One... two... THREE??

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Starting that day, we acted more as friends than “lovers” as others have labeled it before, but it still felt great specially because I got him back. Sure it isn't romantic but we were both happy this time and we didn't feel a need to hide things from each other or have a sense of discomfort towards each other at all. That's how it has been for a year. Yes, we were happy, rarely fought, and the times we were together through the months felt like when I first met him but even better. Of course I knew this happiness had an end to it and it was drawing near. I couldn't avoid whatever was gonna happen once summer comes. Although it isn't exactly at summer when he said he was leaving but I won't see him much anymore even after summer has ended and school starts since he won't be going to school with us anymore because he had to prepare what he needed in order to leave. He said we'd still keep in touch but of course, a part of me doubted that as I always do. I mean, this wasn't the first time it happened. That's what they always say but end up doing the opposite so I don't have much high hopes for this one. All I'm hoping and praying for is that he doesn't forget me that soon when he's there already. A feeling in me started to come out again, the feelings I refused to admit and only to be kept to myself. Sure I was hiding these feelings on the first few days I agreed to us nothing more than just friends but through the months, I'm sure it was gone. I was so sure I saw him as just a close friend of mine but apparently these feelings just hid well and waited for a time to show up and surprise me. I guess it showed up because of how anxious I got the closer he was to leaving. No matter how much hiding, these beats from my heart find a way out wanting to tell him I never lost what I felt for him. In just 4 weeks, school is over. As days passed by quickly, my troubled heart can't figure out whether to come clean or just expect my feelings to be gone once he's gone too. I chose to keep my mouth shut and expect that to happen but the longer I pretended, the more I starved for his affection. I didn't want to ruin anything, specially not now because if I did, he'd be gone again before he even left. To clear it up, it just meant that he'll ignore me again. I didn't think he'd notice but he actually did, he always did he said. “I know something's bothering you, you can't hide from me you know” He whispered in my ear while putting one of his arms over my shoulder making my body lean closer to him. I tried to stay relaxed because if I couldn't, at any moment he'd feel my heart beating faster. I stayed quiet 'cause I really don't know how to tell him or what to tell him. I just looked at him, I couldn't help but miss him already even if he's still here right beside me. “Hey, are you missing me already? *pouts*” He could already tell by the look in my eyes that I'm already missing him, he's that good at guessing at times yet oblivious at the same time when it comes to me and my feelings towards him. Instead of coming clean to him, he was the one who was about to confess something. *sighs* “Well, if you've got nothing to tell me, I've got something to confess” He looked worried and shy so assumed it was the same thing I was feeling. Could it be? could it be that he'd be the first to confess to me this time? Although I wouldn't know because he stood up and left before he could tell me because he was going home. He never managed to tell me what he wanted to say those past few weeks even if I constantly asked but luckily, at the last day of school, he told me. “The thing that I wanted to tell you was something I'll reveal to you in my farewell party and I'm inviting you guys of course, that's when I'll tell you” Well, he partially said it and left me on a cliffhanger again just like always. “Of course you'll know if you come so... are you coming?” I couldn't answer him yet 'cause I haven't asked my parents yet, I was really excited and hoping they'd agree to me going and I was already planning a dozen excuses for me to go. Good thing he told me by lunchtime since I could just go home and ask them and give him an answer by this afternoon. “I'll ask my parents first but expect me to be there 'cause I'll do everything to make them agree!” I cheerfully told him. He smiled sweetly and told me good luck and that he'll be waiting for me. So as soon as the bell rang, I immediately went home and got my “reasons for me to go” ready. I got home and they were surprised to see me since I never come home for lunch. I didn't dilly-dally and went straight to the point with them. “Can I please go to my friend’s farewell party pleaseeee?” I went down on my knees so they could tell how badly I wanted to go. They first looked at me and looked like they were thinking whether I should go or not and before they even asked the question I expected them to ask, I already answered them. “I will be with my friends in the party, The party will be at his house, We'll be watched by his aunts and uncles there, His uncle will be picking us up to his house and driving us back home, we won't be long, we will beha-” Before I could finish what seemed like my endless reasons of why I can go, they answered. With each second that passed, my heart beat pounded faster and faster until I heard their answer. “Ok, just take care of yourself then you can go” both my mom and dad answered. I paused for a while shocked with what I heard but then I immediately jumped for joy once I snapped out of it and realized it was all real. I thanked them and tried to see if they were still at the place where we eat lunch. I arrived and as expected, they were at our spot still eating. I came running to them and of course being loud because I had great news! “Heyyyyyy, I got great news for you guys!!” Troy happily looked my way and looked quite interested in what I had to say. “Calm down, sit here and tell us what's the great news?” I felt like a canon ready to fire once I open my mouth so right away I looked at them and said... “I CAN GO!” I looked at Troy immediately after I told them the news and Troy's face lit up brighter than ever and his smile was sweeter and looked like an enormous grin as if he couldn't contain the joy he felt when I said those words and I knew he was filled with joy because after that he did one thing I wasn't expecting which was that he stood up and hugged me tight. Since we were so close to each other and where we were was quiet and peaceful, I heard his heart beating rapidly and he whispered in my ear while we were still in a tight hug, he said happily... “I'm glad you're coming, you're the one I want to see the most before I leave” Again, I tried to stay calm because if I could hear and feel his heartbeat, He could hear and feel mine too so I controlled my emotions so it wouldn't be too obvious. We sat back down and since I was allowed to come, of course I had to know the important details when going to his party. He told me it would be 2 weeks after summer has started and we'll meet here so they could pick us up to his house since it was far and none of my friends know how to get there. Thank God my guess was actually correct that he'd be the one picking us up or else that'll 'cause a new problem 'cause we don't know where exactly his house is but thankfully we didn't need to worry about that. - Day of the party - It's been two weeks since class ended which means this was the day of the party so I was extra prepared so 2 hours before we even get picked up by his car, I was already ready. Of course I waited at least for an hour and a half before I went to our meeting place so I could stay fresh. 20 minutes later, Luke came. Unfortunately, our two other friends couldn't come since they were busy those times so it was basically just me and Luke waiting. Troy chatted and said he was almost here so while waiting, I told Luke the secret I've been hiding. Since he was my friend longer, pretty sure he'd keep it a secret. It's like a friend's code thing that whenever someone tells specific people in our group to keep something a secret from the rest. So I told him. “Luke, I gotta tell you this before I blow up. It's that I still-” He stopped me right in the middle of my sentence before I could finish and finished it himself. “It's that you still like Troy? You don't even need to tell me. This whole year it's been obvious” Luke said while smirking at me. “Excuse me, WHAT?” I was shocked to hear that. It was THAT OBVIOUS? Then before I could even ask him, I thought to myself first... If Luke knew then.... Troy must too?? I felt agitated and it probably looked obvious too that's why before I could even worry even further, he cleared stuff up. “Yeah it's obvious to everyone in the group but even if Troy sees how obvious it is, he still won't assume unless you said it yourself and we both know he's oblivious to these type of stuff” He looked at me in a way that said it all. It did make sense, I wouldn't assume either 'cause that definitely hurts when we find out we're wrong. Then I thought to myself, I should just confess to him already. Although another thought came into my mind, Oh yeah! Troy was gonna confess something! Made me wonder if Troy mentioned anything about this to Luke... “By the way Luke, did Troy mention anything about something he wanted to tell me?” I asked. “He hasn't mentioned anything other than the party, why'd you ask?” Luke answered. “Oh, just thought you guys talked about something or mentioned me in any way” Still, I doubted him. There's a bro code after all. I just decided to wait 'til Troy says it himself while trying to not keep my hopes up with the confession I've been hoping for. You know what I mean- Just as me and Luke finished talking, Troy's car arrived. *Door opens* As soon as the door opened, I got to see his bright smile again which I never get tired of. “Come in guys! sit here in the back with me!” Troy joyfully said. I went in first then Luke afterwards. Troy stayed in between me and Luke. The whole car ride, he was trying to talk to the both of us but Luke was the only one responding and I kept quiet because I was really nervous and was still preparing how to feel for whatever that confession is. He noticed I wasn't answering so the whole ride, he was trying hard to get me to speak. I didn't budge but that didn't stop him of course. As soon as we arrived, when I was about to come out of the car, Troy took the cake I was holding. It was the one I made for him. Sure I forgot to mention it to both Troy and Luke 'cause to be honest, it was a fail. Don't get me wrong, this wasn't my first time making it. I've been baking since I was 5 although I guess because of the pressure, I ruined this one that's why I never mentioned it 'cause I'm too embarrassed. When Troy grabbed it from my hands, I instantly felt nervous. But then, he grabbed my hand to help me get out of the car and I felt a different type of nervous and I kinda liked it. “Focus!” I said to myself. I didn't want to get too ahead of myself and end up confessing first again. We got in and as soon as we arrived, he opened the box where my cake was in so when he was cutting a slice, I took one too immediately to make sure it doesn't taste that terrible. Before he could take a bite, I ate first 'cause like I said, I wanted to know how terrible it turned out. First bite, it didn't taste terrible but the texture was off... If it was moist like how it's supposed to be, it would've been perfect so after I examined it, I felt extremely tense because he finally tasted it. What happened next kinda went the opposite of what I was expecting to happen. He liked it so much that he ate 4 slices already and there was another cake but all the four slices he's eaten was slices from my cake. Of course that means he liked it but I wanted to know what he thought of it or describe it. “So... how's the cake?” I asked. “It's delicious! why?” He answered while smiling and with chocolate cake stuck on his front teeth. “Oh, nothing just wanted to know what you think of the cake and if you liked it” I smiled and was happy to hear that specially that he doesn't even know I baked it. “It tastes amazing! where'd you buy it? I might buy one too before I actually leave, might be my new favorite to be honest” He said while more of the cake was on his teeth and lips and while smiling. He actually liked it that much? And he definitely doesn't know I made it. I felt happy and for once at ease. Since I was relieved by what he said, I just told him I made it. “Actually, I made it...” I replied to him. He looked at me shocked and speechless for a few minutes but spoke after cleaning up his face. “You made this?? Wow! Oh wait...” He first looked shocked and impressed but then looked quite bummed out so I got worried again... “What's wrong?” I asked him. “It's just that I won't be able to buy and taste it anymore once I left... but I'm glad I at least had the chance to taste it” He replied rather bittersweetly. After he finished eating, He told us to go up to his room so we all could hang out there. We followed him upstairs and got to his room. Luke noticed that it was a bunk bed and immediately went to the top bed and occupied the whole top part and it wasn't enough space for the three of us anyways. “You two stay down there while I! stay up here to take my rightful throne in the top bed!” Luke says proudly. Me and Troy both just chuckled and agreed we stay on the lower part. “Fine fine, we'll stay down here. That's not my bed anyways, that's Nathan's. Don't worry, he won't mind” Troy says to Luke. Luke didn't look worried at all 'cause we all know Nathan, Troy's brother is one of the nicest person we've met even if we only got to see him in person today because Troy and his brothers don't stay in the same school. Me and Troy sat down at the lower bed and just started talking about anything. While me and Troy were talking, Luke got a call and said he'll go outside for a while for the call so basically Troy and I were left alone there and even if we were just talking a few seconds ago, it started to feel awkward. Troy eventually took the opportunity to finally confess something to me. “So, remember when I told you I was gonna confess something to you?” Troy asked while scratching his head at the back and tried to avoid looking at me. My eyes popped out out of excitement and fear. I was excited to finally hear what he has to say and see if I was right that what he was about to confess was what was in my mind this whole time. Although scared if I was actually wrong about it... “Yeah I remember, are you gonna tell me now...?” With every second that passed, I waited for his answer patiently with blood rushing through my veins and heart pounding fastly. He stood up and said... “Sorry, I gotta get something first..." Then he left the room before I could even say ok. Just a few seconds later, he came back but wearing something different. Earlier he was in a blue shirt, now he's in red. The only thing going through my mind was that why'd he change his clothes and hair? He just looked at me and left again without saying a word so I was confused. A few seconds later, he came back again but in yellow. What's going on? didn't he just change? Again, he just looked at me confused then left without opening his mouth. I didn't bother to go outside, I just patiently waited inside. 5 minutes later, the door opened and three people went in so I thought it was finally Troy, Luke, and Nathan. But I was wrong... Not completely wrong but not completely right either. There stood in front of me were THREE TROYS?? They were the ones I met earlier in the same clothes... ARE THEY CLONES?? “My heart broke everyday lying to you, but looks like you've been hiding from me too...”
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