Chapter 27

2125 Words

It probably didn’t hurt that he was a very sexy, attractive man, or that there was something about him that drew her like iron filings to a magnet or ants to honey. Charm? Charisma? Presence? However you defined it, he had it. A certain light in his eyes, a quickness to his wit, an innate confidence in himself that was evident in every move he made. All of which meant he could admit to being useless with directions or ask for help gutting a fish and not lose one iota of his masculine appeal. “Hey.” She opened her eyes to find Samael standing over her, plate in hand. For a moment they simply stared at each other in the flickering firelight. There was something in his face—an intensity—that made her wonder how long he’d been watching her drowse. An odd little prickle of awareness tugged a

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