August : You've Changed, But why?

1097 Words
The time he got loose and left, He didn't even bother looking back. I sat there all alone in the cafeteria while my thoughts were still scrambled. He changed, but why all of a sudden? The past two days, nothing seemed to be a problem. He was acting normally to others but on my side, it's like he doesn't even know me. I'd understand if he'd lost his feelings for me already but we were friends even before that. Slowly... I feel my heart crumbling. Why would he change so quickly? Was he just there to play around with me? with my feelings? Tears were slowly forming around my eyes but I wipe it off as soon as possible, "there are more chances to fix this and talk to him" I confidently said to myself. I head back 5 minutes later. - 3:50 pm - I stare at him from the corner of my eye just for him not to notice... I think I made it worse but I can't help it, I just had to know why with all the questions in my head, It's almost driving me insane... "What do I need to do to make things better again?" I asked bitterly to myself as I let the wind take wherever it wants to take my unsolved questions... Someone might have the answer but it's surely not me. *Bell ringing* School's over but I'm nowhere near the answer yet because I still couldn't talk to him. As I walk home I can't help but be distracted that I almost got hit like two times already. I got home and of course, I'd get yelled at right away. I don't need this right now. I go straight to my room but of course, I couldn't avoid the wrath of my mom. "AND WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?? GOING STRAIGHT TO YOUR ROOM AND ONLY COME OUT WHEN THE FOOD'S READY?? DO YOU THINK YOU'RE LIVING IN A PALACE??" My mom yelled. "Mom, I -I just... I just really don't wanna talk about it right now.." I replied hoping she'd lower her tone so that our neighbors won't be disturbed. "OHHH I'M SORRY YOUR MAJESTY!" My mom sarcastically yelled while once again I hear my dad was in the background making things worse by adding... "See? She's just worthless isn't she?" I locked myself inside my room and didn't think of coming outside to eat because I lost my appetite and I know they'd just argue right in front of me again, And why would they argue again you ask? Because of me. Ever since I've been 10 they've seen me as just another problem. And to make matters even worse I'm not allowed to cry whenever I feel pressured by them because they said it would ruin their perfect image and they never thought of what I would feel... I cried nonstop... I don't even think I could sleep tonight while my thoughts wander around and keep on adding instead of just going away... I tried to become optimistic and I tried thinking of what tomorrow will bring. I held on to that as it was my only hope to holding on. Everything's been stressful lately but since I was trying to be optimistic... I tried looking at things from a different angle... First of all, the thing with Troy. He can't always stay like that towards me, Maybe one of these days I might just finally fix whatever I might've messed up between us... The second is about school works. I don't think this is much of a problem since I could still handle them, Maybe I'm just overthinking them again... Lastly (I hope), My parents... I tried looking at it from different angles but it was hard... The only thought that came into my head is that it's impossible that they don't love me even just a little. It lessened my worries but of course, I still couldn't stop crying. It really hurts because these problems are just crushing my heart and soul and everything seems to be getting harder by the second. But I guess that's just how things are and I should eventually get used to it... It'll try to break me as much as possible but I gotta learn to bend and try going with the flow. I just laugh at myself because of being able to help and give great advice to others but I couldn't even use it for myself. I tried sleeping that night even with everything that's happening. You'd think these are just small problems but for a seventh-grader, this is just too much like it immediately all exploded into my face. And everyone handles things differently, but I'm trying to at least fix these one of these so it wouldn't be much of a bother. - 7:00 am - I got out of bed and immediately made milk then after drinking it, I took a shower then dried myself then put on my clothes. I dried my hair then put it in a ponytail. I then wore my uniform. I wore my socks then my shoes then went off straight to school. I tried thinking positively along the way. As I was heading into school I saw Troy but only this time it was different. I tried staying away from him, even just for a day. I need a break too you know. I don't wanna come off as clingy and obsessed with him because after all, It's just a harmless crush anyways. I got in and sat down on my seat before he got there. Even though we're seatmates, I tried not giving in to temptation to talk to him but I couldn't help looking at him as he comes inside the classroom... He's still mesmerizing even though he's being a complete snob. It took me a while to realize that we were the only ones in the classroom so far... I know it's an opportunity to finally get things straight with him but I had to put my foot down and not decide to change my mind so quickly again. For the past 15 minutes, no one else has arrived yet. And so continues the awkward silence between us. Even if the awkwardness continued to grow and get worse, I still decided not to talk to him. "I'm a changed woman!" I confidently said to myself as at that time I decided to end chasing after him and move on! "I'm a changed woman! I won't ever fall for him again!"
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