Chapter 1-2

536 Words
The ride home was one Chase hadn’t taken in over four years. His chest tightened. Avoiding coming home was something he had to do. He had his plan, and he had to stick with it. Being near his family, close to all the memories, would have had him faltering. And that wasn’t an option. Not if he was to achieve his ultimate goal—a life with Liam where they both got to live their dreams. He turned down his parents’ road. The houses appeared the same as when he left; the only changes were a fence here and there, and more toys in the front yards of the other houses than he’d remembered. Last time he spoke to his mom, she’d mentioned a lot more families had moved into the neighborhood. As he continued to drive further down the block, Chase was surprised to see all the cars parked along the curb. One of the neighbors must be having a party. I hope Mom and Dad are at home. He drove closer to the house and saw a cluster of cars in his driveway. “Fuck.” Seems his parents were hosting the party. Just what he didn’t need—to walk into the house to see a crowd instead of just two of the people he missed most in the world. He gave half a thought to driving away and heading to a hotel until the party was over. He washed that thought away as quick as it came; the visit was already short, and he refused to cut it any shorter. Then he replaced the idea with another; maybe he’d go find Liam, see him first. Chase’s stomach fluttered. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to face the man yet. He wasn’t sure if his speech was in perfect order yet. Chase’s decision made, he found an open spot in front of a neighbor’s house and pulled over to the curb. He got out of the car, opened the trunk, and grabbed his bag. Chase stood at the curb staring at his house. He took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves. It wasn’t the ideal situation, walking into a house full of people, but it would have to do. He’d spend a little time with the group, find out when everyone was leaving, then go out in search of Liam, coming back when everyone was gone. Hopefully with Liam at his side. Chase walked across the lawn to the house. Adrenaline rushed through him, making his entire body vibrate. Once on the porch, he debated about whether to knock. There were a barrage of voices echoing from the back yard. No one will hear me coming in. He opened the door and walked into the house, surprised to find it empty and void of any noises. The familiar smell of home washed over him, bringing with it a warmth to his soul. He put his bag down, feeling odd to be in the house with no one knowing—even though it was technically still his house. He headed toward the kitchen when he heard a familiar voice. One he hadn’t been expecting. He stopped short. His heartbeat raced. The voice got closer. He peered at the door. I don’t think I’m ready for this. When he tried to move, he found himself frozen in place in the hallway.
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