Saturday April 22

1310 Words
Hello stranger... Today I woke up but I didn't feel good, my head hurt and I was really tired, god I think my period is coming. My mom and dad are away for the weekend and my brother is at the library, since we where kids we loved to go there and read, we would stay the hole day just reading there, I wanted to join him but I felt sick and I didn't want him to put up with me complaining about everything so I decided to stay. I spent the hole day studying like crazy because the exams are next week and I want to feel prepared, when I had finally finished I noticed it was already getting dark. I took a shower and put my snoopy pijamas on, I was in the mood of reading but then I got interrupted by a call, it was Damien. I don't know why but I've noticed that recently when someone mentions him or I just think of him I can't help but blush and smile, I answered "Hello?" god I sounded really nervous "Hey! So I was wondering if you wanted to come and see the sunset with me and have a walk, what do you say? "Oh Damien I'd love to but I can't" "Why not? Don't tell me your studying this late at the day" "No its not that, I'm just feeling really sick" "Well we can't have that, are you home alone?" "Yep" "See you in ten" He hung up before I could say anything, was he coming to my house? Don't know but before I could think of what to do I fell asleep. I woke up at the noice of someone knocking on the door and I don't know why but I thought it was Violet so I didn't even bother getting up, I just yelled that the door was unlocked. I heard footsteps approaching my door and someone opening it but as stupid as I am the only thing that occurred to me to say was "f**k off, I'm trying to sleep" "Alright no need to be upset" someone said as I recognized the voice, Damien did come "s**t no wait! I'm really sorry I thought you were someone else" I said as I got up from my bed and there I was like an i***t with snoopy pajamas, this really wasn't me day "Loving the outfit for today" he said trying not to laugh "Great, give me a minute" I said as I grabbed the first thing I could find and headed to the bathroom "Oh come on! You know I didn't mean that, you look really cute!" He said as I tried to act like I was angry but failed "Wait here" I said I came out a few minutes ago and saw him laying down on my bed, he looked really happy. I took him by the hand and guided him down stairs towards the living room. "So let me get this straight, you're rich aren't you?" "Why would you say that?" He pointed at the piano that was in the corner near the window. "All rich people have a piano in their living room, its an unspoken rule" I just laugh and sit in the couch while he goes around the room looking at every single thing with wonder, I can't help but smile. After a while a question arises to me "Damien" "Yeah little one?" "If you could live in a song forever which would it be?" "Hmm, I think it would be Walking on a dream by Empire of the sun, what about you?" "Well I have two options and even though they are of different type of music I love them both" I get up and open the piano, Damien just stands in the middle of the room with that curious look of his that melts my heart. I sit down and start playing the only song that I know while I tell him "This is a song that very few people know and its the only one that I've been able to play. I love it so much because of the feelings that it provokes me, I feel calm, I can forget about the world and not even worry" I start closing my eyes as I hear Damien getting closer trying not to make much noise, he's so sweet. I feel as he sits beside me, I feel those green eyes staring at me wondering what I'm thinking about but I don't feel uncomfortable, I just smile. "I love this song because the first person I'm playing it to is to that one guy that I really like and I can't help hiding it even if I try"  He laughs silently and rests his head in my shoulder "I wonder who he is" he whispers smiling I open my eyes and I look at him, his eyes are closed but his smile is still there. He reaches for my hands and says "Don't stop playing little one, I want to live forever in this moment with the girl I like" So there we where, just two kids confessing their true feelings and knowing that nothing bad will happen, not in that moment at least. For a long time I wondered what it felt being loved by a boy, and there I was playing right beside him as I felt a warm feeling that I wanted never to end. "I like you little one" he said as the song ended and we faced each other. But then it hit me, we only knew each other a few weeks ago and I started feeling insecure "You don't know me" He smiled and looked deep into my eyes "I want to, though" After that all my doubts just vanished, I still couldn't believe this was happening. I was that one girl that even her friends told her that she would die single and yet there I was with a boy that wanted to know me, it felt so unreal  "Is this a dream?" I say a bit frightened "This is better than a dream" he says as he stares at my lips, s**t I think he wants to kiss me, am I ready for that? My mind starts panicking...I've never kissed someone before...what if I make a mistake?.. oh god this is to much pressure. He starts getting closer and I can't help but to say "Wait. I've never kissed anyone, I don't know what to do" He laughs and whispered in my ear "Just close your eyes and enjoy" I doubt at first but then I close them and wait for something to happen, god it felt like ages, I wanted to open my eyes and see if he was still there but something always kept me from doing it. Then I felt his hand on my cheek, oh god I blushed harder that ever. I felt how he got so close I could hear him breathing and before I knew it I was kissing a boy, I felt his soft lips pressed against mine and how my heart was beating so fast that I thought it would explode. I can't explain with words what I felt but I just wanted for the moment never to end. He pulled away and looked at me nervously like if he were praying that nothing bad happened, all I could do was smile. We talked for a while and then Damien said he had to go,  I felt a bit sad and I noticed he was to but he smiled and said: "Don't worry, I'll see you in school little one" he said as he gave me a kiss in the cheek I can't tell you how great I slept that day, after all, I had my first kiss. Lost teenager:)
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