Tuesday April 24

1481 Words
Hello stranger... So exam week started yesterday and I cant tell you how stressed I feel. The days feel eternal but short at the same time, I start panicking for no reason and I barely sleep so it was no surprise when I woke up and looked at my reflection I looked like s**t. This is the only week in the entire trimester in which I really don't care how I look so I just tie my hair to a messy ponytail put some pants and an oversize hoodie. I drink as much coffee as I can and go towards where Violet is waiting for me and surprisingly she doesn't look like s**t. We arrive to the school and I get a text from Abby saying she has food poisoning so she cant go to school, lucky bastard. Violet went straight towards the school and I followed her but someone held my hand, I turned around and it was Damien, s**t I didn't think about what I was wearing until now but he didn't seem to be bothered by it, he just lead me towards the place where I park my bike and made me lean against a tree. He just stared at me with the biggest desire face I had seen in my life and as innocent as I was I just smiled, Damien laughed and leaned over to kiss me. Before I knew it we were making out and god he was really good, I didn't want him to stop at all but all of the sudden someone interrupted us. "I'd say get a room but we're in front of the school so...hello...remember me?...red haired...a friend of yours...my name is Steve. Can we please put aside the horny s**t for another time?...I want attention" Oh my f*****g god, I was literally really enjoying the moment until that genius decided that he needed attention. Damien noticed this and said "I swear to god Steve, really? Now?" "Yep now" Then I had an idea that I think could work. I told both of them to stay where they were and wait. I walked towards the main hallway of the school were I found Violet in her natural habitat (insulting people without a reason) and guided her towards where Damien and Steve were, Steve looked confused but Damien looked relived, I think he knows where my idea is going. "Steve this is Violet, Violet this is Steve. There, you have her full attention, may we go?" But before both of them could say anything I had already grabbed Damien's hand and lead him towards somewhere else to continue what we were doing. The school bell rang and we headed towards our classroom but when Violet arrived she had a weird face, like confused and amazed at the same time, god only knows what they talked about. Well I better go study, I've got math exam tomorrow, yay Lost teenager:) Violet Hello stranger... Am I really the only human being that thinks that exam week is given way to many importance? For example my best friend goes literally mad whenever an exam comes near, that girl really needs to chill, she becomes this zombie that doesn't even say hello because its way too busy memorizing what an atom is. We got to school and apparently Abby cant come because she's sick, if you ask me I just think she didn't study. I went towards the library for a while and studied a bit, then I went to the main hall and insulted a few people ( it fells great) and then my friend took me towards where we park our bikes for no reason at all, or that's what I thought. As we approached I saw Damien and another guy who looked as confused as I was, before I knew it she had introduced me to him and left us alone, I didn't have a clue what had happened or why was I there. "Wait, what just happened?" "Umm I kind of interrupted them while they were kissing and said I needed attention, I had no idea this was going to happen" "Sorry who are you?" "I'm Steve, Damien's best friend. No need to tell me who you are, I already know" "Right" We stood there just staring at each other, something about that guy gave me the feeling I knew him somehow but I was sure that I would remember him, he was quite attractive. He had short red hair, face full of freckles and clear brown eyes plus he was huge, he was easily two heads taller than me, he looked intimidating but friendly at the same time. "Well aren't you small" he said half laughing. s**t, did he read my mind or something?  "Yeah real funny" I said trying not to laugh. I looked at my phone and realized classes started in 10 minutes "Well I've got to go, my class is about to start in 10 minutes" "Holy s**t I totally forgot! I just missed like an entire class, I better go, nice meeting you Violet!" He said it as he was running and I couldn't help but laugh. I went back to class and thought about what happened, I still couldn't shake off the feeling that I somehow knew him. After school I payed my daily visit to Nathan, he made me lean against a wall and started kissing me with intensity...god he was really good...oh s**t he's going for my neck...oh Steve kisses really good...WAIT WHAT? Steve? No, Nathan was kissing me, why was I thinking of Steve?...just focus on the kiss. Before I knew it I couldn't get him out of my mind, I tried as hard as I could but it was no use, s**t. I pulled away and left in a hurry, I needed to think or at least get a bit distracted. I headed towards the library, that one place where I could think in peace. I walked to the bottom of the library where my favorite book was, Wuthering Heights, there was something so marvelous about all that mystery. I didn't even bother sitting in a table, I just sat on the floor and began reading forgetting of the world. After a while I heard some footsteps approaching but I didn't bother to look, I just really wanted to read but as the minutes passed the person didn't move and I started to get curious so I just casually glanced at the person and holly s**t! It was f*****g Steve! What do I do? I cant just run like a mad person but I really don't want to stay, he was directly looking at me. I had no choice but to stay where I was but then I noticed something that made thing even worse, I was blushing, s**t. To many things where happening all at once, Steve, me blushing, I hadn't blushed in ages, what is wrong with me? I couldn't stand it, I had to leave. I got up as calmly as possible and turned around to put the book where it belonged but when I turned back Steve had his hands on both sides, I was trapped. I was very close to panicking right now but all I did was blush even more, great. Steve looked like he was enjoying seeing me like this because all he did was smile but it looked like half mocking and half amazed or happy. We stayed there for a while and I could feel the tension grow, he looked even more attractive than he did a few hours ago and I wondered what it felt being kissed by him...shit get your priorities straight woman! Just ask calmly if he could move...but I didn't...something held me back...I was starting to somehow enjoy the situation myself. He starts getting closer and I get more nervous but excited...I could smell his cologne...god I think he wants to kiss me...he gets closer and I can hear him breathe...he slowly gets closer...and just as fast as it had happened it faded, an i***t decided it was a good idea to look for a book at this section just at the moment Steve was about to kiss me, he pulled away and I just looked as meanly as possible towards that insignificant person that had ruined the moment. We left the library at the same time but didn't say a word until we were out. "Hey want to have a drink or something?" "On the condition that I get to choose the place" "Cool" I guided him to "The hideout" and we talked for a while, I got the feeling that I had met him ages ago. We had literally the same taste in everything. At the end of the day I got his number so maybe I got someone else to bother with my existence... Selfish diva...
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