High Regards

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ROCHELLE'S POV I can't believe that I have to enjoy this rose tea with Alfonso. Of all people, why must I be with this useless man. "Rochelle, if you keep staring dagger at me, you'll leave a hole in my chest." Alfonso chuckled. "Well, sometimes I wish that I was born with that very gift myself. But not everyone can have everything they desire. Now, tell me. What is your purpose coming to my palace this late at night? How will your empress say about this?" Alfonso sigh. "Can we not talk about the empress for one moment of our meeting?" Alfonso takes a few sip of the rose tea. "We can't avoid the talk since your wife constantly making my life a living hell. The rumours, the way that woman disregard my position as your aide, it's just too much for little old me to handle." Alfonso looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "Rochelle, I may be the strongest fighter in the battlefield but when it comes to handling my own harem, I can't do much. Vesta, in my eyes- shes just that amazing but her attitude- sometimes I do wish she acts more poise and considerate like you." Oh, what is this? The emperor shouldn't say such thing about his empress. "About my visit, are you aware of this country upcoming event?" I nodded. "You mean the festival? Of course I am aware of it. The empress decided to ignore the event and let the minister of household doing all the planning. I was only told that the empress did such thing by Elias recently! But once Vesta was informed that I took her job, she ordered the treasury to cut the budget off!" Alfonso sigh. "I'm sorry, Rochelle. But you don't have to worry about that now. I've talked to the treasury head and gave him my word. You have my support now. But I am here not because of the festival itself. It's about the assembly that will be held in the palace." The assembly? "What's wrong with the assembly? Your advisor should be able to host them." Alfonso asked for another cup of rose tea from Gloria. "That's the problem. They're incapable of hosting such grand assembly. They aren't meticulous as their predecessors. I'm afraid, I will lose face in front of all our guests on that day. Rochelle, please help me. It was my idea to let the newer generation to enter the palace but I wasn't thinking straight." I see it now. "Now you're begging me to help you? You could just asked your imperial consort to help since she's from the prime minister household. Or even better, your noble consort seems to have a knack on dealing with state affairs since she is the daugther of the general. I'm sure those two will do wonders than a lowly concubine like me." Let's see how you retort this, Alfonso. "I- I don't trust my own consort with my dignity, Rochelle. They were chosen by the former emperor and you know how my father likes to taunt me. Rochelle, we grew up together and we know each other's secret. Can't you help an old friend? Or at least for the sake of our children." Our children? I scoffed at the way he begged for my help. This man only knows how to use that word 'children' when he is desperate. But, looking at the way he is, I can't help but to lend a hand. I sighed. "You're lucky that most of the delegate is an old acquaintances of mine. If not, I would never care to what will happen to you. I'll handle the assembly and the festival. Just make sure that your wife stays away from me. If Vesta even tried to ruining my plan, I won't hesitate to make her lose face in front of the guests." I smiled at Alfonso who only nodding his head. "Are you spending the night?" I asked while stirring my tea. "Well, if you don't mind that is." I looked up to the emperor. "Fine. Do as you please." I turned to face Gloria. "You may go. I will make sure your extra work be rewarded handsomely. I'm sure the emperor will do the same." Alfonso nodded. "Of course. Have a pleasant night." Gloria bow before excusing herself. Once Gloria close the door, Alfonso waved his hand to gained my attention. "Are you aware of what happened today?" I can't say I am. "What happened?" Afonso explained to me that the twins came through to save a maid from being beaten to death by one of the concubine. "Of course as their father I punished the concubine who indeed abuse her servant. But that's not what is important. Nazareth wishes to take the maid to work under him." Oh. "Since when did you became such scuttlebutt?" Alfonso chuckled. "I blame the ladies from the harem. I must say, they really know how to entertain their emperor." To think this man has 12 consorts in his harem and I am one of the 12 is beyond me. "Are you planning on taking more concubines? Will Vesta even let you do whatever you want?" Alfonso chuckled. "I am the emperor. I can do whatever I want. And if I want more beauties to be on my side, then it shall be." How did such an innocent looking boy turned out to be a ladies man? I hope my sons won't grew up to be a crude man like their father. "Rochelle, you're well aware than if the empress bare me a son, I have to announce that child as the crown prince, right?" I nodded. "I am aware of that. Even our sons is aware of that." Alfonso sighed. "How can you keep such expression upon saying that? Don't you want to have more power in the harem? Being the mother of the crown prince is what the ladies in the harem wishes." I chuckled. "I am not most ladies. Keep that in mind, my dear emperor. Now, I'm tired. You are welcome to join me to my chamber." I stood up from my chair and walked towards the door followed by Alfonso. *** Like always, Alfonso always wakes up early, waiting for me as he enjoys his morning tea with a smile on his face. Upon seeing him, I couldn't help but to sigh in disbelief. "What?" Alfonso asked with little innocent he has left. "Why are you still here? I thought you be at your morning court meeting by now." Alfonso cleared his throat. "Are you forgetting something? You agreed to help me with the assembly. Of course you have to follow me to court today." Oh, yes. I did agreed to do that. Someone knock on the door and I beckon Alfonso to open the door. "You're the only person who could make me do this." I doubt it. I'm sure he let Vesta place a leash around his neck the night he has to entertain the empress. Gloria bow upon walking into my chamber while the rest of the servant continued to prepare my bath. "Gloria, you'll be following me to court today. Elias has something to do." Gloria nodded as I walked towards the bathroom. The servants beginning to strip my clothes off before soaking myself in the tub. "Mistress, what scent do you prefer today?" Asked one of the maid. "Lavender." The maid nodded and pour some bath oil into the tub. I leaned back as they scrub my body clean. Once their done, I got up and stood in front of the mirror as they dry my body and hair off with clean towel. "What kind of tea do you prefer today, milady?" Hmmm. "Ask Gloria to prepare me a fresh bath of chamomile tea." Since I'm going to court today, I have to prepare myself for ridiculous claims and rude remarks from Alfonso's vassal. I walked out from the bathroom and spread my hands as the servants puts on my clothes. "Alfonso, what are you reading?" I asked when I noticed he's reading a book. "I don't know. It was on the table." On the table? Ah. "Are you sure you wish to continue reading that book?" Alfonso seems confused. "It's just a common literature that you enjoy. What's wrong with it?" I sigh. "It's about ghosts and demon." Alfonso immediately close the book and placed them on the table. "Rochelle, you need to stop reading this superstitious material. What if they make you sick?" I laughed. This man never change. "A book can't make you sick, your majesty. It's the people that makes you sick. Anyway, I'm ready." Alfonso stood up from his chair and offered his hand. When I took his hand with mine, I noticed that Gloria seems different than usual. I wonder what's going on. "Where did Elias go?" Alfonso asked. "To a place. I don't have to tell you anything, do I?" I smiled as we walked passed a group of servants who's cleaning the hallway of my palace. "I see. Well. It's your choice to tell me or not." Alfonso smiled as he helped me up the carriage. *Main Palace Court* "Gloria, what is with your long face?" I asked after Alfonso excuse himself to visit the empress before going to court. "Can I be honest, your highness?" I nodded. "The emperor asked for your help with the assembly but he's not even here to deal with the elders and council members who is going to against your participation in this current matter. We manage to go through the first session without any incident but I can't say the same with our next meeting." Gloria clearly pissed since Alfonso is not here with me. I chuckled. "They keep calling you the 'evil' concubine without caring about the milady's feelings! I don't like them one bit." Gloria huffed. "Am I as close to the reincarnation of a devil in your eyes too, Gloria?" Gloria stopped pouring the tea and looked up to face me. "Your highness, you're far from the devil everyone claimed you to be. You're compassionate, workaholic and has such a gentle soul. Although you ought to change your habit of not sleeping through the night for your health but other than that, you're the perfect candidate for empress." I hushed this maid of mine before others heard her. "Please mind your words when we're in the main palace. Some say even the portraits hanging on the walls here has eyes and ears." I warned my maid. Gloria apologise but what she said was facts. I was raised by the empress dowager to be Alfonso's empress. But somehow, Vesta managed to coax him to make her empress but in the end, it was me who gave birth to Alfonso's princes. "Your highness, there's an official wish to see you. I did mentioned that milady is having her break but she said it's urgent." Urgent? I beckon for Gloria to bring the official to me. "It's rare for the concubine to visit the main palace unless she was invited by the emperor himself. Say, your highness, what is your real intention of coming to the meeting today?" This official is one bold man. Someday, his boldness will be the reason why his whole family suffered greatly. "The emperor asked me to take over the planning of the upcoming assembly. Since most of the work for the festival is done, I decided to accept the emperor's request since I am his concubine. State your name and your status. How dare you come into this lounge and demanding answer without respecting me." The official finally bowed. "I am Duke Ranker. I'm sure I don't have to introduce who my parents is. As someone who grew up in the palace, your highness should know who I am." Indeed. This man is the current duke of the Ranker dukedom? What a terrible image you're giving your family, little duke. "I see. Since you've asked such question before, let me ask you this in return. What is your purpose on disturbing my rest?" This young duke smiled. "I wish to urge her highness to leave the matters about the village in the Far East whom affected by the recent disaster. That is all. Let this duke handle the matter in your stead instead." Oh. What a bold decision of him to meet me in person. "I'm sorry, young lord but this concubine can't simply do that. I have an obligation to the country and your request will only make me lose face." I smiled but I'm sure he knows what I'm meaning by saying this. "I see. I hope her highness find inner peace. I'm sorry for bothering her highness from her rest. Just remember that it was her highness that refuse this offer." The duke excuse himself and leave the lounge. For him to wish me to find inner peace- was that a threat? Is that man planning to assassinate me? Hmmm. He can try but he won't succeed. I may not be the empress but Alfonso has high regard of my effort. The emperor should know what to do.
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