Dowager Palace

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GLORIA'S POV I- I am speechless. I am a maid who has never gone through any specific course as Elias did. But here I am- standing beside the 'evil' concubine, waiting for the empress dowager. Also, I never thought that I get to see the moment that a CONCUBINE is requesting to see the empress dowager. "Something on your mind, Gloria?" The concubine suddenly asked me as I admire the scenery in front of me. "It's nothing, your highness. I was just admiring the view. It's not everyday us common servant get to be here." Concubine Rochelle smiled. "As my attending maid, you get to be everywhere I am allowed to go to. For example, the emperor's throne room and of course, the empress dowager palace." The concubine leaned closer to me. "Even the empress haven't been here even though she's been married to the emperor for years now." It's the first time I heard the concubine giggled like so. "Where is that girl! It's been so long since you came to see me! Now that you're here, I would like to see you in person up close!" My eyes widen when the empress dowager placed both hands on the concubine's cheek and squeezed it. "You've become such an unfilial daughter to me! It's been months since you come to visit this old woman. I missed you, my dear Rochelle." I watched as the empress dowager hugged the concubine with full force. "Lucky for you that your princes often comes to visit me with the princess. If not, I would be dead because of boredom. Now, come and let's have some tea together. We have a lot of catching up to do." I bow my head low as the concubine, and empress dowager went to the lounge. "Now, the waiting game begins." I was surprised to hear Elias the butler said. When did he- I didn't even know that the butler is standing beside me. "Elias! You scared me!" I tried to calm my heart. "Her highness often avoided coming here for fear that the empress might use this visit against her in the future but since the sisters from the harem seek for help, her highness couldn't let this matter go without proper justification. Sometimes I do wish for her highness to think about herself more than others." Elias, the butler sighed. "Why didn't her highness becomes the empress? It's clear as day that our lady is doing the empress's-," Elias the butler quickly places his hand on my mouth when the servants who work at the empress dowager's palace appeared out of nowhere. "Concubine Rochelle wish for her maid to be by her side. Please follow me." Elias nodded before I followed the proud-looking maid towards the lounging area where the empress dowager and milady is at. "There are some rules in this palace that all servants have to follow. Even if the concubine favours you, it doesn't change the fact that this is the empress dowager palace." I listened tentatively. "To survive in the palace, you have to learn how to conduct yourself and keep your mouth shut from talking behind your master's back. Luckily butler Elias was quick-witted to cover your mouth before you said something scandalous." I- I'm just that curious to why her highness didn't become the empress. That is all. But this servant has a point. Who am I to question my master's decision and past. "Gloria, please prepare your delicious rose tea- the one you served me every day for the empress dowager." I bowed at the concubine and went to the kitchen. As I was preparing the tea, I couldn't help but feel uneasy since the palace maids seem to be on my tail. "I'm sorry. Did I do something that offends everyone?" I asked while I wait for the water to boil to a perfect temperature. "No. But the evil-," the young maid immediately cleared her throat. "I mean Lady Rochelle just praise someone's tea! That never happened before. As servants who had served the royal family way before you did, we're just curious." Ah, I see it now. They're curious about how I became the mistress's maid. "All I did was following Miss Rebecca's instructions and went to the Rochella Palace. I wasn't aware that I have to serve the concubine." I turned to face the stove when I heard the kettle whistling. "It was miss Rebecca who assigned you to the Rochella Palace? How did the concubine treat you?" I shrugged when I pour the hot boiling water into the teapot. "Her highness treated me like any other master. Concubine Rochelle is kind and compassionate. Sometimes she even works until the next morning to make sure that this country won't suffer." I smiled at the servants before excusing myself. When I arrived at the lounge, my mistress and the empress dowager seems to be in a deep conversation with each other. "That evil empress! How dare that rogue woman disrupts the peace within this palace! How did Alfonso handle this matter? That boy- ever since he becomes the emperor, he seldom visits me! Such an unfilial son." I served the rose tea for the two. "Your highness, please quell your anger. The emperor must be busy with state affairs. Don't let your health deteriorates because of that useless man." My eyes widened when her highness called the emperor 'useless' in front of the empress dowager. "I don't think the word 'useless' describe my son. More like a lovesick man." Her highness chuckled at the empress dowager's words. After serving the ladies, I went to stand beside the other servants and waited. "Hmmm, this tea has such taste that calms the heart. You've got yourself a brilliant maid, Rochelle." Her highness smiled. "The same thought came across my mind when I first taste the tea as well. Anyway, your majesty, to be honest, I have other matter to discuss with you. Do you have any time to spare for this lowly concubine?" The empress dowager shakes her head, no. "Why do you have to degrade yourself that much? Lowly concubine? I raise you myself after your parents died! You grew up and received the same education as the emperor! How dare you call yourself a lowly concubine! What if my other children heard what you just called yourself? They will be sad!" Her highness, concubine Rochelle chuckled. "Your majesty, I know where I stand in this palace. I am, after all, a mere concubine." The empress dowager hummed. "So, tell me. What is the reason for your sudden visit? I am all ears." I am at awe. I never thought it would be that easy to gain the empress dowager's interest. "It's about the empress and how she treated the young members of the harem-," *** It's almost time for my shift to end. Today has been one of those day where I just want to sleep after such a tiring day. I was just cleaning the utensil when I feel something tugging on my uniform. When I turned to the left, I saw prince Nazareth smiling at me. "Gloria, is mother resting in her chamber now? Does that mean you have nothing to do?" To be honest, I just want to go back to my dorm and rest but since the prince himself finds me in the kitchen, how can I say no? Even the other servants were surprise to see the prince sudden visit. "Prince Nazareth! You are not allow to be here! How did you manage to get inside the kitchen?" The prince seems speechless when he heard my high tone voice. "You- I- I want some milk and cookies for Solomon and Florence!" The prince blushed in a deep shade of red. "Please wait in your chamber, your highness. I will prepare your milk and cookies." I watched as the prince nodded and walked out from the kitchen. "Gloria! You're not going to live through the night! How dare you raise your voice to a prince!" One of the servants in the kitchen voice out. This woman has a point. I should control myself since I am not a teacher anymore. Oh no! Will I be punish for this? "There's even a rumour saying that the emperor would likely choose either prince Nazareth or Solomon to be the crown prince if the empress can't give the throne any male heir. You need to apologise to the prince!" I sighed. "I will." Even if the prince is just a child, he still holds power to my life. I can't recklessly yell at him or the other royal children like normal kids. They have higher status than I am. After preparing the milk and cookies, I went to prince Nazareth chamber. "Your highness, this is Gloria." I waited before opening the door. But before I could turned the knob, someone from the other side of the door open it for me. I smiled when princess Florence was the one who opened the door. "Your highness," the princess smiled back before letting me inside. "Oh, your highnesses. Are you having a sleepover?" The princes looked at each other before facing me. "Gloria, we need your help." Huh? I placed the tray on a table and waited for the princes to explained to why they need my help. "My help? For?" The princes started to talk at the same time which made me confused. When they finally stopped talking, I turned to the princess. "Basically they saw a maid get hit by one of emperor father's concubine. That maid is now in the care of Elias, fighting for her life." Okay. But isn't that normal here? The royals never regard any life other than their own kin. "So they want you to make sure the maid is alright and once she is capable of working again, they want to hire the maid to work under them." The princess continued. Wait, huh?! "So in other words your highnesses wants me to go to the infirmary and find out what is going on?" They all nodded. But why me? "Why didn't you confront Elias about it?" The princes looked at each other before replying to me. "Elias reminds us of our mother. And mother will never agree to this because our plan will disrupt the peace between us." Ah, I see. Well, since the princes personally asked for my help, I have no other choice but to say yes. "Alright." I smiled. "Now, here is your milk and cookies, your highnesses. Please don't forget to have a good night of sleep after this." The princes and princess thanked me for agreeing to their request. After the princes and princess had their milk and cookies, I excuse myself. "You will get into trouble for this. Servants aren't suppose to meddle in anything related to the harem. It's the master's choice to abuse us servants. We are nothing but at their disposal." I was surprised to hear that coming from the nanny. "I know. But, to know that someone really care for you is another thing. The princes clearly saw what the concubine did and they didn't care regardless of what will happen. I will do whatever I can to aid them." The nanny sighed. "Alright. But don't say I didn't warned you." I smiled before walking towards the kitchen. "Gloria? Why are you still here? I thought your shift ends hours ago." I bowed when I came across the concubine. "Your highness, I was just came back from the princes room. They requested for milk and cookies." "Oh, okay. But, what's wrong?" I was confused. "Pardon, milady?" The concubine puts on her shawl before walking towards me. "Your face tells me that there is something going on. What happened?" I- how did this woman know?! I can't disclosed this to the concubine. The princes will get into trouble. "Lady Rochelle, the emperor is here." At that moment, I just saw how quickly her soft glance turned to daggers. "Why is the emperor here?! I thought I told him to never come here if he still thinks that it's okay to sacrifice the people of this country for his wife!" I bow upon seeing the emperor walking towards us. "Oh, where are you going?" How can the emperor be this clueless?! The concubine is clearly not happy seeing him here. "Alfonso, have you forgotten our deal?" The emperor shake his head no. "I'm here for work purposes." The emperor smiled at me. "Please prepare some rose tea for us." But- "Yes, your highness." The emperor smiled at the concubine. "Let's go to my study." The emperor nodded and followed the concubine from behind. It seems I just have to work overtime tonight.
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