I'll Be Your Superman (Troy's POV)

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- Back to the dream world - "You're still here!" I said to the Maya in my dream. She smiled then said... "I never left" I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear after hearing her say that. It almost felt like my heart melted, something that only she can do. We walked around everywhere. Even places that I've never been to before but it didn't really matter, as long as I spent it all with her, that's fine enough for me. Wherever she takes me, I'll remain happy because my happiness is right there beside me never thinking of leaving me. I held her hand then her smile began to get bigger while my heart began to beat faster. It took me a while 'til I could realize that this was all a dream and I might leave soon... Something I didn't want to do. Because only here in my dreams is where I could stay true to her and my feelings for her. "I don't want to leave you here..." I said in a way I felt so cheerless. She looked at me, held one of my cheeks, and smiled. "Don't be scared, I'll be here like I always have. I never left because you let me stay there inside your heart" She assured me while not a bit of worry was seen on her face. I guess she's right, but I still worried. I can't help it. I mean, she's only a part of my imagination and maybe in real life, she doesn't really say those words to me... Maybe I'm only hearing what I want to hear, maybe I'm only making her say what I want her to say because in real life, it doesn't work that way. A few minutes passed, I smell a familiar scent come by. It was strong, strong enough to wake me up. I slowly opened my eyes to see that our orders have arrived. Since I see Maya's a little quiet, I decided to start the conversation with of course, coffee. "I hope this is enough to keep me up the whole day" I said to her while holding my cup of coffee. Oof, she didn't reply. So I take a step to plan B where I take a sip of my coffee and she does the same. - 7:55 am - There, we started to practice. To be honest, I really couldn't focus especially with her around but I did my best to impress her. After a few hours of pretending, I eventually understood what we were doing. Fake it 'til you make it they say. We finished our practice earlier than expected but who says we had to leave immediately? I thought of something to do so we'll have more time together. Hopefully, she approves. "Wanna go to a park? We could play on the swings, the see-saw, you name it" I suggested. Although she didn't accept it as soon as possible so I sat there and waited for a response. Finally, she answered. She just nodded. Since the park was right in front of the cafe, we left as soon as we finished our coffee. We walked out of the cafe and onto the park. It seemed pretty quiet because no one was around. Perfect! We first played by the see-saw and went up and down and up and down then from up the slide and down we went smoothly. It made me happy seeing her smile a lot, unlike the other days, the days that pretty much everything between us was awkward. I think our friendship really was finally starting to bloom. I wouldn't ask for anything else! After playing on the slide and the see-saw, we went and played on the swings. I tried swinging really high 'til I could almost touch the clouds. I had so much fun, but it didn't seem like it was the same for Maya. I looked at my side where she was, she was barely moving! I got worried and got off the swing and crouched to see her face better. She was turning pale especially her lips and they got drier the longer I looked at her. "Maya! Maya!" I worriedly called her but it seems like she couldn't hear a thing. I held her hands and they were almost ice cold, That was the point I started to worry even more. There I decided to carry her around my back. I took both of her arms around my neck and then I slowly started to stand from where I was crouching. She was so cold that it almost felt like I was carrying a dead body but while I carried her, I could feel her heartbeat but it was really slow. I wanted to bring her to the hospital but I know the hospital is miles away from here and there was barely any cars passing by where we were and barely any people as well so I tried thinking of something else that could help, I just thought she was really hungry which is why she was getting weaker and I heard her stomach growl loudly so I thought maybe letting her eat a lot would help her regain her energy. Even though I know she couldn't hear me, I still assured her. I look behind my back and whisper into her ear "Hold on, I know a fast-food place nearby. It won't be long, you'll get your energy back I promise" Still no response, I got even more worried. Before she passed out, she mentioned she was really hungry and because of that, it made me a hundred percent sure that this would be the right decision. I ran very quickly to get to the place I was talking about but I still made sure that she wasn't gonna fall off. A few minutes later, we finally arrived. I went in and luckily, the line wasn't too long. While still carrying her behind my back, I ordered. I took as many as possible because I know she'll be starving by then. It didn't matter if I was gonna eat or not, as long as she was full and safe. I looked over by the menu that was on top. "...we'll take this one and ooh this one too. Is it ok if we take everything from this side and this side?" I asked while pointing at the menu. "Yes sir, you may" She answered. Luckily I had enough money for everything. I then took my number and looked for a seat with a wall at the side so that I could put her there. I took our number then went to the seat I found. I lay her down and make her body lean towards the wall so that she won't fall. Not long after, our order arrived. I gave her almost everything but what's the point of a lot of food in front of her when she can't even taste it? She couldn't lift her spoon nor her fork so I decided to sit beside her and started feeding her. It didn't matter if I didn't eat, this is all for her after all. A few minutes later after feeding her, she regained her strength and started eating like there's no tomorrow. She looks so happy while eating, her cheeks started to get color again and I was happy. She ate the whole thing and then she looked at me and smiled. "I'm stuffed! That was delicious! How much do I owe you? Sorry, got a little tired earlier" She said while trying to give me money and pay what she thinks she owes. I smiled and told her. "Don't worry, it's on me since it was kind of like an emergency earlier and you've been sooo nice to me too and I owe you a lot" I replied. It looks like she didn't buy what I said so instead I answered with "sure" hoping that she might just forget about it sooner so she won't have to pay. Seeing that she already regained her energy, my worries went away. Then she thought of going to the park and I agreed seeing that her energy's back. We went back and played back on the swing. We pushed off the ground and we both reached for the clouds. Then I looked at her, the sunshine was moving past her hair and I watch as I could see her eyes started to sparkle and see her beautiful dark brown eyes. I love this girl! I promised that I'll never do anything that could hurt her. I'll be your superman, I whispered quietly to the wind. "I may be no superman with no cape, but I'll do everything to keep you safe"
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