
The Forever Kind of Love

second chance

"You never forget your first love ... especially when they cause you pain. Chase thought he was doing the right thing when he left Liam years earlier, but when he finds out he was wrong, it might be too late. The trust they once shared may be past the point of repair.

The Forever Kind Of Love is a story of second chances that asks the question -- is a good reason enough to wash away the years of hurt it caused? Chase comes home from the military ready to start his life with Liam. But he discovers Liam’s life has already started without him. Is there a place for him in it? Is the possibility of more pain worth the risk for Liam?

If that isn’t hard enough, they only have the week Chase is on leave to come to terms with their future. Can they find forever in seven days?"

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Chapter 1-1
The Forever Kind of Love By LA Bryce Chase had been traveling for over eighteen hours. He traveled through twelve time zones and counting, and had pains on parts of his body he’d forgotten he had. Regardless, he remained awake and staring out the plane’s window into the predawn sky. His stomach turned and adrenaline buzzed through his veins. He was half-excited and half-nervous to be heading home. Just the thought of seeing everyone caused his heartbeat to race and his patience to wane. And even though his two weeks could be cut short by a call back to the base at a moment’s notice, that reality didn’t diminish his enthusiasm. Chase glanced around the airplane. Most passengers were asleep. Even though the flight from California wasn’t technically a red eye, Chase’s eyes would have a nice pink hue to them once they touched down in New York. He peered at the man sitting next to him, John, as he’d introduced himself earlier, sleeping as if he lay in a comfortable bed. John let out a snore. Chase wasn’t surprised. The man had been noisy when awake, why should Chase expect him to be quiet when he slept? Chase leaned forward trying to stretch out with what little room he had. He’d been lucky enough to secure a seat on the exit row, which offered him a little extra legroom. But at six foot four, sitting in any economy seat did not make for a comfortable ride. From the seat next to him came another exhale, another snort. Yeah, this flight is going to whiz by. Not. Chase closed his eyes, and an image formed in his head. It was Liam, the last time Chase had seen him, four years ago. Liam’s hair was long enough for him to always have that just got out of bed after having mind-altering s*x look. And his dark-chocolate eyes lit up whenever he spoke. Chase missed him so much. And now it was time to finally go home and get his man. What if after all this time Liam doesn’t want to be my man? Bile burned the back of Chase’s throat. Or what if Liam’s already someone else’s? Chase wouldn’t even consider it. He took a sip of his drink, washing the harsh taste from his mouth. He and Liam were meant to be—he’d never doubted that before, and wouldn’t start right then. Chase closed his eyes again. This time he focused on the blackness, much like he did when on a mission and he needed to catch up on sleep. Even if his rest only lasted for an hour, it’d make the flight move faster. Tuning out the man next to him moved him a step closer to slumber. But when the guy started to cough, all Chase’s relaxation washed out the window. He opened his eyes to see the man next to him awake, red faced, and blowing his nose into a tissue. “Sorry, I woke you.” “It’s okay. Just resting my eyes.” “It’s this darn air. It’s so dry. It always affects me this way.” “It’s all good.” Chase said. Thoughts of Liam would have kept him from getting any real sleep anyway. “You’re military?” Is it the hair, or are the outlines of my dog tags showing? Chase wasn’t sure if the man’s words were a question or a statement. “Yes, sir.” He confirmed it either way. “Which branch?” “Navy.” Chase didn’t always like talking about his time in the Navy. Some civilians had strange questions and attitudes that didn’t always make for a comfortable conversation. “My nephew is in the Marines. He’s over at Paris Island.” Chase let out the breath he was holding. At least it would be a positive conversation. “That’s great.” “Yeah. He’s my sister’s oldest, and the entire family is proud of him. He wanted to join since he was fourteen.” “I don’t remember how old I was. It was just something I always wanted.” The attendant asked Chase and John if they wanted anything more to drink, as breakfast service would be starting soon. Chase took a water and his new friend a cola. Guess he’s not going back to sleep. “How long have you been in? If you don’t mind me asking.” “Just finished up my first four years, and I have at least four more.” “Married?” John asked. Chase couldn’t stop the smile that crossed his face. “Not yet. Hopefully soon.” “Having someone close to you would probably make it so much easier. The confidence and strength my husband gives me, gets me through every day, and I’m just an accountant. Having that type of support while in the military is probably a godsend.” Chase again let out the breath he was holding, and his body relaxed. Having the man out himself to a total stranger without a second thought was one of the bravest things Chase had ever witnessed. Even at his size, it would be something Chase might be hesitant to do. Chase looked forward to their conversation. “Just thoughts of Liam keep me going.” “So where is Liam? Is he also serving?” “Nope. Heading to see him now.” Warmth radiated through Chase’s body. “He doesn’t know I’m coming.” “What a great surprise.” “I hope so.” God, I hope so. The attendant was back. “Can I get you all something for breakfast?” Too wound up, Chase was just about to say no thank you, when John interrupted and said, “Chase, I’d like to buy you breakfast. It’s the least I can do to say thank you for all you’ve done for our country.” Chase’s face warmed and he said, “Thank you. That’s not necessary.” “It’d be my honor.” “Thank you.” Chase peered at the card the flight attendant handed him. After a few seconds, he pointed to his choice. “Thank you,” he said to the attendant, then he turned to John and said, “Thank you,” again. For the rest of the flight, the two ate and talked about California. Even though Chase was stationed at Coronado, he hadn’t really traveled the rest of the state. John filled him in on all the places he and Liam should visit. When it was time to get off the plane, Chase was surprised to find some of the other passengers, who must have overheard his and John’s conversation, set up a greeting line waiting to shake his hand as he de-boarded the plane. To receive such a reminder of whom he fought for always warmed Chase from the inside out. As the crowd dissipated, he walked toward the baggage claim to grab his bag, then he headed to the rental car desk. The line for the company he was renting from was noticeably shorter than the others. Hope that’s not a sign of the car I’ll be getting. When he made it out to the parking garage, he was happy to see a black late model sedan instead of a rusted jalopy that he half expected. He put his bag in the trunk, got in, and started the car. All that remained was the three-hour drive to his parents’ house. His butt started to drag, but adrenaline and excitement kept him going.

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