A fall to Grace

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*knock on the front door* “I’m coming!”Grace said as she dries her hands from doing the dishes. “Matt can you let FuFu in!?” Fufu is the family dog. “Sure.” Matt says. As he runs downstairs to let Fufu in from the yard, Grace goes to the front door and opens it. “well thats weird” she goes to close the door until she looks down and sees a big brown box. She looks inside the box and she is shocked by what she finds. Matt: “honey who’s at the door?” He walks over and to his surprise he sees Grace turn around holding a little bundle of joy in her hands. A couple years pass and Grace and Matt have adopted Nixie but they didn’t know what was headed their way. Matt:*sighs* Nixie Honey you can’t do that Nixie was playing with a toy and playing with Fufu but she was trying to play a little too rough and tried climbing all over the dog Nixie:*stops in her tracks* but daddy..*she starts pouting* Matt:*picks her up and takes her the kitchen* no buts young lady.. now sit right here so i can take out the trash before mommy gets home *he sets her in the chair. Goes and gets the trash and walks outside* Fufu *looks at the dog before walking out* Fufu turns her head and looks at Matt Matt:*points to Nixie* Guard *he then walks outside* Fufu does as he said and sits beside Nixie Nixie:*giggles at Fufu and then sees the door open* play! *she then climbs out of the chair and waddles to the door* Hide from daddy!! *slowly makes her way upstairs and hides* Matt:*walks in and closes the door* boy it sure is hot out there *he walks into the kitchen and only sees Fufu* Nix? *looks around* Where is she Fufu? Fufu:*starts barking and looking around* Matt:*starting to get worried* Nix sweetie where are you!? Matt has been looking for about 10 minutes now and still can’t find her Matt:*quickly grabs the phone and calls 911* Nixie come out!!! *hes still looking* 911 Operator:*answers the line* this is 911 whats your emergency? Matt: i know I’m probably overthinking this but I can’t find my daughter shes only 6! *he starts freaking out* 911 Operator:*speaks calmly* okay sir whats your name? Matt:*frantic* Matthew Ashford 911 Operator: and what’s your daughter’s name? Matt: Nixie Anne Ashford *goes upstairs* Nixie Baby where are you!? 911 Operator: Where was the last place you seen her? Matt:*looking through closets* I think she was trying to play hide and seek but shes nowhere!! I can’t find her!! 911 Operator:*signals dispatch* dispatch I have a 10-65. 6yr old female believed to be playing hide and seek with her father but is now nowhere to be found. *talks back to Matt* Sir can you tell me your location? Matt: 110 Bareview Drive 911:*signals back to dispatch* the address is 110 Bareview Drive Officers show up to the residence and Matt comes running out the door Matt: Please you have to help me! Its been over an hour and I still can’t find her! Grace:*comes pulling in and jumps out of the car* Matt!!?? *runs into the house* I got here as fast as I could!! Whats going on!? Matt:*runs to Grace* its Nixie.. She’s Missing Hours later have passed and there is a full gridlock of officers searching the woods and neighborhoods looking for Nixie Grace:*starts panicking* What if we never find her!? Matt:*hugs her tightly* we will Fufu:*catches a smell* Bark!! Bark!! Matt and Grace look at her Grace: what is it girl!? Fufu:*grabs Nixie’s toy with her mouth and puts it on the floor in front of them and darts out the back door into the woods* Matt: She’s got Her scent!!! Grace, Matt and all the officers chase the dog through the woods Meanwhile deep into the woods where Nixie is Nixie:*running as fast as her little legs can take her* Mommy! Daddy!! *crying her eyes out because she’s lost and scared* Suddenly her shoelaces untie and she finds herself falling and ends up rolling down a small steep hill but before she could start sliding down the hill something grabs her shirt from behind Fufu:*found Nixie and is now holding her by the collar of her shirt* Matt:*runs over* No! Grace:*frantically runs over* Nixie!! Fufu:*trying to pull her up but can’t* They all form a line to pull Nixie up Matt:*reaches her and starts pulling her up* I got you baby.. Officer:*in the line keeping them from falling* okay he got her! Everybody Pull!!! They all start pulling on each other to keep them from falling Nixie:*looks up at Matt and Grace* Mama!!! Daddy!!! *grips onto them* Grace:*hugging her tightly* Baby!! Are you Okay!! Nixie:*nods* Yes ma’am They all head out the woods back to the house Nixie:*looking at the woods behind her and thats when she sees it* Mama.. Grace:*looks at Nixie* yeah baby? Nixie: Its watching us *points to the woods* Grace:*looks up at Matt* Matt:*bends down* what is sweetie Nixie:*quits pointing* Wolf.. A few years go to pass and it’s Nixie’s birthday. Nixie:*grabs her backpack* hey Mom? Dad? Matt:*smiles* yes Honey? Grace:*cooking Breakfast* sit Nixie:*sits down at the counter* i was wondering if Maybe I could hang out with my friend later?? Her mom wants to throw her a sleepover and they want me to come.. Grace:*puts pancakes and eggs on a plate and hands it to Nixie* well if its okay with your father its okay with me *she smiles* Matt:*smiles* do you remember what to do if you feel like you wanna come home or get uncomfortable? Nixie:*nods and eats* call you guys Grace:*nods* thats right Matt: no matter what time. We will come get you Nixie:*jumps up with joy* so does that mean i can go!? They both agree Later at school. Theres only 1 hour left Nixie:*looking out the window when she thinks shes sees something but shrugs it off* do i need to have them drop me off?? Freya:*giggles* no my mom will pick us up School ends and Freya and Nixie head home. Madison: how was the pizza and ice cream girls?? Freya:*finishes* it was really good mama Nixie:*smiles and throws her plate away* thank you Ms. M Madison:*smiles and nods* okay who’s ready for bedtime? They both nod and make there way to Freya’s room and get in bed Freya: Good night Nix *rolls over to get comfortable* Nixie:*yawns* goodnight Frey They both fall asleep Nixie:*wakes up late in the night* Freya you awake? *whispering and gets out of bed* Freya:*sound asleep* Nixie:*walks over to the window and stares at the moon when something catches her eyes in the woods* huh? *looks at it when she sees 2 eyes staring at her* ahh!!! *runs to the closet and hides* Freya:*jumps up* Nix? Madison:*runs in* whats going on!? I heard screaming Freya:*points to the closet* somethings wrong with Nixie..*worried about her friend* Madison:*walks over to the closet and opens the door* Nixie whats wrong? Nixie:*crying* I want Mama!! Madison:*nods and looks at Freya* Freya sweetie will you go get my phone? Freya: Yes Ma’am *gets out of the bed and goes to get the phone and brings it to Madison* Madison:*takes the phone and calls Grace* Grace:*groggy buts picks up the phone* hello.. Matt:*rolls over rubbing his eyes* who is it Madison:*sighs* hey Grace I know its really late but Nix is crying and really upset and she said she wants you Grace: okay tell her mama is coming and Madison Madison: yeah? Grace: Thank You Madison: its no problem. I’ll see y’all in a few minutes
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