Does She Really Feel The Same? (Troy's POV)

1275 Words
Both of us were surprised by what she just said. I think she was more surprised because after she said that, she looked somewhere blankly like she just froze. I tried calling her over and over again but it didn't work so I tried waving my hand in front of her hoping that would work 'cause I don't want to resort to pinching her. "Hey! snap out of it!" I told her while continuously waving my hand in front of her face. It looked like it worked but there's still no smile on her lips. wait- I haven't answered her yet, I might make her smile again with what I'm about to say but how do I say it? I guess I just have to start with something and maybe the rest will follow... I first held one of her hands and brought it close to my chest so she could feel my heartbeat and show her these feelings are real, then I held her soft cheek then I looked her straight in those beautiful eyes of hers and said... "I'm glad you said that..." That sounds good, right? 'cause judging by her expression, she's surprised! I continued 'cause it seems like it's going in the right path. "...I've been too scared to admit this 'cause I thought it would ruin everything... even our friendship..." I paused for a bit 'cause I don't think she feels what I'm trying to say like the way that my words made her blush before so I leaned 'til both our noses were touching and our lips almost close enough until we could actually kiss then I whispered... "'re the girl in my dreams... the one I want to kiss... the one I want to hold when it's cold... the one I want to spend forever with until we grow old... you're the girl of my dreams that I'm lucky enough to have met in real life..." Her face began to turn red and I could feel her heartbeat racing faster. I didn't end there, I wanted it to be much clearer to her. "...I like you too... I've always had and I always will..." I paused as I tried catching my breath, I could barely breathe properly because of the excitement and nervousness this confession's causing me. "...I will always feel this way about you... nothing will change that... believe me..." I ended as I stare at her confused and shocked face. Too adorable to miss. After a while, she still looked confused then started slapping her face from left to right and she doesn't seem to be stopping any sooner so I then immediately grabbed both of her arms to stop her from hurting herself even more. Her face already turned red but not because of my words this time, it was because of her continuous slapping. I assured her so she won't do it again. "Hey stop... I know this all seems like a dream... but it's not and this is how I really feel about you..." I look at her but it seemed like it didn't change a thing so I did something that I didn't think I would do. I pull her close to me then whispered these words gently to her... "If you still can't believe any of this is real then why don't I give you a true love's kiss to wake you up from this dream" After I told her these sweet words that came from deep down my heart, I leaned closer to her and at that point, it was as if I was in a trance at that point. I couldn't stop but lean closer. So close that I could finally feel her lips touching mine. She pushed me away and seemed more confused than I was. "Ok, ok... I believe you... but why though..." She asked and her tone sounded more confused than before. Even I don't know what to say. "What do you mean?" I replied. "Why do you like me?" She asked. Wow, I'm literally surprised why she'd ask such a thing. Does she really not know why? I mean it's pretty obvious, I just answered her with the whole truth and nothing but the truth. "Really? you don't know why? I mean what's there not to love about you? At first, I didn't know either...'til now I still don't understand why but it doesn't mean I'm not serious with any of my feelings for you... but the longer I spend more time with you... the more reasons I want to love you even more... My heart beats faster whenever you're around and that only happens with you and no one else..." I told her and ended with those words. We were both speechless but I knew that we both felt the same for each other. Words didn't matter at that moment, because her silence answers everything. - Friday - I did everything to make her happy and she did the same for me. I treated her like a queen like she's everything I can't live without. Everything got better the moment my teacher arrived and announced something. She entered the classroom then started talking. "Ok class please listen, This afternoon you will have no classes because you will be having an acquaintance party this afternoon. It is only for first years and it's for all of you to get to know more of the school and meet new friends too." She announced. Perfect! I could hang out with her more or even dance with her! I looked at her, she looked excited and so was I. - 1 pm - It was time! "Ok class, make a line. Girls on the left and boys on the right." Said our teacher. I waited for Maya before I went out and then when she was ready, we both went outside but our teacher stopped us before we got into the line. "Before you two go out, can you please turn off the fans and close the windows as well, and once you're done, you can come down." She said. Once she told us what to do, we both nod immediately and did our job. They went down while I was stuck with the girl of my dreams. I was all alone with her there and it was so quiet, she could probably hear my heart beating fast because of her. After we were done, we went straight to the door but before we really got out, at the door, I kneeled in front of her then took one of her hands then kissed it. Then I looked directly at her and said... "Shall we go m'lady?" I asked and I couldn't stop myself from smiling just by asking her that. "Of course" She answered in a happy and excited tone. I held one of her hands tightly before we went down. We ran fast to make it to the party. Luckily, we made it just in time. The music was loud and almost everyone was there already. The next song played and it was perfect for a dance with her. I took her hand and put one hand on her waist then we danced. I couldn't say a word to her but we were so close, we both can feel each other's heartbeat. I couldn't tell her how I felt but I hope the beat of my heart can tell her what my mouth can't say. After that dance, I held her hand the whole afternoon and never let go. "Both our hearts said what our mouths can't say, Love is what our heart's synched beats display"
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