
1048 Words
Yesterday was a blast! Everything went well and better than I ever expected. There I thought for once, finally someone loved me! You'd think I'd be lying and say "That's impossible, you're family loves you too you know!" Well.. you don't know my family.. "HEY! WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING IN THERE?!" My mom yelled. I hear someone murmuring in the background. "I knew taking her in was a mistake right from the start! look at the huge problem she grew up into!" said by my dad. No matter how great yesterday was, I still have to accept the fact that.. no matter how happy I get, every time I come back to this place.. It'll always wreck the joy and happiness I had outside of my house.. I bitterly accepted this years ago.. Not even my own parents wanted to keep me and gave me to my aunt and uncle.. I can't help but let out the tears flooding through my eyes and pain I was feeling inside my heart.. I immediately wiped off my tears but as I did, holding back the pain wasn't a great idea either. The pain I had in my chest started to grow the more I kept my feelings inside. I tried to pretend that I wasn't affected by any of their words and rushed to get finished then headed out. As I was about to step out of our house, they once again open their mouths. Instead of a goodbye kiss and "Have great day at school!" I get more of their hateful words.. I tried shaking it off since I knew I could tell these to Troy, He's the last good thing that I have. The last person that makes me happy, the last person that I trust. While on my way to school I tried wiping of the look of pain and sadness off my face so no one will notice that I've been crying. That's basically my daily routine, To not let anyone know or else if it reaches my mom and dad they might as well kick me out of the house because I ruined their "good image". I finally arrived at school and went straight to our room looking for Troy. He was there! I immediately sat beside him but something was off. For the first time he didn't notice me, even if I was sitting there right beside him. Not even a hi or hello or even just a wave of his hand. Maybe there was something wrong but I just brushed it off. I tried asking him what's wrong but I got no response. Then I thought, Maybe he just woke up or maybe he's tired or he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Whichever it is, I gave him his space 'cause I tried talking to him but it didn't work so maybe he just needs some space. - Recess - Since I wasn't hanging out with Troy, this time I talked to some of my new friends that I got to know at the party. "Hey, how are you and Troy? We've noticed that you got really close to him in these past few weeks. Are you dating?" asked by one of my friends. "Umm.. we're not really dating, we're just friends. Just really close friends" I answered. That topic made me think of Troy again. Of course because he was the topic. I look over at Troy just a few tables away from ours, he looked happy and he was laughing. I guess he just wanted to spend time with his other friends and I didn't think much of it, I didn't over think this time because I trust him. - End of Recess - We all headed back to our classroom and when I sat next to him, I thought of trying to talk to him again because he seemed like he was in a good mood now but as I tried to reach for his shoulder he moved away like on purpose. There I thought "Did I do something wrong? Are you mad at me? What did I do wrong?" I asked myself over and over again but if I only ask myself, I know I was not getting any closer to an answer. I tried to distract myself, I shouldn't get too affected by something as simple as this. I focused on our lesson instead. But it didn't work, he somehow gets into my mind and then messes my thoughts up. - Lunch Break - We were about to head out so I ran and rushed to catch up to Troy since it took me time to pack up my things and go. "Troy! Troy! Hey wait up!" I cried out to Troy but he didn't even bother to look behind him. I tried making my pace a bit faster then I blocked him and there I stood in front of him. But he looked at me with a blank expressionless look painted across his face. That didn't stop me from trying to talk to him and finding out what's wrong. I began with.. "Hey! Wanna go get lunch?" I still didn't hear even a sound from him. "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" I asked while anxiously waiting for a reply and while thoughts seem to fill the void in my mind once again while the tension was rising between the two of us. Instead of replying, he walked to my side that was open and then he ignored me! What happened? what happened that he'd just ignore me all of the sudden? I can't understand! I don't understand what's happening! Was he just messing around with me? Did he even mean any of those words that he told me? Was it all a dream? Was it all just a picture of my imagination.. I thought my worries would all disappear once I got to talk and vent out to him.. or maybe there's really nothing wrong and I'm just over thinking all of this.. Yeah maybe that's why I'm worrying too much when in reality, there's nothing to be worried about. I tried thinking positively even though I know there's something wrong happening here. "Everything's gonna be alright, don't worry".
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