous. I walk down the stairs with my mother and Deacon, and my father is waiting for us at the bottom. I can not take my eyes of Deacon as he looks so handsome in the black suit with the purple shirt. My father will hand him the banner of the king, and my mother will pass the banner of the queen when we accept our duties as the King and the Queen of the Kingdom. My father invited the other kingdoms. King Brandon and his wife, King Austin and my aunt, and King James and his wife are all there to attend the ceremony. We walk onto the stage. I can see that the other kings and queens know that we are lycans as they keep looking at Deacon and me curiously. The ceremony is about to start, and the elders of the packs in our kingdom walk forward. "Tonight, we welcome our new King and Queen and the first Lycan King and Queen into our kingdom. We are proud as the Moon Goddess chose us as the Kingdom to have the first Lycan King and Queen. We trust the Moon Goddess and our new King and Queen to protect us," The elder says. The wolves of our Kingdom cheer as we walk forward. My father and mother take off the royal banners and hangs them over our shoulders. "I, Deacon Romanescu, promise always to protect and lead you in the best way I can. I promise never to forget who my creator is and always listen to the Moon Goddess. I will be you, King and Protector, as I promised the Moon Goddess I will always be. I promise never to let harm come to this Kingdom if I can help it. I take you as my children and will be a father to the Royal Moon Pack and the Kingdom," Deacons says. The elders cut his hand, and his blood flows into the king's cup. The members of the Royal Moon Pack and the Alpha's of the other packs in the kingdom cut their hands, and one by one, they let their blood mix with that of Deacon. It is my turn, and I walk forward. I take the cup from the elder as he hands it to me—the cup of the Queen. "I, Daniela Romanescu, promise always to protect and lead you in the best way I can. I promise never to forget who my creator is and always listen to the Moon Goddess. I will be you, Queen and Protector, as I promised the Moon Goddess I will always be. I promise never to let harm come to this Kingdom if I can help it. I take you as my children and will be a mother to the Royal Moon Pack and the Kingdom," I say as I take the knife and cut me. My blood flows into the cup. The Royal Moon Pack and the Alphas cut themselves and do the same with me as I have changed and am not a werewolf anymore. I have to link myself with the pack and the kingdom again. The elder takes the two cups and mixes the blood into the kingdom cup. We feel the connection with all the wolves, and they start cheering. The Moon Goddess allowed our binding with the Royal Moon Pack and the kingdom packs. I am relieved as I was worried that because we are lycans, she will not allow it. We have our uniforms on under our clothing, and we take our clothes off as we go for the traditional run with our pack. Our generals run proudly next to us. We slow our pace so my great-grandparents can keep up with us as they insisted on running with us. The pack notices it, and the general running next to me mind-link Deacon and me. "I might have had my doubts about you, my Queen and King, but I know now your hearts are pure as we love the old king and queen, and you adjusted the pace to suit them," He says. "We will always do what the best for the pack and the kingdom is. We love all of you, young, old, and we did not just adjust the pace for Lana and Walter. We did it for the young and old of the pack." Deacon link back. As we look back, we see for the first time in the history of our pack. The children joined in the run. Everyone is surprised as it never happened before. The children usually are not interested in the pack ceremonies. This time it is different. Children always get invited to join the run, but they prefer playing. It is optional as they have to run in human form, and their parents carry the few that generally join on their backs. Deacon stops and takes one of the children of a parent's back as he is running with two kids on his back. I stop and help some of the parents as well. In the end, the children all want to take turns riding on the King and Queen's back, and we let them often stopping to let them take turns. The pack enjoys this, and my mom and dad also join in carrying some of our young. I know this brings us closer as a pack. Our run takes longer than usual, and when we return, the other wolves see us laughing as joking as we change back to human form with our uniforms on. The Kingdom sees the way our pack treats us with respect and love, and even the alphas that were against us and had doubts have a change of attitude towards us. They have also never seen the kids join a pack run out of free will before and are surprised. The alphas and lunas walk to us, and they bend the knee in front of us, so do all the members of the packs in our kingdom do the same. I feel embarrassed as I do not want them to bend in front of us. Deacon walks to the nearest Alpha and pulls him and his Luna up. "Please do not bend the knee to us. Of course, we want to be your King and Queen and protectors, but most of all, we want to be your friends and want to be treated as equals by you. We want you all to know that when you have a problem, you can not handle it alone, you can come to us, and we will help you. See us as your friends and treat us like everyone in this kingdom is equal, and we will treat you as we treat any other. We want our children to grow up with yours and play with yours. We want to come to your homes and have a cup of coffee or tea and talk as friends. The castle is also open to anyone for a talk or when you need help, and I want you all to know it. I was so lonely my whole existence as everyone was always afraid of me or did not trust me. Now that I am part of this kingdom, I want it to change as I see you all as my family, and I never want you to fear me or see me as your King only. Please see Daniela and me as friends and family," Deacon says. My great-grandmother is crying openly as she must feel like me. I can feel the pain and longing in Deacon's word to be accepted and to have a family and friend he can trust and rely on. He must have been so alone for thousands of years. The women, special the older she-wolves, all have a tear in their eyes. Demetri walks over to Deacon and hugs him. "I will adopt you as my own son, King Deacon," Demetri says as he is crying like all the she-wolves. "I will be the father you never had and be a pillar you can lean on, and when you feel alone, my warm werewolf heart will be open to you. I know how you feel as I was there myself. The loneness was killing me, and my cold vampire heart longed to feel warm blood pumping through my cold, almost dead body again," Demetri continues dramatically and makes us all smile and forget about the sad moment we all shared. The wolves all get up and cheer for their new king and queen as they know we mean them no harm and want to be accepted by them.
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