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Kinley supposed she shouldn't have been surprised to find that Jessie was more than willing to cheat in order to win. In hindsight she really should have seen this coming. She could see her father yelling in the background but didn't waste time wondering what he was screaming, too focussed on the grey and white wolf leaping towards her with it's jaw open in a snarl and it's eyes focussed on her throat. Kinley braced herself. She didn't have too much of a chance against a shifter wolf but she was banking on Jessie's arrogance and cockiness to at least give her some sort of way to fight her way out. After all Jessie often commented on her being a bigger woman but that didn't stop Kinley from being agile or able to move fast. Kinley reacted, rolling underneath Jessie as she landed on the ground, turning and growling lowly in her throat. Her father made a move to get inside the ring, to interfere in the fight between them but Kinley shook her head. With the way Jessie was acting there was no guarantee she would listen, let alone stop in her attack. Then they all heard it. A loud booming voice that instantly stopped everyone in the vicinity from moving, their necks bared in submission as they waited. "SHIFT." It definitely wasn't aimed at Kinley but rather at Jessie who, unable to resist the alpha tone, shifted back to her form, swearing profusely, her face bright red in embarrassment. Then again it was a bit embarrassing to have one's father force you to shift in front of the majority of the pack for misbehaving. Kinley couldn't help but smirk at her as Jessie flushed and looked down at the ground, also baring her neck in submission, although she looked anything but happy about it. "What is going on out here" Alpha Jack boomed. He was a giant of a man, black shaggy hair that he kept tied into a tight ponytail at all times, his skin tanned and massive thick legs and waistline. He wasn't overweight though but Kinley thought he resembled a tree trunk, strong and tall. Not that she would ever tell him that. He was also extremely protective of his only daughter so Kinley did not see this ending well at least for her. Her father stepped forward hastily. "Alpha Jack" he greeted the Alpha politely "we were doing some sparring and everyone was told only to do so in human form. However Jessie" he indicated the female still staring at the ground and offering nothing as her father glared "turned into wolf form and attacked Kinley." The Alpha was silent and mulled over what he'd been told. While he was fond of Jessie, spoilt her abundantly as she was the only child he'd been gifted with before her mother passed, she had broken a rule and as such would have to be punished regardless of her status as his daughter. Especially since there were multiple witnesses who would all be too willing to give their version of events in support of Kinley. He sighed. Kinley said nothing, just waited with bated breath. Surely he could see that this time it wasn't her fault? She didn't know why the Alpha disliked her so much, she hadn't done anything to him but she suspected it was due to her not having a wolf and the powers she did possess, Perhaps he perceived her as a threat to the pack? Whatever it was she really wished he'd see her and not what he thought she was. But hell would most likely freeze over first before that happened. Jessie was fuming. She'd been so close to knocking that annoying Kinley to the ground and finally beating her. She didn't care that she'd broken the rules, only wanting to hurt the girl who had made such a fool of her the last time they had been together. Kinley deserved to be injured for breaking her nose the last time. Besides look at her, Kinley didn't deserve to be in this pack looking like a massive whale. She still didn't understand how men flocked to a woman who looked like that. How was she not ashamed of her appearance. Jessie shuddered. There was no way she would ever let herself gain weight like that, let alone be proud of it. There was something very wrong about Kinley and Jessie despised her, hated the girl with a passion. "Jessie" Alpha Jack barked at his daughter who finally lifted her face and looked at him, biting her lip and looking anything but apologetic. "You broke the rules of the pack and shamed yourself before everyone. Your punishment is to help the omega's clean the house for the next week and do chores." Jessie was outraged but Kinley privately thought the girl had gotten off easily. If it had been anyone else they would have been thrown in the dungeon for a good few weeks or more to be taught a lesson. Not that Jessie saw it that way. "Father you can't mean" Jessie began to wail but for once her father wasn't having it. "You'll do as I commanded" he thundered at her and Kinley watched as Jessie's face turned bright red, donning the shirt her father took off his own back and threw to her, glowering over at Kinley as though this was her fault. Kinley's father joined her, relieved that she hadn't been punished for Jessie's transgression. Although he might have argued on her behalf he couldn't risk offending the Alpha. He thanked goodness Kinley was unharmed, sweeping his little girl into a hug as she laughed and wriggled out. "Dad I'm fine" she told him "but I'm glad to see Jessie's being punished this time instead of me" she muttered under her breath, watching the girl storm off, still trying to argue with her father whose face was hard as stone as he too strode back towards the pack house with her. "Me too" he said with a twinkle in his eyes. "But you did good with that fighting skills of yours" he added "you've really improved and I'm so proud of you" he added. Kinley linked her arm through his, almost skipping. She had to admit she was wide awake now and starving after only having a coffee as her breakfast. Her stomach growled and her father hid his smile. "Breakfast" he offered as her face lit up "my treat, let's go to the bakery and have cupcakes" he suggested and Kinley felt a wave of nostalgia. Her mother used to take her to the bakery as a little girl and they would eat cupcakes for breakfast instead of the usual foods as a special occasion. She couldn't think of anything better and happily agreed, still mentally making a note to go searching for a new job afterwards.
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