Who Is He?

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As I continue to go on with this topic in my mind of what does she really think or feel about the guy next to her, I thought of another thing while on this thought. I thought to myself, What her type of guy could be 'cause it's obvious it ain't me anymore. With that being said, I tried to recall the past events that occured to me for the past weeks I tried ignoring her and the start of that was on the first day of August. All I could remember so far was that she still didn't know what was happening and just went on with her day as if nothing ever happened yet. I can't blame her, I wouldn't jump into conclusions so quickly although in some instances I might but if it was about this, I probably wouldn't even notice it. Fast forward to the next few days of me ignoring her. I think she finally noticed and now I see her hanging out more with the other guys in class, I mean maybe she just needs something like why would that make me jealous, I shouldn't even be jealous 'cause we're nothing but friends! Pfft, this isn't even jealousy (I think) Anyways, back to what I was saying earlier. Starting from those few days of me purposely avoiding her, it looked like she's been hanging out with more guys who isn't me. Although I know it wasn't just guys she started hanging out with, it's what I noticed most for some reason. It kinda bugged me. But even if she started talking with the others already, she never really stopped trying to get my attention not until a few days ago, Did she already move on? Am I that easy to replace? If she did already replace me, Who did she replace me with? I hit myself hard in the head to get back to reality, I reassured myself saying that it might just be nothing and all this is just in my head. And hey, Maybe soon this mess will be over once I decide to speak the truth. We will eventually fix this little hurdle we stumbled on, I shouldn't be thinking of another thing that could possibly spark conflict between us again without even fixing the first mess yet. I should just go ask her when the time is right. For now, I should just make a way to strengthen these nerves of mine to reconcile with her. All I could think of is that even if she'll end up being the only friend I have, it would be enough because I could tell, she's the type of friend that'll always have your back whether you're near or far away. She's already so special to me. - a few hours after our class - “Hey! Troy, wanna go together this recess? you promised remember? and we gotta talk about this problem you obviously haven't solved yet dude." I hear Luke's voice from behind then when I faced him, He had an excited look in his eyes as if he's made a plan or something to finish this thing that still keeps on bothering me. I beam back at him with both an optimistic yet still worried look shown in my face and while just looking at him come nearer, I immediately move next to a wall 'cause it's more likely that he'll knock me over because of too much excitement in his head. As I predicted it, he ran too fast and eventually slipped and fell and I did nothing but laugh then helped him up and replied to what he said. “Of course! I hope you've got a great idea to help me just by the look of excitement you're showing” We head on downstairs and instead of eating in the cafeteria, I decided to tell him that we could eat at the bleachers outside. There's less people there anyways and less likely for someone to hear what we we're talking about. He answered, “Sure, Ooh! let's stay at the top, you could feel the breeze up there and actually think more straight, it definitely helps.” I agree and as soon as we bought some food to eat, we head out and eat at the top of the bleachers. As we were eating, that thought came back into my mind which I wish never did 'cause I'd rather forget about it and look at the bigger picture here. While he was still eating with his mouth full, he didn't hesitate to ask about how my plans have been going although I couldn't focus. I was lost staring at something else because at the last row at the bottom of the bleachers, I saw Maya was there with her friends. I stare at her wondering if I should ask her or whether she liked the dude from earlier or probably ask forgiveness first? I really couldn't think straight even if the breeze up here was really calming. During the time I was busy with my thoughts, specifically on one person which isn't Maya but rather a possibly future rival at some point. Someone decides to join in on them and uninvited. I said uninvited because he just came there and was with some other guys before he approached her and she was also surprised and kinda uneasy when he asked her if he could stay with them and yes, you guessed it. It was him. I didn't care whatever his name was but of course I'd find out one day but I didn't expect it to come out of Maya's mouth. We weren't that far away and her voice was kinda loud introducing him to her other friends with her. For some reason I just don't want Maya mentioning him or even being near him. “Oy Troy, did you hear me?” asked Luke. Oh God I forgot to respond, with Luke's voice being quite loud too, they noticed us and looked our way, even Maya. Awkward silence filled the air around us. He looked at me with his calm eyes and that huge obviously fake grin he has while I on the other hand stared at him straight in the eyes showing no interest in seeing him with her. Although I didn't want her to notice what I'm doing. I wanted to go down there and tell him to leave but that would make me look more like a jerk . No way am I doing that if she'd just get even more frustrated with me and for the sake of Maya's happiness, I acted as if I didn't care that he was around her. Instead, I clenched my fist and Luke noticed. He whispered so the others wouldn't hear, he said... “Ooooh, looks like someone's jealous” then I tilt my head and see him smirking. I couldn't deny it because he might be right... I just looked away so they won't notice that they're the ones we're talking about. To be more specific, it's Maya and probably that other dude too. I told Luke immediately to start talking as if we were talking about something else and start pointing somewhere but not at them so they would stop staring at us. Eventually Luke got the message of what I was trying to say 'cause I kept my voice very low so they won't hear what I really said. So he started pointing randomly and spoke with a loud voice so they would hear what our conversation was really about. They heard us and just looked away afterwards. They left a few minutes after that which meant no one would be listening to me and Luke's conversation anymore. So I decided to tell Luke I had completely no clue how to do it. As to where Luke replies with something rather not connected with what I just told him. “You know what? Maya looks familiar to me, although the name's different so it's probably just nothing.” He then added something that was related to what I said. “Don't force it, although you really need to get comfortable even just by looking at her so your words can come out smoothly dude” He patted me on the back afterwards. Yeah, that does make sense. Everytime I lose focus, I seem like I'm not saying what I really intend to say. I just hoped it won't be long when that happens. Since recess was almost over, I told Luke to meet up with me again later this lunch to get more advice and 'cause he probably knows more about this because he's older and has a girlfriend which probably meant that he's already got experience like an argument already happened to them before. He said... “Sure, I'll help you two be as good as new 'cause to be honest, I ship you two” He then giggled a little after teasing me. Recess was over and we got back upstairs, since Luke was 1 year level above me, we couldn't be classmates and our classrooms wouldn't be near each other that's why we wait 'til recess or 'til our classes are over. Then at lunch we talked and he said, this won't be easy to talk about if I'm bothered with something else which he's probably implying that I look jealous. Who me?? Me be jealous?? pfft. The school day ended and both me and Luke are ready to go home. He went walking home since his house is near while I got in the car. Before we arrived, what Luke said left a mark on me... “A new issue is upon arrival, Could he be? could he be a new rival?”
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