Friends Everywhere

1481 Words
    I walked over to the group of the 3 girls and the 1 guy ripping of my bandage to show them the marks underneath. One of the girls opened their mouths, I think to apologize I stopped her before any of them could really say anything. In barely a whisper "I can talk but if you actually cared then you would have noticed that I had a bandage around my neck I was wounded when I was shoved out o my carriage so I apologize if I was unable to accommodate you while I was healing. I turned around in a huff and then I started to storm away, I think Jack saw e then he went to stop me from running, all he did was step in front of me and then he put his hands up and stopped me then asked "Where are you going little one?" again in barely a whisper "I am done with all these neanderthals they think that just because I didn't speak to them for a few days they can just be jerks. I hate that everywhere I go I a the black sheep." he looked at me with some concern in his eyes and I just stared right back, he then looked away I stormed off into the woods that was near where we had set up camp for the night. I heard a rustling in the bushes behind me and as I turned around I found that one ringleader boy that was laughing and making fun of me earlier. "Hey, I am sorry about everyone and everything that was said about you, but you never talked to us so we just automatically just thought the worst. The last person that we let into our little troupe it didn't really end all that well and all of the teens here are very scared to trust someone again." I whispered back, "Well, it doesn't look like you or your friends weren't even going to give me a chance. It looked like you already had me pegged as the bad guy before you even got to know me. I don't know what that person did to yo in the past, but the fact that I was on the side of the road is no laughing matter, I don't know what I can do for you guys to trust me if I can even get you guys to trust me. In all honesty I don't like being here, I have no memories of who I am or what I was doing on the side of the road. I don't know if it was an accident or if it was on purpose." tears start threatening to come out. "I have no answers so how could I answer you if everything is black?" he looked at me weird then realized that I was trying to hold back a sob. I turned away in attempt to shield my face from being seen by this jerk. "My name is Henry, it's nice to meet you officially and not as the jerk that you think that I am and that I was acting like." I giggled a little bit but then a sob that has been built up over the last couple of days escaped. It was like I couldn't exactly hold it back anymore I just couldn't. I needed to get it out and if I didn't know that once I started I wouldn't be able to stop for a while. I broke down and knelt down on the ground hoping that nothing would happen but then Henry knelt down and tried to bring me into a hug. Please note that he did try, but I just couldn't let him touch me. Every time I have had any kind of man come towards me I just can't let them touch me I feel so weak that it is getting to me, but I also have to think that deep in my mind and not just my own. When Henry got too close for comfort I slapped his hand away and that got me to stop crying for the split second that I needed in order to collect my composure. I looked at him with an apologetic look in my eyes, he looked down. I take my hand and forced it to touch his cheek to lift his head to meet my eyes, surprised at the action he stared at me with wide eyes After a few minutes my hand was trembling, he moved his head away from my hand and I let out a breath that I didn't even realize that I was holding in. Henry stood up and then help out a hand on order to help me up. When I looked up at him I didn't know what to do, with a shaking hand which shocked him as much as it shocked me. When we walked out of the woods that we were in his friends walked up to him and started to try and hurt me. One girl said "Why are you with that filth?" Henry glared at the girls that were giggling, they immediately stopped "She IS NOT FILTH. I don't know what gives yo the right to call her that." he practically shouted. "It's alright I can't do anything about what they think. Hi, I would tell you my name but I don't know my name I have no memories. I would also talk a little louder, but the neck injury makes if hard to talk at this time. I apologize if I offended you because of my lack of memories and my severe injury that rendered me unable to speak to anyone until today." I whispered and smirked at everyone that had their jaws wide open. However, Jack in the corner of m eyes just clapped to get everyone's attention. "Okay, now that we know that you need a name we need to start thinking about one for you." "I think that Darci would be perfect for her. She is strong and determined." Some people just cheered and wooed everywhere in the camp. A creepy guy walked up behind me, I don't really trust him completely but I would have to learn to live it if I want to live with these amazing people. Hopefully Henry saw that the guy was getting too close for comfort for me so he got in between him and me to try and cut off the guy and it worked at that time I don't know how many more times that will work I should just try and overcome this fear o men I think that I can do that if I really try. I walked up to Jack and I spread my arms wide open. "Can I have a hug please Jack?" he slowly walked up to me and knelt down to eye level with me and then he stretched his arms wide in order to give me a big ol' bear hug. I slowly walked up and wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I can stand if if it's jack but I can't just ignore the nagging memory that wants to break free and I almost let it take over me but all that happens is that I start to tremble uncontrollably Jack realized what was happening and he let go of me in time before I ended up fainting in his big warm embrace. Not that it would've been a big deal he would have carried me back to the carriage. I ended up just walking over to Jenny and hugged her too. "I would like to stay if you would not mind having me?" Jenny smiled at me and then proceeded to shout at the top of her lungs. "What do you say if Miss Darci joins our group?" I noticed that the first few to shout is Jack, Henry, and the creepy guy that I saw earlier. After that slowly one by one the other 15 or so people shouted the only ones that didn't do anything were those girls. I don't know if it was because of the fact that Henry snapped at them for me or that I was liked because of the fact that I stood up to them and others just wooed along. I turned and started to walk back to the carriage and I was followed by Henry and Jenny. "Darling, do you think that you could try eating today? I haven't seen you eat since you joined us yesterday." without thinking I turned to see what Henry's reaction would be, the loo on his face said it all and then some. His face had so much written on it that I can't tell you lovelies about all of it this chapter I will see you next time.
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