The Sacrifice

1233 Words

Out of the corner of my eye, I see one of my fellow sirens lick her lips in hunger. It makes me… angry. I feel a deep compulsion to protect this man, and I don’t really understand it. “No!” I snap. “You’re not sacrificing yourself. Besides, there are too many of us. You wouldn’t be able to transform us all anyway.” “You could just take a little,” suggests Persephone with a shrug. “Just suck out enough of his life force to shift, then go seduce some more victims to bring back here for the rest of us.” “More victims?” Says Angelo quietly. “He’s not a young, strong sailor,” I tell the sirens. “I don’t know if he’d survive.” “Why do you care so much?” Asks Persephone quietly. “He helped me,” I say, “He showed me kindness when nobody else did, and he asked for nothing in return. And now t

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