Tuesday part 2

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Damien Hello stranger... Is it possible to fall in love with some one you met a few weeks ago? If it is I think its my case, every time I see that hazel eyed girl I feel something that makes me feel that I'm flying, even Steve noticed something was wrong with me. One day before we split up to go to classes he caught me lost looking at her "Dudeee!!!! Did Cupid payed you a visit or why are you staring at that girl so much?" "s**t, is it that obvious?" "HA, this will be fun to watch. I've never seen you in love man, she must be really special" "Yeah, she is something out of this world" I say smiling  I guess I am falling for her, she's so innocent and sweet it makes me want to scream to the world for not paying enough attention to her, I want to hit every boy that turned her down and didn't even bother getting to know her, even though I feel lucky being that one guy that actually noticed her. Today after school she guided me to her favorite cafe, this place that if it wasn't for her I wouldn't had noticed it and it is AMAZING!! I loved it, it had this vintage vibes and was full with vinyl discs and the food was great. Talking about food, I've never seen a girl eat as much and with such delight as her, the girls I've met are the typical that just eat a salad and say that they're full even if they're starving. I had to stop myself from watching her eat because I would forget I was hungry to. After we were done I taught her math and she looked so grateful when we where done. I asked her about the things she liked and I'm literally amazed of what a great taste she has on music and about other things to, we have a lot in common. In the night I called her because, well I was bored. We talked for a while and then she told me to meet her at the cafe, turns out that she also told her friends and asked us to forget our differences and have fun, I like how this girl thinks. At first it was really awkward but we started warming up until I was left with Violet alone, great. If I'm honest Violet and Abby seemed really cool people, I just hope they give me a chance. I tried to talk to her about something I think she would like, music and after that we actually started to enjoy the talk we were having, I knew that with Violet things were going to be hard, but nothing I couldn't handle. After some time the table was full again and we laughed for hours, god it felt great... Fucked up boy... Violet Hello stranger... I hate Abby's parents, I hate them. How dare them decide to tell or not to tell her the truth about her entire life? God I'm so angry. But taking that away Abby had a panic attack today because she was afraid that our friend would get mad because she didn't tell her first, it took me all day to calm her so we skipped school but hell was that going to prevent me to go and see Nathan, I did need those classes because at least I wold like to pass one assignment. After the classes were over I spotted my friend with that Damien guy and I've got to admit, they do look king of cute together. I rushed through the classed making sure no teacher saw me, I didn't want to explain why I hadn't come to class. I made it to the literature class and there he was, sitting on his desk reading some book, even by doing that he turns me on. I knock on the door even though its open, I love to make a scene when I can, he looked up and smirked. "I thought you weren't coming Violet" "How could miss my favorite teachers class while being alone? That's not something that happens everyday" "Shall we start?" "We shall" I say imitating his english accent  "You just turned me on in seconds" I laugh, god was I going to enjoy these classes. I decided to play academic today and solve all my doubts today so that tomorrow I would start playing if you know what I mean. After the class finished I gave him a kiss and I smelled his cologne, delicious. Late at night I get a call from my bestie saying to meet her at her favorite cafe. When Abby and me get there we see that Damien was there too, I just hoped that he was waiting for someone else but my friend is very predictable and he was waiting for her to. She had the brilliant idea of putting aside our differences, great, that meant I wasn't going to insult anyone, my favorite hobby. Everything was great until I was stuck alone with Damien, I wasn't even going to try having a conversation with him but he looked like he really wanted to like me and Abby, I felt sorry for him and followed his conversation but in the end I ended up actually enjoying it which is quite the surprise. As I had told Abby she didn't need to worry about anything and it ended up just as I said, we stayed there talking for hours and I don't know if they think that we are idiots but Abby and me clearly noticed that Damien was falling for her and she also but what stressed us out was that they didn't know that they actually liked each other but not to worry, Violet is quite good with these things... Selfish diva... Abby Hello stranger... Had a panic attack today, I'm really scared of loosing my best friend because I didn't tell her about what I was going though, Violet finally calmed me a few minutes ago and advised me not to go to school, I was already dealing with a lot. Started thinking were to live, I can't stay to long at Violet's house, I love her and all but her house gives me this scary vibe, still don't know why. Got a call from my brother's... no doesn't sound right... from my brother the traitor's best friend Oliver, he's like a second brother to me and actually thinking about it the only brother I have now. "Abby are you okay? I swear to god I didn't know anything about your true family, no one ever told me anything I promise" "I'm okay Oliver, don't worry I believe you" "Thank god, how are you?" "Physically I'm fine, emotionally I'm bruised" I say sarcastically  He laughs. "Hey I was calling to tell you something, I know this is a long shot but as you know I live alone, I have a spare bedroom, do you want to come live with me?" "s**t are you sure? I don't want to cause any trouble" "I'm sure, I've known you since we were kids I think I can handle it" "Oh my god you have no idea how grateful I am Oliver!! I will make you an altar an worship you forever!" "I don't think thats necessary but your welcome, when do you want to move in?" "Tomorrow to soon?" "Not at all, I'm actually getting pretty tired of living alone so go ahead" "Yay! See you tomorrow then" "Bye" After that my mood got cheered up, Violet told me that our best friend told me to meet her at "The hideout", s**t, I was going to tell her tonight. What I didn't expect was that she invited Damien too, I wasn't actually bothered by it, I saw it as an opportunity to meet the guy that our friend clearly had a crush on and I've got to admit he was really funny, I can't remember a time when I had laughed so hard but the moment had come, I told my friend everything and she took it just as Violet predicted, god I'm so lucky to have them both. After that we returned to our table and I could clearly notice how hard Damien was falling for my best friend and she too, for a moment I had to hold myself from screaming towards them "Kiss her you fool"... Confused girl...
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